Category Archives: Real Life

[Real Life] Seriously, eHarmony is a Waste of Money

So this is a real life rant.  I know I don’t post very often, but I really wanted to share this.

After 9 months on eHarmony, and getting past the initial stuff once, I think I can say it was a complete waste of money.

Once I was on the pay as you go schedule, I would get a lot of nothing during most of the month, followed by a large number of matches right as my account came up for renewal.

That’s how they get you.  You get distracted with 5 profiles to check through and suddenly you forget to cancel.

One or two might start sending you messages.  These will stop a day or two after you have to pay for the service.

When I was on a multi-month subscription, the same thing happened – lots of nothing for weeks, maybe 1 or 2 people, then right as renewal hit, bam, lots of matches.

Now my settings were not terrible.  I did have a few things that I wanted – no one morbidly obese was one.  Most people are just not honest with themselves.  I’ve seen some of the fattest people put down as one thing they are good at “staying in shape”.

I was also somewhat picky as I wanted people who had never been married before and no kids.  One person listed as something they were most happy about as “my divorce”.

In 9 months, no one returned my hellos.  I had 4 people send a request for a photo when I clearly had 4 posted.

I’m sure everyone knows one person who had success on eHarmony, which is probably how they keep going.  I too know 1 person.  1, and only 1.  Of the people I talk to who have tried eHarmony, we are about 1 out of 25.  Seriously, 4% success rate.

In my opinion, I should have just gone to a bar and ordered a couple drinks every week.  It would have been cheaper and I would have at least enjoyed the money.

In short, 225 matches.  Lost track of how many I sent initial questions/received them from, 3 answered those questions, 1 made it to open communication.





And We’re Back(ish) (maybe)

Well, I’m having trouble sleeping and decided to make this post.

After my last post about being off for a month, temptation got the best of me and I signed up for a 14-day trial.


I can admit that there have been many changes since I last really paid attention, and most of them have been for the better.  In only a few days I’m already level 14 and have my subjob items.  My gear is still total crap, as it took just about all of the money I had managed to accumulate (a vast sum of 7K) to buy the basic armor.  Oh and I accidentally found a check box in the config which will disable your sound.  And then I somehow unchecked this box.

I’m playing with some people who I got to know from WoW.  I have to admit, this is the first time in a while I’ve really said that I need to go reactivate Pyra now.

At the same time, its quite sad that my friend from WoW (who is a THF in FFXI) far outgears my own THF, even though he had stopped playing a year or so before I did.  They are quite a good group of people.  Maybe I can convince them to move to Caitsith.

It is, however, disappointing that the friend to whom I loaned my WHM account to has decided to sell some of my old items and keep the money.  The account was loaned so he could PL himself and run a salvage group with 1 less person.  He was also free to use the crafting skills or use the character to farm with as much as he wanted.  I don’t even mind that he made money in the server transfer (our original deal was that he could transfer the account to his server, but would pay to transfer it to a server of my choosing when I took the account back).  But not to sell the items and keep the money, at least not yet.  Especially when he asked me if he could sell it and I said ‘no’.  At least he didn’t unsign my gear.

It really was my fault.  I knew how he is and I let him use the account anyway.  Oh well, if all I lose out of this is a few items I wasn’t really using even when I still played, I’m doing well, and in reality, all I know for sure that he sold was my Uggalepih Pendant (which is worth 700K on Diabolos and only 480K on Caitsith) and some misc crafting materials that I wasn’t able to sell.

A Month Away From All MMO’s

Its been about a month since I had an active MMO account at all, and about 6 1/2 months since I had an active FFXI account.

The best word to describe this is Freeing. I started feeling like I had to login every day to work on my character, and upset if I couldn’t make any progress. My feelings on FFXI are fairly clearly posted last August. It is also my most linked to post on this blog. With 2 outside links. Wooo.

The truth is, part of me really misses much of the games. But I do miss FFXI more than WoW. Had I never moved to Caitsith or discovered the AI linkshell on Diabolos, I doubt this would be the case. My experience up until that point, especially end game, was very negative.

But it is true that after a while you really only remember the good times and forget the bad. It was not all good times, and the horrible drop rates in events like Limbus and sky and other non-dynamis things are what really keeps me from coming back right now. Also the somewhat frustrating mistake I made nearly 5 years ago now when I made my first account. I have many times I wish I had all of the gear on just 1 account, but there were times when having 2 accounts also had its advantage. Given the chance, I’d merge them onto Pyra. But I know this would never happen. I could re-level some of the jobs, but the thought of trying to get another yinyang robe just makes me cringe.

Then there are the non-instanced events. It is so insanely idiotic that these haven’t been instanced at this point, I really have no words for it. If I came back, I also don’t look forward to the Nyzul grind for my new WSes and gear. My disk is still on floor 1, and getting help with that would not be fun. I haven’t even purchased the Crystaline Cut Scene yet either. Its not about the gear, just the frustration factor that comes from the huge effort to get anything done in FFXI. It was something I did not miss during my time in WoW.

Not that it matters much for the next few months, my schedule wouldn’t allow me to do much of anything. And my gear and other supplies are spread across several servers at this point, and a friend is abusing my WHM account for farming up a few mil in a few days.

Edit: I put this into “Real Life”, then didn’t include much from my Real Life.

I bought a new camera a few months ago, a Nikon D300 if you care, and have put about 3000 pictures across it already — considering I used to average 1500/year, that’s a lot.

Since I quit FFXI, I’ve lost about 23 lbs. Which is probably only about half way back to my pre-FFXI levels.

I also get a lot more sleep than I used to get, which is never a bad thing :).

Still Alive, But Working on Other Things

I’m still here. I still check my comments and the blog that I loved writing for so long. It is sad that there isn’t much here in the past few months.

I have, however, started a new blog. But it isn’t for a video game character, it is for me. One of the things I loved for so long was photography. And I have years worth of images that have not been sorted, mostly due to spending too much time playing video games.

So I’m restarting my photo blog. And finally using this domain for what I bought it for, displaying my photos.

Please check out the SDO Photo Blog. “Sphericality” was a name I came up with in college… while drunk I think. I found it somewhat creative, but have never been fully comfortable with the name. It is based on “Sphere of Influence”, of which the domain was taken. I call it “Photography in Plain English”, which was somewhat inspired by something a friend of mine said at work recently. “I like reading your blurbs about how you made the image”.

Maybe I’ll update it regularly this time.

If photography isn’t your thing, well, I can respect that. I thank you for reading my ramblings, looking at my screenshots, and listening to my thoughts over the past few years.

All the best-

Closing Down Shop

Since I haven’t had a real post in about 2 months now, and no one visits anymore, it is a good time to shut this all down.

As some know, I quit FFXI at the end of December. While I’m sure many will accuse me of quitting due to the so-called ‘blood price nerf’, this is not the case. If you scroll down 2 entries you can see where I basically announced that I would be quitting at the end of December. This was posted in early November, about a month before the nerf in question.

I am, however, glad that I was able to stop playing on my own terms.

Sadly, my computer died a few days before Christmas, and my account ran out before I could log back on, so my characters now have about 2 mil that will go to waste. I am also quite sad that I wasn’t able to say farewell to a few friends. Such is life, I suppose.

I played this game for nearly 4 and a half years. I started July 7, 2004. I don’t regret playing one bit, it was a lot of fun.

The one thing I do regret is that 2 of my 3 most treasured items will not live on. I did have some expensive toys, but they did not have the meaning of two very special items. Since my computer is still dead, I have lost access to my old screenshots, but here is what they are:

A NQ Scorpion Harness, signed by Radool. Radool was a good friend. I managed to come into some money from a lucky Under Observation run, and he was kind enough to sign my Scorp Harness for me. It is one of my favorite items of all time, I only wish I was able to tell him this.

The second item is a NQ Noble’s Tunic, signed by Chumley. Chumley was one of those people who you just wish you were. No, not because he was loaded up with gear or whatnot, but because he was probably one of the most sincere, nice, and honest players you could ever want to know.

The third item will live on. This is a HQ chocobo tunic signed by Ata. I was making some for my mules one time and this accidentally HQ’d. I kept it for a while, but gave it to my old friend Wolfreign before I left Diabolos. As far as I know, he still has it. I really hope he does, as it is one of the few items I ever managed to HQ.

Beyond that, I do wish I had a chance to give away some other items. My Thief’s dagger collection could be put to good use without me, and some of the Monk, White Mage, and Summoner non-ex gear would absolutely be put to better use than sitting on a canceled account.

Do I think I’ll be back? Who knows. As we all know, the future is far from certain. In the mean time, I’m going to place this blog into a read-only mode. It will still be here, but new comments will be shut off shortly and the files and database made read-only. I’m also planning on actually using this domain for what I had intended when I purchased it — a place for my photos.

Other than that, I didn’t quit WoW. They kept giving me free time, so I kept playing, and got re-hooked. I’m having fun, which is what is important. I don’t have a new blog for the WoW character, and I may not make one.

Time will tell.

Merry Christmas!

Enjoy (couldn’t find the uncensored version, sorry)

Impeach Obama

Might as well get everything started now. He is not my president. I didn’t vote for him, I will NEVER consider him legitimate.

I’m tired of hearing about how this is all about race. But fine, then the ‘N-word’ is the best way to describe Obama, and how I will refer to it.

Obama is a clueless idiot. He is not a hero, he is not some great figure. He is an idiot, and under him, everything will get worse.

I am going to laugh. The Rev. Wright, who he spoke out against when it looked ‘bad’ for him, is now addressing everyone at his rally in Chicago. This regime of terror begins with a lie. It can only go down from here.

How does one apply for refugee status? I have a feeling we’re going to need it soon.

1/21/13. Countdown begins.

In Light of Recent Events, No More Politics Here — After This Post

Due to what is sure to offend far too many people, I’ve decided not to continue the Pyra vs Syd ‘election’.

For anyone curious, here is how it would have played out.  Most people will be offended.  Don’t read on if you are easily offended.  If you do read on, don’t complain to me :).  The whole thing was basically designed to poke fun of the political process, and also (here’s the important part) to offend everyone.

In an effort to keep this from an all out debate in my comments, I will turn them off if they get out of hand.

Continue reading

A Look at the Candidates: Sydonia

Sydonia is a fairly new resident of Silvermoon City, and is running for president.

Sydonia is a relative newcomer to the life of politics, a spell caster, who has lived on Crushridge for her entire life.

Sydonia went, in a matter of weeks, from a newbie to an officer of her guild.

For a candidate who has not been corrupted by years of visits from lobbyists and others who want special favors, Sydonia is the candidate for you.

This message brought to you by Sydonia for President. My name is Sydonia and I approve this message.

A Look at the Candidates: Pyra

Pyra is a long time resident of Windurst, and is running for president.

Pyra is a very experienced melee, originally from the Diabolos server, who now resides on the Caitsith server.

Pyra has run many successful linkshells, and when not a leader, has excelled as a member who can be counted on when needed for any task.

For a candidate with strong leadership skills and a long history of success, Pyra is your candidate for president.

This message brought to you by Pyra for President. My name is Pyra and I approve this message.