Category Archives: Random Thoughts

Oh How Far We’ve Come

I was digging through my archives and I ran across this video
(42 MB, requires DivX).

The file’s date was 05 Oct 2005.

It is the first known successful attempt by an English speaking LS at killing Dynamis Lord.

And of course, my own first attempt with Ethereal (they still exist, but only recently beat DL).
(54 MB, requires DivX)

This file’s date was 04 Jan 2006, but I believe the attempt was made in late December 2005. The music choice could be better, but I didn’t make it. If anyone knows that the first song is, let me know. The other song was based on an inside joke at the time that no one probably remembers anymore. I’m sure they would be horrified to know this video still exists.

A later attempt with the same group as above

File was dated 12 July 2006.

I feel like a noob all over again watching this stuff. So many people in that video who no longer play. Such crappy gear, yet we thought we were awesome.

What a difference a couple years makes.


No Epic Pics, But Some Good Ones Anyways

I have no epic photos this time, its been a slow week while I level my White Mage to 37 for Monk Chi Blasts.

I did have some fun, and wanted to share some pictures.

In Campaign, I’ve managed to hit the 4th ribbon.  These are starting to take a bit more work to complete than they used to.


At least I was able to get both Pyra’s and Ata’s at the same time.  Keeping them in sync is much easier since they were both 75 when Wings of the Goddess came out.  Unlike Assault, which is just annoying.

I did this 3-man Campaign Ops.  It was actually fun, and the exp reward was decent too.


It is called Brave Dawn I for Windy.  Since anyone can enter, and you get exp even if you are not doing the mission, I went and helped out on Brave Dawn II.

Moving along, it has been too long since I saw this in my chat log.


I only managed to go from 90.0+2 to 90.7+2, but any progress is better than no progress.  100 is still along ways off, but is .7 closer now than it was before.

If only I could find a steady supply of griffon hides.  I estimate I’ll need 120-150 of them to get to 95 leather.

I did, however, manage to get an entire stack of the stuff, which I sold to myself.  Why did I sell it to myself?  Simple, the entire sales history was 1 person to himself for under 100 gil.  I decided I needed to change that.  Yeah, I’m a bit evil.  Enjoy!

In other news


Why does everybody come out of the closet to me?  Its really getting old.

I still love the newbie RMT names.  I think they just stopped trying.


Aagg, and Ggaa.  I guess they are as dumb as they look.

After I saw Mischa’s Post about Az that she posted here, I decided that I needed to make him jealous.

This is Wiki, my mule, receiving last night’s sales.


Then I went and spent about 200K, but managed to sell another 250K.

Und Das ist Alles.


More fun than one should be allowed

So it looks like my monking days are coming to a close again. But I’m not complaining.

Much to my surprise, it appears as though I’m needed on thief.

At least I know in advance what subjob I’m bringing :).

For last night’s Dynamis – Valkrum, only one thief showed up. So, I ended up running back to town to do a quick change to thief. I was in such a hurry and had such nervous excitement, that I forgot 2 pieces of gear that I shouldn’t have. The first being my normal pants (Bravo’s Subligar), which was not a huge problem. I just wore my AFv2 ones instead. The second was also not a huge deal, it was my shield (Tatami), which is just such a nice item that I rarely get to use.

I ended up being puller for one of the 3 Nightmare Flies. Since it was my first time as thief in this zone, I was nervous.

It took me a little bit to locate the fly, but I found it and waited for it to move.

I grabbed it and started running to camp.

It was so exciting, it was thrilling… the fly caught up to me. No worries, hit the flee and I’ll be fine *splat*. Crap, I’m dead.

I gotta admit, my heart sunk a little. First time trying that pull and I screwed it up.

No one could get to where I was fast enough to save the pull, so I did the noble thing.

Accepted reraise, hit perfect dodge, and shot the fly again. As soon as I dropped off the cliff, I had a black mage and ninja to get a little hate on it. Arrived back in camp with 30 hp.

Next time I’ll live through it :).

After that was one of the smoothest dreamland runs I’ve seen maybe ever. And the drops were amazing.

2 Ninja Belts
1 Paladin Cape
1 Summoner -1 Head
1 Samurai -1 Head

Of course, as one of 2 thieves there, I take full credit for all drops.

It would have been a lot better if I had some alcohol, because I needed it.

Adding a bit of Realism to FFXI

Most people probably have not noticed, but in FFXI, everything, both near to the viewer and far, is in perfect focus.

This isn’t how the real world is, but since the game can’t re-focus based on where the viewer is looking, it works.

So, I’ve added a little bit of this realism to a screenshot.


This was done in about 5 minutes using a simple blur tool in photoshop, but it makes the scene a bit closer to reality.

Here are two more examples.



This was first brought to my attention a year or so ago by the cross-server ‘hero’ Lordwafik, and I’ve always wanted to try it myself.

It was kind of fun, and a lot easier than expected.


Another Random Thought

After spending way too much time with the family for Christmas, something occurred to me.

Does anyone else out there appreciate how funny it is to hear a person over 80 complain about someone else’s driving?

My grandmother, who is in her 80’s, commented on my driving that “this car is too fast”. While the car is capable of going fast, at the time I was doing exactly the speed limit (55 MPH), and I had not broken the speed limit by more than 5 MPH the entire trip.

There is a saying about people in glass houses though…

More Pictures Needing Posting

I love limbus, bus some funny things happen.

Quite often, you get AF you can’t use and people forget to pass.  I forgot to pass, and this is what I got.


My lvl 1 Paladin, 24 Ranger, and 21 Warrior will be happy.

During a low-level linkshell party, three of us dinged at the same time, so I took a picture!  Hurray leveling!


Always enjoyable to see 2 dings at once, but 3 is fairly rare.

My next picture is someone who was shouting for a Divine Might run.  2/18, good luck with that.


I was leveling in Qufim and this happened–


Anyone know how this happened?

Also while leveling, I saw this.  Really guys, you aren’t fooling anyone.


And finally, Proto-Ultima, for the second time.


Enjoy y’all.


Risk/Effort vs. Reward

A lot of the recent hacking has brought up some of the fundamental flaws in the Final Fantasy XI game.

For starters, the Notorious Monster system is horribly broken.  I would say it is broken to the point of being impossible to fix without an overhaul of the entire game system.

Lets look at the problems.  Many monsters have extremely long spawn windows.  As annoying as rare-spawn monsters are, 21-24 hours is not nearly as bad as something that is 4-8+ hour repops.  That means, the monster will spawn more than 4 hours after it last died, with no end to the window.  Other monsters are 9-12 hour repops, with Charby at 8-12 hours.

What this means — someone with ‘a life’, with kids, a casual gamer, or someone who has to, you know, work to pay for things, has no chance of keeping track of Time of Death (or ToD) without help.  And then, even if they can get ToD, there is little chance of being home to get the kill.

Even a 21-24 hour repop is hard to keep track of for more than a couple of days without the aid of a college student, an unemployed person, or a person with odd work hours helping out.

And then, if you get the people together, and get the kill, there is no guarantee of getting the drop.

The effort to reward ratio is very skewed here.  Tons of effort of possibly more than one person, with a reasonably large chance of no reward.  At the same time, there is a chance of accidentally running into the monster and getting the drop without any problems.  In the case of monsters like Sirocco Kukri monster, it will despawn if not claimed.  I don’t know of any other monster like that.

However, this does show a difference in Western vs. Eastern thinking.  Since FFXI is a Japanese game, it shows a lot of Japanese thoughts.  The Western (American) thinking is to prefer to know the effort to reward ratio for things.  The Japanese is different.  The thought process is to do what ever it takes to get the job done and get the reward.  American thinking focuses on individual effort that the individual reaps the reward from.  Japanese thinking focuses on the group, and the individual’s success is the group’s success.

As the game got older, we can see a shift towards Western thinking from Eastern thinking.  Older monsters were not changed, but newer activities were.  Limbus is an example of this change.  The drops from the Proto-Omega and Proto-Ultima fights are usually decent.  While there is still a large randomness, it is known that there will be 2-3 items that people generally want per fight.  This is a good thing, and Limbus overall is a good compromise between the two styles of thought.

Then, Assault was introduced.  With assault, there is a very known effort to reward ratio.  For example, 20 times through Golden Salvage is enough to get the Pahluwan Khazagand, or the Amir Dirs, or the Yigit Turban.  Known effort to reward is GOOD, and attracts (and keeps) the casual gamer.

I really believe this is why WoW (World of Warcraft for those living under a rock for the past couple of years) is so popular.  They have a very well known effort to reward ratio.  Drop rates are very well known for all items.  It is also well known where they fall.  This is thanks to allowing 3rd party plugins.  An early one was the ThottBot (which I won’t link to because it was recently attacked for the purposes of stealing accounts and passwords, like somepage).  ThottBot gathered a lot of data about what drops where and how often.  Also in WoW, there are very few monsters that spawn rarely.  All of the decent items are called "random world drops", which means that just about any monster can drop just about any item, or, they fall from instances, where every group has an equal chance of getting any item that falls from that instance.

Or, the item requires gaining a certain amount of fame (reputation), then are purchased.  These, while annoying, still are better than a 21-24 hour repop where you might not get claim, and even if you do get claim, you might not get the drop.

At the same time, for the hard-core person who is used to FFXI, the burn-out rate for WoW is quite high.  Someone used to camping monsters all day could tear through the content in as little as 6-8 months.  WoW counters this by making gear obsolete quickly.  The best sword from today is not the best sword from 2 years ago in WoW, while in FF, it is (arguably).  It is a fine line that needs to be walked, but without changing old content, I don’t see this problem being ‘fixed’ anytime soon.

Anyone else have thoughts?


The All Too Short Life of Persius

Hi!  My name is Persius, I’m a level 1 taru Warrior on Caitsith server


Awwww aren’t I a cutie!



Oh no, a big bad elf wants his name back 🙁


Wait, there is still hope maybe they won’t click Yes


Maybe they won’t hold down "D".


Well, its been nice knowing you.  To every season turn turn turn, etc.


I’m Losing my MND

So I had my first chance to be a chi-blast monkey last night. Normally when I was doing chi-blasts before, it would have been on my second box where I was only half paying attention. This time, I was able to pay attention, and now, I want to increase my MND.

With my lvl 25 gimpy WHM sub and a Goblin Mushpot, I was able to hit 119 MND (61+58). Which is not too bad.

This is with Suzaku Suna-ate (15) and Kirin’s Staff (10), which is almost half of my +58. Another 8 comes from 2 Sapphire Rings. I get 2 from both my back piece (Royal Army Mantle) and my Waist piece (Reverend Sash), and 5 from my neck (Promise Badge [which I actually quested] ). That makes +42. I then get +5 from AF Head and another +1 from RSE pants, for a total of +48. A Goblin Mushpot (+10) makes the final 10 in my +58.

This leaves the following slots unused for +MND gear: body, 2 earrings, maybe hands. The best body piece for Chi Blast is obviously a Kirin’s Osode, which would be an additional +10. For earrings, the only affordable option is Geist Earrings, for +1 each (total of +2). There is some discussion about swapping hand gear out for the Chi, in which case, a pair of Devotee’s Mitts (+5) would be the only real option.

That is an additional +17 in unused gear slots, although an Osode is still fairly hard to obtain (especially with my luck).

Also to be considered are gear upgrades. As far as I’m aware, my boots, weapon, and back are as good as they can get. But some slots can be boosted furthur. Head can be upgraded to Temple Crown +1, which would be an additional +3 MND, and is not impossible to get (even with my horrible luck). Temple Hose +1 are a total of +4 MND, which is 3 more than I currently have. Also an option are Prince’s Slops (MND +3) or their NQ (MND +2), for a boost of 2 or 1 MND over what I currently have, respectivly. My rings could be increased to +5 MND rings, but an extra 2 MND for the cost of those two rings could be better spent elsewhere.

A possibility for a Back upgrade is the Melee Cape (Relic Cape), for +5 MND. But I’ve never seen one of these fall, so it would have to be placed under an ‘ideal’ conditions item. A possible waste upgrade would be the Jungle Stone, if I could find one, for an extra 1 MND, or a water belt for the same. The problem with a water belt is that it cannot be traded to a mule. An ‘ideal’ belt would be the Ksi Sash, which comes from Second Lieutenant Assault, which I will probably never do. The deductive obi thing has an enchantment of +10 mnd, but it only lasts for 30 second, and the obi itself is very expensive and rare. As a result, it is not counted.

So, realistically, I could (and probably should) have an extra 6 or so MND. In an amazing situation (ie, I’m very lucky and very flush with fake money), I would have and extra 14 MND.

This brings my total to a realistic value of +81 and an idea value of +89. With a base 61 MND.

Now if I could only finish leveling WHM, I’d be all set to start the adventure of obtaining the final +23 MND I plan on having. Finishing WHM would give me a base MND of 64 (or 3 more than I currently have). If I finished my WHM sub, and obtained the gear in the “Realistic” set, I would have 64+81. Donations to the ‘buy Pyra an osode’ are now being taken :).

Wow, this page is confusing. I need to re-do this with a table, and maybe use a Page for this later.

Random Screenshots from Today

First screenshot is my max Hit Points. Without any foods. Included in the screenshot is the gear I’m wearing, and of course, the sub-job. I do not have any HP merrits.


Getting there, almost at 2K, and plenty of slots left to put more hp+ gear on :).

The second pic is a corsair that just has ‘wow’ gear.


Yes, that is exactly what it looks like. Someone who is 4/5 on Skadi gear, which comes from Salvage. Amazing.

As a bit of an aside, the linkshell this mithra is a part of, Millennium, combines everything we know about Mercury and Poisoned, then exceeds it. Even Mercury’s gear factory is surpassed by Millennium.

I can’t even imagine how much time is spent in-game to get all those toys.