Monthly Archives: August 2009

Revisiting the Past

I was discussing some things on the FF Wiki forums today and the discussion about the Crags came up.

Some people were saying that they have always had the shattered telepoint and the portal, or nothing was there before.

I disagreed, but had nothing to back up this claim.  So I went searching.

Sadly, when CoP was released I was still a newbie.  It has been nearly 5 years since the expansion, and way back then, I didn’t take a lot of screenshots.

What I did find, however, was my earliest screenshots.  Complete with an absence of proof that there ever was ‘something’ where there is now the entrance to sea or the entrance to the hall of transference.

This is the first screenshot I can find.


This is the first image I can find.

Sadly, it from the SE screenshot maker and the quality is low.  The file name suggests Aug 15, 2004, which is a full month before the CoP release.  I think you can faintly see a telecrystal on the pad.  But it is far too difficult to make out.  But there is ‘something’ there.

In the sense of curiosity, I went to find this place.  5 years later.

This is what I found.


Or so I thought.  It is close, but this is the west side of the crag.  I thought this was the right spot due to the ground markings, but I was wrong.

The real spot is here.


And it took me an hour to find this place.

This is the North side of the crag.  Which is still a telepoint today.  Which neither proves, nor disproves what I was going for.

If anything, it just shows how little does change over the years.


Improving Your Screen Shots (part 2)

In our last lesson, we talked about what file format to work with and why, as well as some other general items of interest.

Today, we’re going to talk about cropping and screen aspect ratios.

If you have an older style monitor, you want to stick with the default of 4:3.

Somewhere around 2004-2005, monitor makers realized that widescreen would give a larger number in inches, while giving a smaller number of pixels (so they can charge more for less).

Generally speaking, these are in a ratio of 16:9 or 16:10.

To figure this out, take your screen’s resolution and divide it out.  For example, my monitor is 1920×1200.  1920/16 = 120.  120 x 10 = 1200, so my monitor is 16:10, and that is what I should be using.

Aspect ratio is hidden in Config –> Misc 2.

Lets look at the effect this has.

16:10 (correct for my screen)


16:9 (close, but not quite right)


4:3 (default)


Hang on, lets take a closer look at the 4:3.


That is an overly fat taru.  Especially considering it should look like this:


Aspect ratio does make a big difference.

The second lesson for today is to crop your screenshots.

There is no excuse.  The GIMP is free and available for every platform, and Paint.NET is free and an excellent light weight photo editor for Windows.  No excuses at all.

For the most part, I don’t care about your chat log or your health bar.  I don’t care about the menu, your TP, the top bar, or the meter that shows up when you are in battle.  This doesn’t include the windower stuff that I mentioned already that I don’t care about.

So please, crop and resize your images (in that order).

The final tip for today is to check your color settings.

Far too often I’ve seen what looks like it must be a monitor out of calibration, that gets compensated for via the video card’s control panel.  What this does is creates an image that is very dark or very light to others, but looks normal to you.

If your video card puts out a dark image, and your monitor is set to display too bright, it looks fine to you, bur dark to everyone else.  And the reverse is true.

Your best bet is really to double check with a factory-installed version of Windows.  These are generally fairly close to good.

When in doubt, reset your video card control panel to default, then adjust your monitor accordingly.  (I am guilty of this sometimes too)

However, this isn’t always bad.  So be careful of ruining something that would be good.

Generally speaking (and this is the photographer in me) a slightly darker image is better than one that is slightly lighter.  There is a reason that many photographers will underexpose their images by 1/3rd-1/2 stops.  It is also easier to recover from an image that is a little too dark than one that has lost detail due to being too light.  Slightly darker looks fine.  In fact, it often produces a more comfortable image (or if you’d prefer, a warmer image).

Part 3 coming at some point shortly.  I’ll finally talk about content.  If it goes long, I’ll make a part 4.

Improving Your Screen Shots (part 1)

Hello class, today we will talk about how to take better screenshots for posting on your blog.

Now, I come at this as a photographer, so in theory, I know a little bit about taking pictures.

The first thing to understand is this – different file types are designed for different things.

It is true, not all image types are intended, or best, for all types of images.

For starters, the .GIF is terrible for photos.  It is.  Thankfully, no one really uses them for photos anymore.  What they are good for is line-art, comics, and yes, screenshots from video games.  .GIF usually has really good results for game screenshots.

JPG is good for only photos.  That is what is was created for.  It sucks for in-game pictures.  Stop using it already.

BMP is an uncompressed format.  It takes a lossless image (depending on bit depth), but uses a lot of disk space.  It also cannot be displayed natively in a web browser.

PNG is a compromise format.  It handles both photos and line-art, but uses more space than either.  A photo saved in jpeg will be smaller than a photo saved to PNG, but will have the same image quality.  If you want proof, go see this link .  I posted a photo I made saved with different settings in photoshop as a jpeg as well as a png (the reason I am not reposting them here will be mentioned later).  The PNG is more than double the size of the JPG, but equally represents the image I was trying to recreate.

However, for in-game screenshots, PNG is the easiest to work with.  Since most blogs and forums do not get significant enough traffic, it will provide the best results.  In other words, stop using JPG for screenshots.

That’s the first lesson.

The second is very simple – stop showing all of your Windower data on your images.  That’s great, you can see all of the tp of your alliance and about how long until your buffs wear.  Joy.  IF you haven’t already, change this line in your init.txt

bind sysrq screenshot [file type]


bind sysrq screenshot png hide

Yeah, I’m saying to use PNG.  Do it.

The third lesson is a bit more subtle.  Resize your image.

That’s wonderful, you play at 1900×1200.  I do too.  If you post an image, I don’t need something huge.

If you pay attention, I generally resize everything to 500px wide max.  It fits this theme well.  Other themes may be more forgiving.  My old theme would look good with a 600px wide image.  Learn your theme, and resize nicely.  If you really need to post a full-sized (or larger than 600px wide image), display a small version and link it to a bigger one.

If Servers Were Cities

Last night, a friend and I were discussing which city best represents each server.

It started when discussing Quetz and my friend described it as the “Alabama of servers”.  I, being the smartass I am, asked “so what would be the Mississippi of servers?”, and without hesitation, he replied “Fairy”.

Which started a small discussion of which city represents each server.

Odin, it was determined was NYC.  Very popular place to be, lots of people.  Remora was therefore North Jersey.  They so badly want to be Odin (NYC) but, like the real Jersey, is where those not quite good enough for NYC end up.

We had a hard time trying to figure out where that would make Bahamut.  I suggested Boston, which was quickly responded to with “No, I like Boston”.  My friend suggested London.  I didn’t know how to respond to that, so we let it just sit.  London may have been due to my friend’s dislike of both London and the BG crowd.

Diabolos (my original server) is Detroit.  The place sucks like no other, but if that’s the only server you’ve been on, it doesn’t feel so bad.

Caitsith, as I described it, is “vacation”, especially after being on Diabolos for so long.

That wasn’t good enough, and my friend being a Caitsith native asked me why so many people were migrating from Diabolos to Caitsith.  I thought about it and realized that there were quite a few, although as far as I know, I was one of the first to move over.  It is almost trendy to move here now, especially from Diabolos.

So we came up with the best city where it is trendy to want to move to and the people are generally friendlier (than Detroit).  Our answer was Sydney.

As to the others?  Neither of us really had any experience with them, so I invite others to compare your server to a city and give a reason why.  You can even disagree with me, although your chances of changing my mind on Diabolos are small.


It All Began With a Cut Scene

Something mysterious flying around Jeuno.  A mysterious and powerful kid who talks as “???”.  Possibly the end of the world as we know it.

CoP was great wasn’t it.

So great, we get to play parts of the story again.  Sort of.

A Crystalline Cut Scene

Having been away from the game, then on vacation, I’m only getting started on this mini-expansion now (as well as working on the various parts of the kupo desteak).

I think I spend $1 on this

The opening CS has a lot of things flying around.  From what I’ve seen so far, this crazy title was probably where $1 of my purchase price went.

One thing CoP didn’t have was a gawker who didn’t know when to shut his mouth.

Ok, you can close your mouth already

Seriously, go watch it again, he keeps his mouth open and his head shaking for a good 20-30 seconds longer than the rest of the people.

Then for some reason, Aldo is there.

Hi, I'm Aldo, I don't get any face time anymore, so I show up whenever I can

Holy foreshadowing batman.  At least Aldo keeps some of his composure.

We then had another special effect, which I’m also convinced was where $1 went to.

I probably also spent $1 on this effect

But unlike the first effect, this had a strange kid with too much power and knowledge.  Who pointed at my tail for a while.

Stop Starring at my Tail

Yes yes, it is a very nice tail.  Are you going to send me on some crazy mission like CoP 1-3?  Do I get to climb the inside of the crags in a strange and mysterious level capped zone?  No?  I get to go kill level 20 monsters in 3 widely separated areas for a few hours until I get a few items?

Then I get to the fun stuff?

But who are you?

who is young aldo?

And probably just as important, how did I figure out your name without you actually telling me?

Overall the ACP has been very easy, but far too much running around.

I really just want the item at the end.
