Tag Archives: Old Photos

Amazing Finds When You Aren’t Looking

I was trying to hunt down an old picture for someone, but instead ran across these and wanted to share.

One of my favorites was this one.  During the CoP Oruyu fight, my LS at the time did the 5 BLM + other person method.  I went as Thief for initial aggro, then just sat down under the dragon.


And an Oreo of a different sort.


Just as dead as I remember him.  This picture pre-dates his time in AI by about 6-8 months.  The galka Red Mage is Daddobyte.

Speaking of random Dynamis Pictures.  This one was taken shortly after I beat Monk Maat.  It looks like the LS is gathering for a Windy run.


That elf white mage looks so familiar though.

On the topic of my Monk Maat fight, it took me two tries to get the win.  My first test was farmed with the assistance of Pestilence, who I’m sure needs no introduction.

We decided to fight our way through the Yagudo High Priests to the top of that area they spawn in, above the ??? for the 60-Cap quest.



Ahh Pesty, you are one of a kind.

Proof that the Ro’Maeve Water drop doesn’t suck all the time (just most of the time).


And proof that SE needs proofreaders, not just babelfish.



And finally, my ancient gear.


I remember wearing that too.  And it all sucked.


Even More Old Photos from the Archive


My favorite Engrish name ever.

As a White Mage, I actually die a lot more than you’d expect.

I’ve been somewhat lucky in getting a couple "Moment of Impact" shots, both from dynamis.

Here you go.



I would not have done nearly as much in this game if it wasn’t for some of my friends.

One of the best of these friends, is Chumley, wherever he may be today.  I was introduced to him by a mutual friend at the time, who quit once he was deployed overseas.  Chumley was kind enough to sign my Noble’s Tunic.  The one before, and the one after mine both HQd.  I definitely would have preferred to wear a HQ one signed by Chum, but I will never sell this Noble’s.

This is for you Chum.


Another group of friend did the Windy Missions together when we all had breaks from our LSs in Oct 2005.

This is from the inside of the monastery in Davoi.


Dandelyon was also a good friend.  She too, quit the game, but her husband, Sprinkles, still plays.  The elf warrior on the left is Vaulaude.

My final two pictures are from Dragon’s Aery, and the exit back into Zitah.



Until next time.


Yet More Old Photos From the Archive


Few people know it, but I was one of the first to get Diabolos.  As soon as I got him, I went to play around.  A crowd gathered because everyone wanted to see what it could do. For the people who were there, this would be the first time any of them had seen Diabolos.


What people also do not know is how far back Stallion and I go.  He organized my first CoP static.  It died out after a couple weeks, but we still managed to get through a handful of missions.  This is one of the reasons I was happy to help him with the 8-3 and 8-4 battles.


While browsing for other pictures, I ran across this one.  Could that be?  Zencart?  This was me leveling my SMN in the high 60’s, probably in Bibiki Bay.


Sometimes the game messes up.  Thankfully, I was quick on the screenshotting 🙂

I’ve got one more entry in this series I’m working on.  It will be posted soonish.


Chat Lines that Amused me


Biggest waste of money ever.  Never used them, ended up selling them off for 50K.


Proof that sky doesn’t suck as much as everyone thinks it does.


LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.  If you get it, you get it.


Really?  "She" defeats.


Awwww Ayslain hates this game.  That’s why you got BANNED.


I hope no one actually bought that.


On the upside, I did get my O Kote, and I still have them.


Good marketing for V-Day.


From the Photo Archives

I’ve been taking screenshots in this game since about the time I started and found out what buttons to hit to take them.

I came across this old one today and wanted to post it.  Deergirl is my current Sandy mule, but at one point was my Windy mule.


Now, this might not be impressive, until you see the date — 2004.  This was taken late-summer 2004, and this White Mage already had AFv2 body.

For reference, most players I know had not started, or were only playing for about 6 months when this screenshot was taken.

I was running by this player, and I saw what looked like the normal AF body, but it didn’t quite look right.  And for some strange reason, it was a lvl 74 item.  It was not for a couple more months that I realized what it was I had seen.

At last check, Xyiliumy still played.

I saw her character much later.


I wish I could make faces like that in my /seacom.

More to come soon!
