Tag Archives: New Gear

Woot! Updates

So I’m still stuck at work, but I’m looking at the .dat mine on BG. So far, COOL!

Items I’m interested in (aside from event items, which are always fun and will give me a quick warp to the island where I can farm clots, if I ever do that again).

Hachiryu Haramaki (Body)
DEF:52 Accuracy+20 Attack+20 Critical hit rate +5% Enhances “Zanshin” effect
Set: Enhances “Store TP” effect

This is the first item I’ve seen that makes me want to put aside the Osode for my monk. 15 more accuracy and 15 more attack than osode. Will still keep it around, but might be time to sell it for a few weeks. Obviously, nothing beats osode for chi blasts, but some of the new things come close.

Enkidu’s Harness (Body)
DEF:50 STR+5 AGI+5 Accuracy+10 Attack+10 Evasion+5 “Subtle Blow”+5

This one looks interesting for my thf. Same accuracy as my main acc piece (Scorpion Harness), less Evasion, but, meh, its the Attack and Str, as well as the AGI that looks nice. Would also be an interesting item for my DNC, should I ever actually get my DNC that high (I’m sure I will, some day).

Avalon Breastplate (Body)
DEF:52 VIT+7 MND+7 CHR+7 Accuracy+13 Enmity+3 Magic damage taken -5%

Antares Harness (Body)
DEF:50 HP+15 DEX+8 AGI+8 Accuracy+8 Evasion+8

These two items look nice for any tanking I may end up doing as either Monk or Thief. The Antares Harness is just ‘wow’ for SA on Thief. The Avalon Breastplate would be nice for Avatar fights on Monk. Potentially, the Avalon is better for Dancing Edge with the CHR, and Enmity is always good for TA. If I ended up with an Enkidu’s and an Avalon (depending on how hard they are to get), I might have no reason to keep the Osode.

Ixion Cloak (Body)
Cannot Equip Headgear DEF:43 INT+13 MND+13 CHR+13 Magic Accuracy+5 Adds “Regen” and “Refresh” effect

Bet this falls from Ixion. Would be really neat for a white mage with all of that MND. For a whm/sch or sch/whm, wow this rocks (auto regen + regen will cancel out HP loss from Sublimation). Only thing it is missing is cure potency, which you can swap in a Noble’s for cure and Cleric’s for regen (which you should do anyway, even though I’m lazy and need an external macro editor badly).

Seihanshi Habaki (Feet)
DEF:13 STR+3 Enhances “Kick Attacks” effect
Lv. 68 MNK

Mostly because I’m curious how they compare to Dune boots. These look crafted since there is a NQ version.

Junhanshi Habaki (Feet)
DEF:12 STR+2 Enhances “Kick Attacks” effect
Lv. 68 MNK

NQ version of above. Please be leathercraft, please be leathercraft, please be leathercraft, please use griffon leather (so I can finally sell the 3 stacks I have of it). Leathercraft is like the Black Mage of crafting — everything we can do is trumped by someone else, and its been years since they’ve added a good, new, high level synth.

Enkidu’s Leggings (Feet)
DEF:23 DEX+3 AGI+3 Attack+4 Ranged Attack+4 “Subtle Blow”+2 Haste+2%

Mostly, these look quite nice for my THF, but I’d be willing to try 2% haste on my monk feet. I guess it depends on the way the new kick attacks JA works.

Hermes’ Sandals (Feet)
DEF:17 HP+12 Evasion+5 Enmity+3 Movement speed +12%

Um, yeah, I’ve bolded the only reason I care about these. There is also a +1 version, which will (hopefully) mean crafted. If materials are easy to get, woot!

Hachiryu Kote (Hands)
DEF:26 DEX+10 Accuracy+5 Enhances “Zanshin” effect
Set: Enhances “Store TP” effect

This would make a good acc piece on hands for my monk. Right now, I’m using Melee Gloves (attack +16, HP +3%). I believe this is more for 2Hers, but hey, acc+10 and lots of dex would be nice too. But, I do have over 110 dex in my normal TPing gear.

Enkidu’s Mittens (Hands)
DEF:24 STR+4 DEX+4 Accuracy+5 Ranged Accuracy+5 “Subtle Blow”+2

This would be for my thief. So far, this Enkidu’s looks nice. I’m using War Gloves +1 at the moment, and while I’d lose 1 acc, the 4 dex and 4 str more than make up for it.

Tanner’s Ring (Ring)
Leathercraft Success Rate +1% Cannot synthesize high quality items
Lv. 1 All Jobs

Maybe I’d finish leathercraft if I got this. Eh, probably not.

Roundel Earring (Earring)
DEF:1 “Cure” potency +5% “Waltz” potency +5%

Wow, although if they are EX, I’d need 2 of them eventually. One for my WHM, one for my DNC.

Hissho Hachimaki (Head)
DEF:22 Accuracy+8 Attack+8

Wow. A head piece too.

Karura Hachigane (Head)
DEF:20 Garuda: Perpetuation cost -2 Attack Bonus Defense Bonus
Lv. 73 SMN

*drool* No way this is a crafted item, the price would be through the roof.

Cuchulain’s Mantle (Back)
DEF:8 STR+4 DEX+4 Accuracy+5

Wow. This would make my THF very happy. MNK too. Side note, there was a Cuchulain on Diabolos who always had a neat name (or so I though). Spelling might be slightly different.

Ixion Cape (Back)
DEF:5 STR-5 DEX-5 VIT-5 AGI-5 INT+5 MND+5 CHR+5 Converts 20 HP to MP Enmity-2

Bet this is an Ixion drop too.

Ancient Torque (Neck)
DEX+4 Accuracy+9
Lv. 74 All Jobs

! That’s nice. Expect the PCC to drop in price soon.

Hachiryu Haidate (Pants)
DEF:42 STR+10 Attack+5 Enhances “Zanshin” effect Set: Enhances “Store TP” effect

Wow. This might put Byakko’s Haidate in a run for its money. The question is — 15 DEX and 5% haste vs 10 STR and 5 Attack. There was discussion before that the Pirate Pants (from the Talif quests) with 3 STR and 3% Haste might be better than Byakko’s Haidate. 10 STR might just put it over the top. So aside from when you need haste (tanking gods, soloing), and in something like a merrit party, does hitting harder, but a little slower win out over hitting faster.

Enkidu’s Subligar (Pants)
DEF:40 STR+4 DEX+4 “Store TP”+5 “Subtle Blow”+5

Uh, maybe. Depending on how hard this is to obtain, I would sell my Dragon Subligar for it (to combine gear for the eventual DNC)… but it wouldn’t compare to a Hecatomb Sub. So its kind of iffy if you ask me for my jobs (but for SAM and BLU, it looks very nice as a macro piece).

Oily Trousers (Pants)
DEF:35 DEX+5 AGI+5 Accuracy+5 Ranged Accuracy+5 Decreases movement speed

Replacement for Dusk pants? Not horrible, but not something I’d go out of my way to get. A small bit of acc over Homam pants, and a little DEX wouldn’t beat 3% haste. Maybe to replace a Dragon Subligar or the Enkidu’s subligar, but otherwise, meh.

Shlng. Baghnakhs (H2H)
DMG:+21 Delay:+51 STR+3 Accuracy+10 “Double Attack”+1% “Subtle Blow”+3
Lv. 71 MNK/PUP

This one caught me off guard. It is slightly slower than Destroyers (3 delay) but has higher base damage (by 3). Then the 3 STR and 10 Acc with 1% double attack. Do these 3 stats together work out better than 6% crit hits? Wow, destroyers may finally have something that almost beats them. Of course, this depends on price. Destroyers are free, if these are as much as the Hades Santi, then forget about it. Slightly better for 2 mil is not better.

Azoth (Dagger)
DMG:35 Delay:210 AGI+4 Accuracy+4 Evasion+4
Lv. 74 THF/DNC

Wait, what? A non-sucky dagger added for THF? This is 2 base damage less than the Perseus’s Harpe, with other stats that are decent too.

Zareehkl Jambiya (Dagger)
DMG:31 Delay:201 Evasion+5 Latent effect: DMG:36

Another non-sucky dagger added for thf? Aside from the Crit Hits, this might compare to the X’s Knife.

Trilling Dagger (Dagger)
DMG:28 Delay:186 Increases light elemental magic damage dealt Silence: Attack+10

A 3rd non-sucky dagger added for thf? What is up with this update… Ok this is the worst of the 3 daggers. Aside from the Att +10, it doesn’t really add much and is worse than a Misericorde +1, and about on-par with the NQ. However, a DNC can use it, which improves it greatly (DNC cannot use a Blau, or Misericorde).

Reacton Arm (Throwing)
Attack+10 Enhances “Mijin Gakure” effect
Lv. 70 NIN

I LOLd at this one.

Black Tathlum (Throwing)
DEX+1 Accuracy+4 Attack+4

Not too bad either.

The only other things that caught my eye were these

DMG:49 Delay:366 HP-10 INT+10 MND+10 CHR+10 Magic Accuracy+20

DMG:42 Delay:402 MP+20 “Magic Atk. Bonus”+25 MP recovered while healing +10

Both staffs. The reason is simple — For a RDM and BLM, these will replace an entire set of HQ staves. Look for prices to start to drop on all HQ staves very shortly (depending on how hard these are to obtain).

I look forward to these new items and spending years trying to get them *grin*. I hope they don’t suck like sky does, but it looks like Ixion might be the ‘boss’ of them all, with others being the stepping stones to get to him/her/it. I hope that the key here is ‘obtainable’, rather than everything else, which is just ‘annoying’.