Tag Archives: Karazhan

My First WoW Raid

And wow did I suck.  It was Karazhan, which is (sadly) one of the most basic of Burning Crusades (first WoW expansion, about 2 years old now) raids.

I knew going in I was undergeared a bit.  And I’ve never done any raids in WoW ever.  And it was the final boss.


It didn’t end too well.  Having never done the fight before, it wasn’t explained all that well, and ended badly.  I told them going in that I had never done the fight before, they just said stand near the one guy and cast spells.  I was too close at first, but after that, I kept close to him.  I doubt I’d be asked back, sadly though.

With the expansion coming shortly, there will be a ‘gear reset’, in that all of the best things at 70, will be mediocre by comparison to the worst stuff by 75-77.  So at 80, even the most basic of items will be better than anything currently available.

But it was still upsetting.  I was hoping I would have done better.

My damage was lower than I’d hoped too.  Sadly, the add-on reset of last week caused some of my spells to be un-findable too.

I don’t regret accepting the invite, but I don’t feel like I learned anything.  It probably didn’t help that the others in the group have probably been doing this for years.

For those of you in FF-land:  imagine a brand new black mage in Dynamis – Bastok.  The zone is easy, but someone who has never done a dynamis before will not handle themselves as well as someone who has been doing black mage in that zone for 3-5 years (or even as well as someone who only has a paladin).  It comes down to, I need experience with these things, but because I don’t have any experience, it is harder to get an invite.  I know that I should have around 1000 (or more) bonus damage to spells and around 25% spell crit chance.  I currently have 695 bonus damage and 12.57% Crit Chance.  Since most of my spells were doing about 750 (in the screenshot, is one of my spell crits.  Spell crits do double damage, and it hit for almost 1400 [the square brackets is the part of the spell that was resisted]), I need more damage (I also couldn’t pull hate, while I should be having trouble not pulling hate).  I was also one of the last to die, so I don’t think that it would have succeeded, even with an amazing mage in my place.  We wiped at around 50%, and I doubt that even doubling my damage output would have saved the run.

I fully admit that I have much to learn.  Looks like I’ll be learning it as I go with WOTLK.  Really, I’m just disappointed in myself that I couldn’t do a bit better.  I could really use the gear from that zone, the one head piece would put everything else I have to shame.

Next time, assuming there is a next time.
