Category Archives: Random Thoughts

Background on the name ‘Sydonia’

At one point, a long time ago, there was a character on Diabolos (my original server) named ‘Sydonia’.  I’m admitting that the name is not original, and was picked in honor of my friend.

One of the last messages I have from them (I do not know if they were a guy or girl, and in a way, it doesn’t matter) is this.


11/11/2005, nearly 3 years ago now.  Yes, I have saved this as a new POL message for all of this time.

To say I miss Syd is an understatement.

A long time ago now, the Dosetsu Tree added to the game, complete with a new item — the Raikiri.  Worth over a mil at the time, I actually went out and got the drop for this person, and gave it to them.  This is the only time I can remember that I have solo hunted a monster for someone else.  This raikiri was also the 3rd or 4th on Diabolos.  Syd wanted one so badly, the stats were quite good for its time (remember that not too many people had B01 access at this time, and most mid-50 parties were in the Tree where it has nearly full-time thunder weather) and it was blue (blue blades are something we both liked a lot).

I still have this raikiri on a mule, its value next to nothing now.  I can’t see myself selling it (I have thought about it, but cannot bring myself to list it on the AH), and I may just delete the item from the game when I quit.

Syd leveled samurai after we discussed Rurouni Kenshin, one of the few animes I actually enjoyed watching, on Cartoon Network.  She did so much because she thought it would make me happy.

I have not talked to her in years, but I have not forgotten her.  The name of my WoW character is in honor of her.

If I ever met this person in real life, or in another game, I would be happy to call them a friend once again.

Even just writing this post, and thinking about my friend, makes me so warm inside again.  And sad that I do not know what happened to her.

Wherever you are Syd, come back to us please.

Feelings on WoW after 4 Weeks of Playing

First thing is first, this is a link to my character in the WoW Armory. It will show many of the important stats, and is rarely more than 30 minutes behind actuality. It will also give me a place to start. I’m sure most of this information is old to many people, but to some people who read here, it is a look at something they have never played before.

Key things to know — There are two factions, the Alliance and the Horde. While some will describe the Horde as the ‘bad’ side, this really isn’t the case. They are just two groups that don’t like each other, and from my experiences, the Alliance is far more evil (because its full of teenagers playing rogue gnomes).

I did levels 1-64 in under 4 weeks. This is faster than is normally possible for a beginner. This was due to two things — #1 – my friend knows the game and the quests very well and was able to get them done fairly quickly, and #2 – linked accounts give triple experience points for all quests and monster kills.

Since in WoW, the primary way to gain experience is to do quests, we were moving around a lot, which makes easy transportation key.

The primary long distance travel method is the flight path. These cover long distances fairly quickly, but require you to talk to the flightmaster first in order to learn the path. Unlike FF, the flight paths are an on-demand travel system that will take you automatically to your destination. There are also many small settlements around the game world, most of which have flightpaths. Every so often, Blizzard will speed up or otherwise make the flightpaths faster, or add paths to make more connections. This is the opposite of what SE likes to do. SE makes things take longer, Blizzard makes the annoying things take less time.

There are three types of settlements, Friendly, Neutral, and Enemy. The status is somewhat based on your reputation (or fame) with that faction. For example, all Horde cities are ‘friendly’ to all members of the Horde, and ‘enemy’ to all members of the Alliance. Then there are other groups that will be either neutral to you (such as the various goblin cities, unless you do a lot of quests, in which case they turn friendly) or enemy (some groups will consider you an enemy if you side with their opposing group, and questing one group will raise your fame with them, but lower it with the other).

The three statuses are color coded. Green is Friendly, Yellow is Neutral, and Red is Enemy. There is a stage between Neutral and Enemy called ‘Unfriendly’. These monsters have an Orange colored name, but won’t attack unless attacked first (like a yellow).

As I mentioned earlier, the primary way to get experience points is via quests. A quest will also give you some reward (and item or money or both), fame, and experience points. For example, last night I soloed a bunch of quests. It took about 3 hours, and I gained around 400,000 experience points (not as much as it sounds, as 63->64 is around 650,000 experience points, 64->65 is around 680,000 experience points). I also gained around 250 gold (money) during this time, and raised my fame with several factions. Oh, and this was all solo too. With a current level cap of 70, and as an attack magic user (mage class), I was able to solo about 2/3rds of a level in a few hours, near the level cap, that’s just awesome (especially coming from the FF world where you can’t solo much of anything).

For gear, there are several ways to get the best stuff. The first is quests. Once you hit the outlands (starting around level 58), quests give very good items as a reward. And then the next quest gives an even better reward. The second way is instanced dungeons. These are not always easy, but give a lot of the best PvE gear. The third is battleground and arena. This is PvP, and gives PvP-centered gear (mage gear with high defense for example). Some of these items are just amazing, even for PvE events. The final way is to make it. In WoW, there is the concept of a r/ex recipe for an item, and some of these make r/ex items (so you make your own gear via the crafting system, making it so that people will level a craft that compliments their class, and at high levels, can make some really nice stuff for themselves). As a frost mage, I’ve chosen shadoweave tailoring, which will allow me to make the Bind on Pickup (r/ex) Frozen Shadoweave set.

This set can be further upgraded from its awesomeness with sockets (not sure how these work entirely, but I assume its like Diablo II) and enchanting (while my character is an enchanter, it is not high enough to do the enchants I really need, nor does it have the recipes required). The game has included a mechanism for an item to be enchanted via the trade window (and not traded, because it is soulbound). To be honest, I still do not fully understand enchanting, other than it is quite expensive and can be very profitable.

Crafting in general is different in WoW than FF. For starters, you have to buy (or be trained, or find the drop) every item you wish to make. You get an item when you hit the skill required (so if an item is 240, you can learn it at 240). Items will start off ‘red’ meaning you will be guaranteed a skillup for making one, then fall to ‘yellow’, where you will have a 50-75% chance of getting a skillup, then fall to ‘green’ where you have a lower chance of getting the skillup, and finally fall to ‘grey’ where you have no chance of getting skill. Items all have different ranges, and while one item may go from red to grey in 25 skill levels, another may do the same in 10. There also are tiers for everything. For tailoring, you start off with linen cloth from 1-75, then move to wool cloth from 76-150, then mageweave from 151-225, runecloth from 226-300, and finally netherweave from 301-375. These correspond nicely with every 10 levels of the game. Likewise, with enchanting, you gain the items needed by disenchanting other items. For items to get your skill from 1-75, you will need to disenchant items from 1-10 (more or less).

In terms of the rarity of drops, if you level normally, you will not have an issue leveling most tradeskills along as you level. I fully believe I could level tailoring and first aid without issue, just with the items you get from killing monsters, if I had not done the triple exp thing. Enchanting is much harder, especially since we leveled too fast to really get enough items to disenchant as we leveled.

As it stands now, my First Aid is 375 (capped), Tailoring is 351 (cap of 375), and Enchanting is 220 (where you’d expect it to be for about a level 50, it is the most expensive craft to level and will be my focus after I get my flying mounts and shadoweave gear. My cap is 385 on this due to a racial bonus of 10 skill levels).

These are my feelings after 4 weeks of playing. I’m still in the newbie phase, and I still really like the game. I don’t know how I’ll feel after a bit though, once the character is basically completed as far as it can go.

The only thing I can say I really don’t like is that you can only have one class per character (unlike FF where you can freely change between 20 jobs). While not a game ruiner for me, it is a negative point. It also means that to level a different class, you have to start a new character, and do some of the same things all over again. I can understand why they do not let you do more than 1 class per character — since you cannot repeat quests, it would require a redesign of a large portion of the game, or require you to just grind your way up through the levels by killing monsters.

Oh, did I mention that you get rested experience points for logging out in a major city or an inn in a minor city? This gives you double experience points until it wears off (but in my case, it hasn’t worn off in a while, and just keeps growing).

-pyra and syd

I’m Tired: A Rant

As I’m sure has been obvious lately, I’ve been playing a lot less FFXI and a lot more WoW. No, I’m not quitting, but I am taking that vacation I needed from the world of Vana’diel.

This is a rant.

I’m tired of…

…losing exp at 75 when I die
…still farming sky after 3 years and not having everything I can wear
…waiting 3 days before repeating a run of dynamis or limbus because the zone isn’t instanced
…any monster that takes more than 30 minutes to repop
…any monster that takes more than 1 hour to repop, and then DEPOPS when the weather changes
…timed dungeon activities
…having a dungeon-only drop without a questable alternative
…80 million sets of points — Conquest Points x 3, IS, AN, Assault Points x 5, Nyzul tokens, the Ichor from einherjar
…having to choose between Nyzul and Salvage for my assault tags
…waiting more than 6 months for any dynamis/limbus drop
…having to choose between gaining fame, questing, exping, and making money
…instances with a time limit
…quests that give lousy rewards
…quests not giving worthwhile experience points
…chocobo raising not offering a practical alternative to rented chocobos
…the constant and sadistic punishment of the players by Square-Enix
…empty loot pools on any monster that takes more than 10 minutes to get to and repop
…items that take literally years to drop
…killing the same monsters over and over and over because the items just don’t fall
…the best gear in 2005 is the best in 2008
…crafting being a mostly worthless activity, unless you want the 20 gamer points on XBoxLive
…desynthing items being worthless
…critically failing a synth 90 levels below my skill
…the solution to high-level boredom — more merrits
…money being far too important to entering activities like dynamis and limbus
…not having much to look forward to other than another year or two of the same
…knowing there are items I will just never have because the monsters are just botted constantly
…having to plan your runs of certain zones around other groups because it isn’t instanced
…any new non-instanced end-game activity
…all of the old, non-instanced end-game activities
…new events that are designed around punishing the players and taking obscene amounts of time
…monsters that are designed to take more than 4 hours to kill
…losing loot when a monster dies unclaimed to a DoT
…anything that takes more than 20 kills to get your drop
…interrupting my casting because the server decided I took a step forward
…being 2 seconds too late for the airship, then knowing it set me back 12 minutes
…being blocked in my path because my character can’t handle an elevation difference of more than 1 inch
…that which I do for fun causing me more frustration than my job
…the game beginning at 75

In short, I’m tired of FFXI.

This week off has been great, and playing WoW (where you don’t have to think as much, and you do quests, which are fun, to gain exp, decent gear for your level, and money) has been really refreshing: to the point where everyone has commented that I’ve been acting different this past week.

I don’t want to quit, but I’m starting to really get sick of FFXI. I also don’t want to quit because I’m so close to getting all the stuff I’d want, and to quit, then come back and still not have it all would probably ensure I didn’t last long. I really feel stuck, where my only two options are to quit for good, or stay playing something that is just starting to drive me insane.

I’m Sitting Here on my Couch, Watching the Time-Delayed Olympic Open Ceremony

I saw pictures from the opening ceremony about 8 hours ago at work. The time-delay made it start at 20:08 EDT, or 8:08pm Eastern Daylight Savings time.

I’m watching the Parade of Nations, something I usually find far too boring to care about. My parents always turned it off growing up. And truthfully, I didn’t plan on even watching it at first. But then I was curious.

China is not known as a an open place. But this is so fascinating to watch, the 5000 year old culture opening up.

However, the most important thing (in my mind) is this: of the thousands of people who have walked by so far, probably 90% of them could be someone from around the corner. It is times like this that you realize that people around the world are not really all that different from you and I. For one brief moment, me sitting on my couch in Virginia, and everyone all over the world, are connected, watching the same thing at the same time (or close to the same time). We really are the same.

During one of the breaks, a campaign add for both McCain and Obama come on. It brings me back to reality for a minute. While other channels have re-runs on so as not to really compete and just let the ceremony be, politicians are still arguing.

I enjoy the contrast, in one minute, one of the great uniting events (quite possibly a huge turning point for China and how it relates to the world), the next, politicians dividing us again.

All combined, it just shows that we could probably all get along, if it wasn’t for politicians constantly convincing us that we can’t get along. Perhaps it will be our generation, that can spread information faster than ever, that finally breaks down some of those barriers. Or at the very least, leads the way towards making the world a bit smaller, and a lot better.

In a way, FFXI is an interesting uniter as well. We play with people from all over the nation, and the world. We talk with people from all sorts of ethnic, religious, national, financial, regional backgrounds who we would probably never otherwise know. I’ve met some of the most amazing people, a galka SMN from Japan who spoke broken English (and in who’s shell we all spoke a modified version of English with Japanese grammar structure to communicate), to a members of every branch of the US military, and a French-Canadian who barely spoke any English (although who’s English improved significantly over the years we all knew each other). There are players from all over the English speaking world, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, England, Ireland, and elsewhere. And of course, from across the US. An art student in Texas, a state trooper in Michigan, stay at home moms from various states, a young married couple from Texas, people who work in the Vegas casinos, and people who just live near Vegas.

Perhaps the most fascinating person I ever met was a student from Bahrain. Someone I know for a fact, I would never have known if it wasn’t for FFXI. Some of my talks with her have been the most interesting. She was also the one who made the comment first “we really are not that different”.

So think about it. People around the world are not that different from each other. Placed together, we generally get along, even if we don’t agree with each other about everything, we can almost always be friends.

I’m not much of a fan of Twitter

But sometimes, small little quips about life are needed.

“People are nicest to random strangers when they want their parking spot”


To Cheat or not To Cheat

I’ve recently begun struggling with the limits of the FF macro system.

Yes, yes, I know, PS2 limitations, etc.

However, I play on the PC, which makes the Windower an option. One I’ve generally stayed away from because I feel it is cheating. Yes, I know, I modify some of my .dats, but I don’t find that to be cheating, just making the game easier on the eyes. Changing the .dats also doesn’t give me an advantage over anyone else. Windower would — except that I know most people use it at this point.

Windower also has those nice externally editable macros, which would make everything a lot easier in-game. Right now, for my thf’s WS, I need to hit 6 macros (Sneak Attack, Gear Swap 1, Gear Swap 2, WS, Gear Swap back 1, Gear Swap back 2). Much of the time (especially in dynamis with the lag), I don’t even bother for half of the swaps b/c by the time I’m finished swapping, the monster would be dead. Considering the number of different sets of gear I have for THF, I really need to have its own set of macros (which would put yet another macro in the mix, one macro to switch into my WS macro set, and one to switch back to TP set).

Several years ago I used the early windower for a month or so to keep the game from crashing when I would get those annoying pop ups in the task manager, and also to prevent the game from crashing when I accidentally hit alt-tab or the windows key (I also used an outside program called WinKeyKill which would disable the windows key and alt-tab). It was broken a few patches later and I never bothered to get the latest version. None of the nicities really mattered to me — distance was neat, but meh; tparty was also neat, but meh (I was only a whm at the time); exp watch I liked, etc.

Having my recasts on screen would also eliminate another couple macros I have to check my recasts all the time. Not to mention the BlinkMeNot, which would prevent me from losing my target when I swap visible gear (this one really bugs me a lot, and is why I lost my first Maat fight on mnk).

I also really need to completely rewrite most of my macro sets to take advantage of new gear and new JAs. Since I’ve gotta rewrite them all, I may as well just use the Windower Extended macros. I could write them at work to eliminate a lot of boredom too.

Ah ponderings. I guess this comes from my very strange moral code. For example, I have enough money in real life to buy myself a relic, but I choose not to. Its really hard to spend any amount of time farming when you know that for the same time at work, you could make way more than enough to buy several times the amount you are getting. I’m not saying I’m rich, but I could part with a thousand or two to get a relic and not really miss it.

And I put using windower on the level of buying gil online. I don’t really want to do it, and I would feel bad for using it. At the same time, I don’t really see a good option to my problems other than using something like windower.

Although if someone had an option for something other than windower, and a way to reorganize my macros, I’m all ears.

Today’s Ethical Questions

My neighbor is out for a couple weeks and has asked me to pick up his mail.

He received a movie from NetFlix.  Would it be unethical for me to look at the title of the movie?

What about to watch it if it is a movie I would like to see?

The movie is “Dan in Reel Life”.  Does this change your feelings about either of your answers?


In other news, a supermarket near where I like to have lunch decided to tow people who park there and do not go inside.  It was done out of spite because they told the place next door that their parking lot would not be large enough.

The supermarket’s parking lot is never even close to half full, so parking there does not block an actual customer.  Also, those parking there for lunch park in the spaces furthest from the supermarket itself.  The few times I have actually gone inside (mostly because it was close to where I went for lunch) the store was empty.

Today, they were threatening to tow everyone.  So, I went inside and found the cheapest item I could possibly use.  It was a container of Tic Tacs, 85cents plus 2cents tax.  I charged an 87cent item for spite.  Credit cards take 25cents per transaction plus 5% of the overall sales, meaning they would take 29cents out of the sale, leaving the supermarket with a sale of 56cents to cover cost of the item, plus keeping it there, plus expenses.  Was that wrong?

If I say it was a Safeway supermarket, does that change your feelings?

Odd Gear Choices (edited)

So I’m not normally one to give people a hard time about the gear they choose to wear.

I’m sure I’ve worn some absolute crap over the years, either because I thought it was good or just didn’t know any better.  But these people should know better.  Then I saw a thread on BG and couldn’t stop laughing.  So I’ve decided to share my pictures of ‘odd’ gear choices.

This first is from a while ago, and while I can respect that they probably sold everything they had to buy the drops, this just makes me sad every time I see it.

(names and linkshell names have been removed, as have references to which server it was)


A black belt, and a NQ Amemet, NQ Vendor’s Slops, and a Pixie Earring.  The second ring was a sun ring.  Their title was “Black Belt”, so I have to assume its new.

<edit removed>

<edit removed>

And finally, my favorite ‘odd’ choice for gear of all time.


Its a flame ri… oh wow.  Why would anyone actually use one of those for (of all things) sky farming.  At level 70, you need all the advantages you can get, and he is wasting both ring slots with two of these rings that I had never seen before.

The lack of a strap is expected, this screenshot predates straps by about 5 months.

And its time for sleep.  Way too tired, but dying laughing.

(This is an edited version of its former self.  I took off two of the pictures because it was the right thing to do.  The two that remain are well over a year old and those people have presumably learned by now).

This New Found Popularity is a Bit Perplexing

I went to view my stats page today and I saw this.


I’ve added the value to the two peaks just to show why I’m confused.

If you look at the long running trends, I rarely break 50 views in a day.  But for some reason wholly unknown to me, I have this new found popularity.  I’m not really sure why, I’m not that great of a writer and there has to be more exciting writers out there.

The big peak is on 6/10, the day of the big patch (WordPress stats start at midnight GMT, and I made a post around 6pm EST, or 11pm GMT).  I listed some of the equipment from the patch on a page, and traffic just spiked.

Ok cool, I can deal, and I can understand this one.

Including 6/9 (day before), my hits per day go 52, 254, 72, 33, 24, 23, 25, 38, 69, 179, bringing us to midnight GMT today.  Considering that before 6/9 my highest hits per day was 54, I’m sure you can see why I find this odd.  4 days in the last 10 days are my highest 4 days since I started this blog April 2007, with one more day being nearly my highest.  Looking at what was clicked on, some of these visitors went as far back as last September.  Many of my search hit terms are not even related to the current items (in reality, most of the hits are related to people trying to figure out how campaign exp is calculated towards your rank up.  The answer here is that no one really knows).

So I’m going to ask, what did I do to deserve this?  A math and computer science major from a small liberal arts college in Pennsylvania (Ursinus College) working as a systems admin does not make a good writer.

Oh well, time for Limbus.

I Guess This is Maturity or Something

Its an odd thing really.  Aside from the storyline, I find I enjoy thinking about playing FF much more than I enjoy actually playing it.  It might be time for a break from the game.  Its becoming more frustrating than rewarding in many ways.  Maybe I should just take July off.  That actually just sounds really nice.  Maybe stay away from the game except for Limbus and Dynamis.  Sounds so nice.