Category Archives: Lowbie Leveling

Syd Gains a Friend, and a Doppelganger

One of the things I dislike about WoW is that each character can only have 1 class.  Since I wanted to try a few different classes, I had to make myself a friend.

I chose Rogue for my second class, and I made Umah, the blood elf rogue.


Currently Level 7, but waiting for my friend to have some more free time, and also still working hard to get Syd to 70 with all of her crafts leveled.

As some of you know, my linkshell has a former member who plays WoW as well, but on a different server.  Sadly, he plays Alliance *cry* on a carebear server *whine* (that means it isn’t an open world PvP server).

So, I was forced to make my own Doppelganger.

Meet… Sydonia!


I went with a space goat (Draenei) hunter.

Yesterday, I met up with one of DJ’s alts, Ewatt.


Ewatt gave me a tour of the Alliance cities, which is a decent amount of content I have not experienced yet, as my main character is Horde.

Ewatt also showed me this thing.  I don’t know what it really does, but it was fun to watch.


Supposedly, if there are 2 or more of these, they will fight each other.  But it is hard to find the recipe, therefore, there aren’t enough of them to find to fight each other.

Well, those are the new me’s.  An update real Syd post coming soonish.


SMMH: My First Instance, and an Updated Picture

I was run through my first instance yesterday.  I don’t know which one, but here are some pictures.


We had a level 70 Mage kill everything, and with triple experience points bonus (as you can see on the screen), it was a great leveling event.  Went from about half way into 39 to about half way into 41 in 4 runs.  Also, made 30 or so gold, which helps pay for my spells and transportation.


Yeah, lots of dead guys for me to loot!

But, this is what I look like now!


And I do a lot better.  More magic, more health, and I hit for a lot harder with the extra attack from the instance gear.

Here I am in Thunderbluff on my bird.


I rule!

The linked account thing lets me shoot my friend up in levels.  We went into town (mwahaha) and granted him 3 levels on his paladin.  Tons of people asking ‘How’d you do that?’, although most were with horrible grammar.  Once I hit 59, I can grant 26 more levels to any of his characters, most will probably be on the same paladin.

I just hit a little over 1 full day of playtime, and I just hit level 41.  This triple experience thing is so much fun.


SMMH: Leveling at 3 times Speed is Fantastic

Its been almost 2 days since I wrote an update, and I’ve stolen the computer from Pyra for most of that time.  So here’s where I’m at.  (SMMH = Sydonia’s Merry Mead House, my guest posts on the Party Place)

I’ve been working hard on the Mage these past two days.


Most important part is that I got my mount at level 30.


Its the ‘blue’ version of the bird, which is the mount that Blood Elves get to use.  It matched my gear, although I almost picked black.  They are all the same, the colors are just cosmetic.

Since I’ve had some free time, I went to get a bunch of flight paths.


This area was particularly nice looking.  I was thinking I was going to get killed by Alliance the entire run, but luckily didn’t.

I also saw this player.



Judge as a character.  You can also see the ugly olympic thing he is wearing.  So ugly.

I was going to make this two entries, but Pyra is already yelling at me to stop posting and give back the blog, but its mine!  One more soon.


Welcome to the first installment of Sydonia’s Merry Mead House

Hi everybody, my name is Sydonia of Crushridge PvP.  I’m so new I’m not even listed in the WoW Armory, but soon I hope :).

Aren’t I a cutie?


Aww that’s me at level 14.  The memories.

My good friend, the banned one, gave me a Trial Account.  So for the next 87 days, our two accounts are linked, meaning we gain triple experience for everything we do.  Essentially, I’m leveling at triple speed!  Which is why this picture was a day later.


Yay level 28.  That’s where I am now as I’m waiting until we do out push to 30 and our low-level mounts.

Anyways, about that triple experience points leveling.


I should use a better picture, but that’s me getting 4050 experience for a quest (one that should be 1350).  Most I’ve gotten so far has been 7500, for a 2500 exp quest.  This triple experience points leveling is so nice.

After I hit 28, pyra came and stole my computer from me for a Dynamis run.


As we can see, that sure went well.

I’m going to skin that cat one day.

(Pyra’s edit) Haha, that’ll be the day you smelly elf

I hope you enjoy my guest authoring in the Party Place.  I’m going to try to take over a bit, but I’m sure you all know how stubborn pyra can be.

All the best


Apocalypse Nigh and Proto-Ultima

Normally I wouldn’t combine two larger events into one post.  But we done done good, and got good drops, and it was in a single afternoon into evening.

First off, Apoc Nigh.

Our first thoughts were “Its easy, and we need a monk and a summoner, pyra can dual box it”.  It was much harder than I’d expected.  A wipe later, I switched to Monk and White Mage, with the White Mage on the main computer to focus on her.  As was mentioned in our party chat, “Ahh good ol’ CoP missions, where you can never win on your first try.”

It worked better, but I would not want to dual box it again.


Also, I got the kill shot 🙂


Which includes something interesting — the wiki only warns of a Light Skill Chain.  Here we see a Fusion causing him to recover HP.  Didn’t know that before, and didn’t notice until I was editing the image.

After the win, the cardinal lady comes back, and does something.


Then a quick CS in Jeuno with Aldo, then a wait until JP midnight :(.


After this CS, I went to work on my SAM in its run to 37.  I hit 35, about 2K to 36 before I had to go for Limbo.

We decided on Proto-Ultima, which is a fight I still really hate.  But the drops are good and my friends (and my summoner) want some items, and they all help on my goal of becoming a full homam princess, so I happily go.  But I’m usually shaking and wishing I wasn’t sober.

This time, I got to go as a MNK/WHM for the first time since I finished my /WHM for chi blasting.

So I got to test out the full effect of my +MND gear.


Without a massive amount of money spent on 2 earrings and 2 rings for a total of +4 more (also there is a +4 MND belt that drops from a NM Gnole, but I only found out about this a day ago and have not looked into it more), this is about as high as I can get.  Still, 64+81 is not bad no matter how you look at it.

It got me these two Chi Blasts (no bard songs either).



I don’t know who would be embarrassed by those numbers on a Ultima.

One of those got me Holy II’d, then a later Chi caused me to be the target of a Buster.

I was not going to go down quietly.


I’m a little disappointed.  He only Armor Busted me, which wouldn’t have killed me.  It was the melee hit and the Holy II that caused my demise.


Bye bye Kitteh indeed.

It was worth it, even if 2 of our BLMs d/cd before the fight and didn’t come back (so we went in with 1 BLM and a couple RDM/DRKs for stuns).

As a tradition in our shell, we always /random for opening the final box, especially if we have time and it was a really hard fight.  I randomed highest (which is so rare for me).

The Whammie reference is what got us 2 legs, I know it.


About time Ultima put out for us.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have my Apoc Nigh earrings to go retrieve (only 2 1/2 years after beating ZM17 with my old shell to help them get their earrings).


Putting the Goon in Dragoon

So I decided to give Dragoon a fair chance for once.

For years, I’ve mocked it, joked about it, and even offered condolences when someone leveled up.  But today, I wanted to try.

Since I got home from work very late and missed dynamis, I took the time to use an emperor’s band charge on my level 1 dragoon.


Almost made it to level 7 on the one charge.  I’m going to keep going, try to get both DRG and SAM to 20 this weekend.  My dancer is stuck at 49, and after a couple days of seeking, I’m going to take a break and mule much of the gear.  I just wanted lvl 50 so I could start the AF quests.  Oh well, I’ll probably go back to DNC in a couple weeks or so.

As to the name on my Wyvern, an old friend who quit a long time ago had the same one.  I really just had to.

Dancer AF1 and Campaigning

I’ve been working on my Dancer.  When the AF was finally released, and I heard the weapon was in Grauberg, at the Witchfire Glen, I wanted to get it done as soon as possible.

Witchfire Glen is a really unique place where a handful of VT to 75 Pixies reside.  It is also where you go to reset ‘Pixie Hate’.


If you’ve never been, I suggest going there, especially at night.

The Dancer AF1 quest CS shows the Dancer in Upper Jeuno as a child, with her mother.


She is performing for the Pixies, and learning the “Spirit of the Dance” or some crap like that, I wasn’t really watching.

Then, for some reason, you fight a Hippogryph.


This NM was a complete joke.  My white mage could have soloed it, and hexa strike was just decimating.


Awww, I love happy endings.  FFXI has so very few happy endings.

In the spirit of the dance, here’s a little /dance4 off.


Well, moving along, Campaign has been interesting since the last patch.  The beastmen are more or less destroying the players.  But now, we can whack away on walls for lots of easy exp, so its not a total loss.


And with the new summoner AoE buffs, ohhh the lag I can cause.  Its wonderful.  More on this in an upcoming post.

Complete with the glitch that was just fixed last week.


I’m sure the Fortifications are at 1008/100 strength.  Really, I am.

And finally for campaign, here’s a good pic of Miz (we tend to campaign together a lot).


That’s all for today!


Un-Gimpifing, Just a Little Bit

Just a quick update because I can’t sleep.

As mentioned previously, Ata finally got Evoker’s Pigaches +1.  So, I took a picture and posted it.


In addition to this, I finally managed to cap my evasion on Thief.  Evasion was bad, Marksmanship is proving slightly more annoying, as it is taking me about 100 bolts to gain 1 skill level.  Its currently at 228 (cap of 230) because I ran out of bolts.


When I capped evasion, I switched to my Tatami shield, since more evasion is never bad, and I was going to try to kill Even Match – Tough’s with just Acid Bolts.


You can see how much I’ve used a shield.

Approximately one hour ago, I finished ToAU Mission 44.  I’ve been stuck on this one since around September, and when I got the invite, I jumped on it.


I’m now done with the current ToAU missions on both Pyra and Ata.  Ata is also a Rank 10 in both Bastok and Windurst.  I don’t plan on doing the Sandy missions anytime soon, unless a change is made so I don’t lose my outposts.

Other than that, I hit 38 on Dancer, going to try for 50 before they introduce AF gears.

But I need sleep, night!

(a very excited)

Ding 37 and the Lazy Square-Enix

I’ve finally finished.  Way too much work for what I get out of it.

The it is, of course, a level 37 White Mage for my Chi Blast sub.


Yay 37 … er, grrrr.  Lazy goblin, give me 3 more experience points!


Ahhh there we go, much better.

And yes, I did kill an easy prey for 15 experience points.


I’m no saint, I just wanted the sub to be finished.


Moving along.

Last week, I obtained the Thief AFv2 body piece.  And I noticed something, it looked strangely familiar, but I just could not place my finger on it.


The pockets on the arms though, and the way the vest is, with the side pouches at the bottom.  Could it be?


Could the Pahluwan Khazagand be a reskinned version of the Thief AFv2 body?  The answer


Yes.  This is an overlay of the 2 above screenshots with the AFv2 on top and set to 50% transparency.  The vest, arm pockets, and side pockets all line up.  They did, however, add in a shirt underneath.

That being said, I like how the body turned out, anyone know how I can reskin my Pahluwan Khazagand to look like this?


More Pictures Needing Posting

I love limbus, bus some funny things happen.

Quite often, you get AF you can’t use and people forget to pass.  I forgot to pass, and this is what I got.


My lvl 1 Paladin, 24 Ranger, and 21 Warrior will be happy.

During a low-level linkshell party, three of us dinged at the same time, so I took a picture!  Hurray leveling!


Always enjoyable to see 2 dings at once, but 3 is fairly rare.

My next picture is someone who was shouting for a Divine Might run.  2/18, good luck with that.


I was leveling in Qufim and this happened–


Anyone know how this happened?

Also while leveling, I saw this.  Really guys, you aren’t fooling anyone.


And finally, Proto-Ultima, for the second time.


Enjoy y’all.
