Hahaha, Way to go FF-Wiki

I know he’s famous for such things, but this one is funny.

Charitwo, the infamous editor of the Wiki, experienced some odd cut scene after completing WotG Mission 8. He then added this to the Wiki. But, it was wrong information, and at the very least, not complete. He started an edit war with Urthdigger, a newer player who has a great attitude towards the game. It culminated with Charitwo locking the article until January 2009 with the comment for the edit “stoppat”.

Urth then brought this up on the wiki forums, where the consensus is, Urth is right, Charitwo is wrong. Even the talk page shows that people disagree, but the usual “I’m always right, you’re always wrong” attitude continues.

Hell, even on his talk page, you can see his attitude go furthur.

In the future, can you please take a more polite tone with other staff members?

The reply, not an “I’m sorry” or “Didn’t mean that”….

All testing takes place at the xen1 server, not here at the live wiki where the local activity takes place.

While this is possibly true, his reply to being accused of being too curt with an employee of the company which owns ff-wiki is to accuse the employee of being wrong and make curt remark.

I laugh because I love watching train wrecks in progress. Also, I like stirring up trouble. And since it doesn’t look like anyone is going to say anything, and the wiki admins are happy enough to let that post fall off the discussion board, I’m going to say something.


<3 -Pyra

A Look at the Candidates: Sydonia

Sydonia is a fairly new resident of Silvermoon City, and is running for president.

Sydonia is a relative newcomer to the life of politics, a spell caster, who has lived on Crushridge for her entire life.

Sydonia went, in a matter of weeks, from a newbie to an officer of her guild.

For a candidate who has not been corrupted by years of visits from lobbyists and others who want special favors, Sydonia is the candidate for you.

This message brought to you by Sydonia for President. My name is Sydonia and I approve this message.

A Look at the Candidates: Pyra

Pyra is a long time resident of Windurst, and is running for president.

Pyra is a very experienced melee, originally from the Diabolos server, who now resides on the Caitsith server.

Pyra has run many successful linkshells, and when not a leader, has excelled as a member who can be counted on when needed for any task.

For a candidate with strong leadership skills and a long history of success, Pyra is your candidate for president.

This message brought to you by Pyra for President. My name is Pyra and I approve this message.

Is the Grass Really Greener? PvE vs PvP Server [WoW Related]

I’ve been playing WoW on a PvP server.

Doing some of the quests, especially the dailies on the Isle, have been almost more frustration than they are worth. The only reason I am doing these dailies is for #1 – SSO Fame, and #2 – Money for my Epic Flyer. For the SSO Fame, there is an item at Exalted fame that I want.

If anyone has ever been to a zone like the Isle on a PvP server, it is a lot of ganking, mostly by rogues or groups. It sucks. I’ve found the only solution is to just go afk in a safe area for about 15 minutes and they move on. Otherwise, you end up fighting the gank squads over and over as they find ways to kill you, or just harass you, just outside of the aggro radius of the guards. And I’m paying for this too.

So, I’m frustrated by this aspect of my daily WoWing. I’m considering moving to a PvE server. But I’m not sure I’ll like it any better. Sure this one zone is a cluster f—, but the rest of the time, I *rarely* end up PvPing (outside of Battlegrounds which are just task oriented PvP). So I’m not sure if there will be a difference, other than my daily questing will be much, much easier (I will often just not do the daily quests if I get home too late, as the frustration level isn’t worth it).

I also know that a bunch of people who read TTTO, etc, play WoW, and probably have some insight I’m missing.

I should also mention that as a 2-month old player, I don’t have a lot of PvP gear, and I’m going against people who have all the battleground-available PvP stuff there is. And as a mage, I get flattened fast, and have trouble getting past their resilience.


Hey Guys, Getting Experience Points as a Reward For Completing a Quest is Not a Bad Thing

I was reading a post on BG (I know, mistake #1 right there) about how the new beginner quests actually give *gasp* experience points for completing certain tasks (but no fame). In total, they give you 1800 experience. Not really gamebreaking.

Comment #10 – “so…..low lvls is like WoW now?”

Leading up to this, there are a lot of ‘about time’ and ‘really could have used that 4 years ago’ type comments, but this one stuck out the strongest to me of all of them.

My personal feelings are ‘who cares anymore about leveling up’. Anymore, leveling to 75 is just a chore, especially after the first time. The second, third, fourth, fifth, etc 75 just become a larger chore than the one before it (this comes from someone who has 4 75’s, a 61, and 2 53’s). I welcome anything to make this task go faster.

With that said, there is nothing wrong with having a npc assign a task to (for example) go and kill 20 rabbits, then give you an experience points reward equal to around 1/3rd of that of killing 20 monsters, maybe a small money amount, and perhaps a reward based on what you killed. Actually, such a quest does exist, aside from the experience points part. While you can buy the items from the AH, I think the idea is to go kill a number of monsters in that family, help you learn what they drop, as well as provide guidance to lowbie leveling targets. See the quest The Seamstress, and its follow up quests Lizard Skins, and Black Tiger Skins. The final result of this 3-stage quest is a Tiger Stole. Not an amazing item, but not horrible either.

So the goal of the quest (I assume) is that you kill a few even match monsters, get 500-600 exp per quest, turn it in, get a few items and some money. Now add on the quest giving you a 300 exp per quest bonus too. For quests which are much harder, or more time consuming, like the warp 2 quest, perhaps a 3000-5000 experience points bonus would be appropriate. Something that helps take the edge off of leveling. I also think that as you get higher level, the monsters should give more experience (I do realize this was increased at least once already, I believe it should be increased again, but have the base exp per kill raised instead of the potential exp from a larger level difference). I’m not saying that at 70 every monster should give you 4000 experience and you should level in 10 kills, like at level 1, I’m just saying that maybe 500-600 experience per kill (from the same monsters that now give 150-200) isn’t a bad thing either.

Lets take what would be a higher level quest. In the early 50’s, you get a quest from some npc in Rabao to ‘help clear out kuftal’. It gives a bonus experience of 2000, and 15K money (or maybe an item along the lines of a Jaeger Ring). Suddenly killing a bunch of crabs in Kuftal is a little bit more bearable. Once this became the norm, groups could pick their leveling area based on the quests they could get as well. There would need to be enough quests to match the number of leveling areas — we don’t need even more parties up at Greater Colibri. Maybe a “Go kill 200 weapons in sky, come back for a 10,000 exp bonus”. Sum of experience (assuming 200 exp per weapon no chain) is 40,000, plus the exp bonus, brings the total to 50,000 experience points (approximately). It could get more people into old leveling areas, and make it worthwhile to level there again.

I understand this has the potential to create more ‘high level n00bs’. Well, they will be created anyways, might as well not torture everyone else trying to prevent what cannot be avoided.

The main problem with this is a big one though. There just aren’t enough quests to allow for many level 75 jobs. After 1 or 2, it would be back to grinding for you (depending on how many of these quests were repeatable, and how often they were repeatable). However, since the game is as old as it is, this sort of change would bring new life into quests, and help with the 3rd or 4th 75 job that people would otherwise probably not level.

I Really Laughed At this one

Background on the name ‘Sydonia’

At one point, a long time ago, there was a character on Diabolos (my original server) named ‘Sydonia’.  I’m admitting that the name is not original, and was picked in honor of my friend.

One of the last messages I have from them (I do not know if they were a guy or girl, and in a way, it doesn’t matter) is this.


11/11/2005, nearly 3 years ago now.  Yes, I have saved this as a new POL message for all of this time.

To say I miss Syd is an understatement.

A long time ago now, the Dosetsu Tree added to the game, complete with a new item — the Raikiri.  Worth over a mil at the time, I actually went out and got the drop for this person, and gave it to them.  This is the only time I can remember that I have solo hunted a monster for someone else.  This raikiri was also the 3rd or 4th on Diabolos.  Syd wanted one so badly, the stats were quite good for its time (remember that not too many people had B01 access at this time, and most mid-50 parties were in the Tree where it has nearly full-time thunder weather) and it was blue (blue blades are something we both liked a lot).

I still have this raikiri on a mule, its value next to nothing now.  I can’t see myself selling it (I have thought about it, but cannot bring myself to list it on the AH), and I may just delete the item from the game when I quit.

Syd leveled samurai after we discussed Rurouni Kenshin, one of the few animes I actually enjoyed watching, on Cartoon Network.  She did so much because she thought it would make me happy.

I have not talked to her in years, but I have not forgotten her.  The name of my WoW character is in honor of her.

If I ever met this person in real life, or in another game, I would be happy to call them a friend once again.

Even just writing this post, and thinking about my friend, makes me so warm inside again.  And sad that I do not know what happened to her.

Wherever you are Syd, come back to us please.


I Can’t Help But Feel Like This Was Directed at Me

Just because one person doesn’t care about something doesn’t mean other’s don’t’ care. ( linky! )

Lets face it, for most people, there isn’t a whole lot left to post about. And looking on TTTO, there are a LOT of people who play WoW or another MMO either to take time away from FF, or along with FF, or play it more than FF, only occasionally logging into Vana’diel. So a WoW post is probably just as interesting to many as a FF post.

Updated Syd Pictures

Syd has hit 65 on Mage, so I thought it would be time for some new pictures!

Ok, I never needed an excuse to post pictures now.

Me flying through the Marsh in the outlands, saw this, though it was neat.


Syd at the edge of the world.  This is literally the edge of the playable areas, and I thought it was neat.


This is what it looks like in PvP.  This is in the battle ground called Alterac Valley, and is a resized full screen.


Very busy, lots of stuff happening at once.  Yet the lag is not very bad at all.

Here is me in Shattrath City, with my Indiana Jones hat on.


I have a witch hat now, I should take a new picture.

Oh and I wanted to share this too.  I haven’t turned it off because I find it valuable, but as you log on, you get a tip for playing.


When you view your quest log, it will show you how many people in your party are also on the same quest.  It makes questing a little easier, as there are very few many-leg quests (talk to 10 people, and if you miss one, gotta start over), these are generally made into many quests, which really helps make sure you don’t kill a monster and have someone say something like ‘I forgot to talk to that npc…. damn’.  Ok that still happens, but there is less of it.
