All You Zombies Hide Your Faces, All You People in the Street

I do so love the Hooters. Currently listening to their greatest hits album.

I’ve started the Merry Mead House blog. I’m going to handle it differently than I handled the Party Place. The biggest difference is that I won’t be self-hosting. Following the WP updates was getting a bit tiresome. I want to have someone else handle it. The second biggest difference will be speed. The WP servers are faster at serving up WP blogs than my shared hosting.

Other than that, and a new theme that I’m still getting some things set up for, the site is ready to go. Please enjoy.

But the good news is that I managed to resuscitate the old computer for a few hours. So I’ve re-gained access to my old screenshots folder. I’ve also set up my laptop to be able to edit images (PhotoShop) and edit/upload posts (Windows Live Writer).

My laptop is quite nice, was a wise purchase.

Other than that, I’m trying a new 15 year old scotch. It is yummy.

Closing Down Shop

Since I haven’t had a real post in about 2 months now, and no one visits anymore, it is a good time to shut this all down.

As some know, I quit FFXI at the end of December. While I’m sure many will accuse me of quitting due to the so-called ‘blood price nerf’, this is not the case. If you scroll down 2 entries you can see where I basically announced that I would be quitting at the end of December. This was posted in early November, about a month before the nerf in question.

I am, however, glad that I was able to stop playing on my own terms.

Sadly, my computer died a few days before Christmas, and my account ran out before I could log back on, so my characters now have about 2 mil that will go to waste. I am also quite sad that I wasn’t able to say farewell to a few friends. Such is life, I suppose.

I played this game for nearly 4 and a half years. I started July 7, 2004. I don’t regret playing one bit, it was a lot of fun.

The one thing I do regret is that 2 of my 3 most treasured items will not live on. I did have some expensive toys, but they did not have the meaning of two very special items. Since my computer is still dead, I have lost access to my old screenshots, but here is what they are:

A NQ Scorpion Harness, signed by Radool. Radool was a good friend. I managed to come into some money from a lucky Under Observation run, and he was kind enough to sign my Scorp Harness for me. It is one of my favorite items of all time, I only wish I was able to tell him this.

The second item is a NQ Noble’s Tunic, signed by Chumley. Chumley was one of those people who you just wish you were. No, not because he was loaded up with gear or whatnot, but because he was probably one of the most sincere, nice, and honest players you could ever want to know.

The third item will live on. This is a HQ chocobo tunic signed by Ata. I was making some for my mules one time and this accidentally HQ’d. I kept it for a while, but gave it to my old friend Wolfreign before I left Diabolos. As far as I know, he still has it. I really hope he does, as it is one of the few items I ever managed to HQ.

Beyond that, I do wish I had a chance to give away some other items. My Thief’s dagger collection could be put to good use without me, and some of the Monk, White Mage, and Summoner non-ex gear would absolutely be put to better use than sitting on a canceled account.

Do I think I’ll be back? Who knows. As we all know, the future is far from certain. In the mean time, I’m going to place this blog into a read-only mode. It will still be here, but new comments will be shut off shortly and the files and database made read-only. I’m also planning on actually using this domain for what I had intended when I purchased it — a place for my photos.

Other than that, I didn’t quit WoW. They kept giving me free time, so I kept playing, and got re-hooked. I’m having fun, which is what is important. I don’t have a new blog for the WoW character, and I may not make one.

Time will tell.

Merry Christmas!

Enjoy (couldn’t find the uncensored version, sorry)

So Long, and Thanks for all the Fish

After much thought, and even more frustration, I’ve decided to cancel both my FF and my WoW accounts.

After being corpse camped again in WoW to the point where I had to just log out, that growing hatred of PvP came back. I decided I was done. I can’t bring myself to commit to an alliance character, and there are no good horde guilds on non-PvP worlds, which leaves all of nothing left for me to play. I quit all my guilds and made a corpse out of my main character in the middle of Shatt. I do not intend on logging on except maybe to re-corpse after the servers reset.

Then I went to FF for Dynamis. At this point, I realized that the only game I might hate more than WoW at that moment, is FF. I was there out of a sense of obligation to my friends, more than any sort of desire to be there.

My WoW account expires at the end of this month, and my FF will be canceled before the new year. I’m not deleting anything, as there is always the chance I may return to one or both. I’m just going inactive for a while.

Since I’m not going to be playing anymore, this will be the last post here, aside from a handful of pictures that I intended to post and may still. I’ve been neglecting the rest of my life for far too long.

All that’s left to say is ‘So long, and thanks for all the fish’.

Impeach Obama

Might as well get everything started now. He is not my president. I didn’t vote for him, I will NEVER consider him legitimate.

I’m tired of hearing about how this is all about race. But fine, then the ‘N-word’ is the best way to describe Obama, and how I will refer to it.

Obama is a clueless idiot. He is not a hero, he is not some great figure. He is an idiot, and under him, everything will get worse.

I am going to laugh. The Rev. Wright, who he spoke out against when it looked ‘bad’ for him, is now addressing everyone at his rally in Chicago. This regime of terror begins with a lie. It can only go down from here.

How does one apply for refugee status? I have a feeling we’re going to need it soon.

1/21/13. Countdown begins.

The FFXI-ification of WoW

Many people in the FFXI world talk about how the game has become too WoW-ified.

While it is true, FFXI is a lot easier than it used to be, and I don’t feel that it is completely a bad thing, no one thinks about the other way around.

When the news of the 18 hour Pandemonium Warden hit, the FFXI world was mad at SE for making another impossible to kill monster.

The reaction in WoW was a bit different — they viewed it as an epic battle, something that does not exist in WoW, at least not to the same scale.  Most bosses in WoW (that I have seen), you kill in 5-10 minutes or less, or you wipe.  It simply comes down to the way WoW is designed.  While you will always be regening your health and mana (mp) in WoW while you are not fighting, when you are in ‘battle mode’ you do not regen health.  And while you are casting a spell, you do not regen your full magic.  There is also no way to exit battle mode without running far away (unlike FF where you just disengage and run and hide while you kneel for a bit).

So anyways, in an effort to add more storyline to WoW, they have added Cut Scenes.  There is one I heard about for one of the 5-man instances.  Then there is this one (which is not really a Cut Scene, because everyone sees it, and it changes the music for the entire zone too).  Movie!  It is really creepy too, I love it, and it reflects a large amount of lore (story) in one quick event (the models for the characters have been updated since this movie was made).  It also made Sylvanas my favorite NPC in the game (or as I said to some people, she is my ‘Shantotto’ of WoW).

Now they have created this Cut Scene when you hit a certain stage in the next expansion.

[This is a huge spoiler if you play WoW.  If you don’t, its just a cool Cut Scene]


So it looks like they are trying to add more story and make the feel of WoW more epic.  In FF, you have to save the world in every expansion.  In WoW, you don’t have this.  With the expansion, you actually invade one of the Horde cities for a quest — on both sides.  They handle it through what is being called phasing, where two people can be in the same place (and are on the same server), but they can’t see each other (and may see different NPCs and/or monsters).  It sounds really neat.  It is like instancing in place, and I’m excited for it.

In the end, the mixing of ideas from FFXI and WoW get us an easier FFXI and a more epic WoW.  Doesn’t sound too bad to me, more for me to enjoy.


My First WoW Raid

And wow did I suck.  It was Karazhan, which is (sadly) one of the most basic of Burning Crusades (first WoW expansion, about 2 years old now) raids.

I knew going in I was undergeared a bit.  And I’ve never done any raids in WoW ever.  And it was the final boss.


It didn’t end too well.  Having never done the fight before, it wasn’t explained all that well, and ended badly.  I told them going in that I had never done the fight before, they just said stand near the one guy and cast spells.  I was too close at first, but after that, I kept close to him.  I doubt I’d be asked back, sadly though.

With the expansion coming shortly, there will be a ‘gear reset’, in that all of the best things at 70, will be mediocre by comparison to the worst stuff by 75-77.  So at 80, even the most basic of items will be better than anything currently available.

But it was still upsetting.  I was hoping I would have done better.

My damage was lower than I’d hoped too.  Sadly, the add-on reset of last week caused some of my spells to be un-findable too.

I don’t regret accepting the invite, but I don’t feel like I learned anything.  It probably didn’t help that the others in the group have probably been doing this for years.

For those of you in FF-land:  imagine a brand new black mage in Dynamis – Bastok.  The zone is easy, but someone who has never done a dynamis before will not handle themselves as well as someone who has been doing black mage in that zone for 3-5 years (or even as well as someone who only has a paladin).  It comes down to, I need experience with these things, but because I don’t have any experience, it is harder to get an invite.  I know that I should have around 1000 (or more) bonus damage to spells and around 25% spell crit chance.  I currently have 695 bonus damage and 12.57% Crit Chance.  Since most of my spells were doing about 750 (in the screenshot, is one of my spell crits.  Spell crits do double damage, and it hit for almost 1400 [the square brackets is the part of the spell that was resisted]), I need more damage (I also couldn’t pull hate, while I should be having trouble not pulling hate).  I was also one of the last to die, so I don’t think that it would have succeeded, even with an amazing mage in my place.  We wiped at around 50%, and I doubt that even doubling my damage output would have saved the run.

I fully admit that I have much to learn.  Looks like I’ll be learning it as I go with WOTLK.  Really, I’m just disappointed in myself that I couldn’t do a bit better.  I could really use the gear from that zone, the one head piece would put everything else I have to shame.

Next time, assuming there is a next time.


Bye Bye to TTTO Indexing

After some deliberation, I’ve decided to stop the TTTO (The Tarutaru Times Online) from indexing this site.

It was becoming too much negative attention, and pulling the feed allows me a bit more freedom without the scrutiny.  I can ramble, and stray from the topic as much as I want.  I can also post every 4-6 hours (if I wanted to) and not get crap for filling up the main page.

This doesn’t, of course, shut off the feed, and any other readers will still work the same as they used to.

The Dynamis Lords Were Smiling This Week

Last Thursday, I had an unexpectedly good run in Xarcabard.

First monster.


Wooot!  It was off of a Kindred Thief too.


Which completes my set, making me 5/5.



Then at the next Xarcabard run, this happened.


So now I have a Shadow Mantle too.  Sweet!  (Maybe I should level a Paladin)

I don’t think this is extremely impressive, but on darksday, with the extra 20 VIT, I had 118 VIT.  As a Monk.


Fortunately (or unfortunately) we had some good luck with Blue Mage hats.


Yeah, I know.  It was crazy, and blue mage is now on free lot status.  I believe we got 5 of them in one run.

At least we are getting lots of drops in Xarcabard now.

On a different note, I found this funny (its from limbus).


Haven’t seen a 999 rolled in a long time.


In Light of Recent Events, No More Politics Here — After This Post

Due to what is sure to offend far too many people, I’ve decided not to continue the Pyra vs Syd ‘election’.

For anyone curious, here is how it would have played out.  Most people will be offended.  Don’t read on if you are easily offended.  If you do read on, don’t complain to me :).  The whole thing was basically designed to poke fun of the political process, and also (here’s the important part) to offend everyone.

In an effort to keep this from an all out debate in my comments, I will turn them off if they get out of hand.

Continue reading