Category Archives: KillerInstinct

Monking it Up

Well, during the experience of capping my experience points on Summoner, Thief, and Monk (to compliment my existing capped exp on my White Mage) in Campaign.  I managed to get this little item.


That’s the 6th rank in Campaign, of a total of 12 currently available.  I’m hoping to have the 10th rank by the expansion next month.

Well, going along with the Monk theme, in an amazingly close Apollyon SW (down to 60 seconds remaining on 2nd floor before we got the time chest), I got final stinged.


However, 879 HP is just over half of my normal geared up hit points.

Speaking of Hit Points, I’ve managed to boost my total HP to over 2000.


I do cheat a little.  I have 30 MP which is converted to HP.  The one earring is a Brutal, the other is an Intruder earring.

Speaking of the intruder earring…


I just got the intruder this week as well (and no, you can’t have ToD).

While waiting for Centurio to pop, I hunted the Dune Widow.  I got a claim, but this is all it dropped for me.


Boooooooooo.  I need teh gilz.

Finally, the most important part of this post.

Please congratulate Mizuhito on getting his Melee Cyclas, and hitting 4/5 on Monk AFv2.



And that is it, the week of the monk.

Hopefully, a couple more Melee Cyclas fall — as we are farming the glacier for the next week — and I can not only beat my 2038 HP, but can also hit 6/6 on Monk AFv2.


Dynamis – Cleanup

One of the more annoying things about having multiple jobs at 75 — especially multiple characters with multiple jobs at 75 — is the desire to be ‘done’ with a dynamis zone.  This month, I have completed two zones.

The first was a Sandy, where Ata finally got SMN AFv2 Boots.  I say finally because I haven’t seen them fall in years (until I joined KillerInstinct).  I no longer have any jobs without AF from Sandy.

Then the next run, Jeuno, I managed to get myself a pair of THF boots (on the second pull of the night too, I knew they would fall).


My SMN is 2/5 AFv2, and THF is now 3/5, with body and hands to go.

The only two pieces I am still missing from city runs are SMN Pants (Windy) and THF Body (Bastok).

Slowly but surely getting there.  I have the chance to be "Finished" with Bastok tonight, if I spend my points on THF Body (assuming it falls and the others ahead of me don’t want, or enough of them fall).  But I don’t really want the body all that much, its sole purpose would be to complete the set once I have hands.  So, I don’t much care if it falls or not – I don’t even have THF AFv1 Body yet.

Also from this run was this screenshot.  I thought it was nice.


Mmmmm, Treeeeaaasure.

More fun than one should be allowed

So it looks like my monking days are coming to a close again. But I’m not complaining.

Much to my surprise, it appears as though I’m needed on thief.

At least I know in advance what subjob I’m bringing :).

For last night’s Dynamis – Valkrum, only one thief showed up. So, I ended up running back to town to do a quick change to thief. I was in such a hurry and had such nervous excitement, that I forgot 2 pieces of gear that I shouldn’t have. The first being my normal pants (Bravo’s Subligar), which was not a huge problem. I just wore my AFv2 ones instead. The second was also not a huge deal, it was my shield (Tatami), which is just such a nice item that I rarely get to use.

I ended up being puller for one of the 3 Nightmare Flies. Since it was my first time as thief in this zone, I was nervous.

It took me a little bit to locate the fly, but I found it and waited for it to move.

I grabbed it and started running to camp.

It was so exciting, it was thrilling… the fly caught up to me. No worries, hit the flee and I’ll be fine *splat*. Crap, I’m dead.

I gotta admit, my heart sunk a little. First time trying that pull and I screwed it up.

No one could get to where I was fast enough to save the pull, so I did the noble thing.

Accepted reraise, hit perfect dodge, and shot the fly again. As soon as I dropped off the cliff, I had a black mage and ninja to get a little hate on it. Arrived back in camp with 30 hp.

Next time I’ll live through it :).

After that was one of the smoothest dreamland runs I’ve seen maybe ever. And the drops were amazing.

2 Ninja Belts
1 Paladin Cape
1 Summoner -1 Head
1 Samurai -1 Head

Of course, as one of 2 thieves there, I take full credit for all drops.

It would have been a lot better if I had some alcohol, because I needed it.

Dynamis – Xarcabard Final Cut Scenes

The closing Cut Scene from Dynamis – Xarcabard was one of the coolest I’ve seen so far.  It should be, for all the effort it takes to get there.


Ohhh dead-ish people.  Its like a dead family reunion.


More ghosty people.  Its really, really awesome.


Then some parts of the text.  As I said, awesome.


Ohh, a mysterious ??? is talking.  I wonder who that could be.  Any thoughts?  Diabolos perhaps?




Dynamis – Xarcabard

Since I have a habit of including parts of the opening Cut Scene for new things, here we go, Dy – X.


Cornelia is one of my favorite NPCs.  I know she is dead (according to the story line), but I still like her.  She shows up in the Monk AF quest Cut Scenes, and is just awesome, except for that whole galka love stuff.

dy_x_open_cs1 dy_x_open 

Oh man, here we go!


Xarcabard is very different from the other zones.  There are not many statues, but there are a lot of eye type monsters instead.


Ying and Yang must die at the same time, otherwise they will be resummoned.  Once they die, you can cause damage to the Dynamis Lord.

Unfortunately, I did not get any good pictures of the Dynamis Lord fight.  Next time I’ll get better ones.

The drops were quite nice too, as the ring is fairly rare.



But anyways, I got the win and the title!  Woot, I’ve wanted to win this for almost two years now.

That’s part 1, part 2 coming soon.


The Road to Dynamis – Xarcabard

In order to get to Xarcabard, I needed to first win the glacier.

dy_bcd_boss dy_bcd_win

Of course the Glacier run did not go quite as smoothly as it should have.  This is what happens when an avatar is not slept.


As you can see, two monks survived Astral Flow, but were killed by the Quadav right away.  Oops.


Quick Updates

So I haven’t really posted in a week, but I should have an update ready soon

In the past week I have

1) Beaten Dynamis – Beaucedine
2) Another Proto-Ultima win
3) Beaten Dynamis – Xarcabard (including Dynamis Lord)
4) Finished my Dark Knight to 37 (for mnk/drk on above mentioned Dynamis Lord)
5) Leveled my Samauri to 15
6) Leveled my Dancer to 24

It has been a busy week.

There was also the virus scare that really hit home for a lot of FFXI Players. I know the thought of losing both of my characters was horrible, but at least there was no way to migrate them to another server (still in 90-day cooldown from last migration).


Partially Down



Finally going to get the Dynamis – Beaucedine win, and BAM, server crash.

Apparently, 4 servers are ‘partially down’ although from what I’ve seen, there isn’t much of anyone still connected on any of them.  All 5 major cities on Caitsith are down :(.

Anyways, when I try to reconnect, this is what I see.


So I found the other status codes, here they are —






Yeah, this kind of sucks… boo servers down.  Its odd, I can’t find just Maintenance right now.  Oh well, going to go to bed unless this comes back up soon.

Dynamis – Tavnazia, Part 2

All good part 1’s need a part 2.  And here it is.

After we crossed the bridge at the end of part 1, we fought some Hydra.  They were nasty, but the Black Mage, White Mage, Red Mage trio were not too difficult.


The Melee trio of Monk, Thief, Warrior proved a bit more difficult, and I ended up tanking during the Monk’s Hundred Fists (at least for a couple seconds)


The Monk had some TP move called Shackled Fists.  It looked, and hit, like a renamed Final Heaven.  If you’ve never seen a Monk get 1-shotted before, here you go.


A closer look at the damage.  OUCH!  1468.


A pic of the Hydra Beastmaster and his pet Hound.


On the next floor, we ran into some Kindred.  Of course no dynamis would be complete without a summoner.


And some AF!  This is only the second pair of these I’ve ever seen fall.  Cool.  The person who got this is now 5/5 on White Mage AFv2.


More shinnies in the treasure pool.  Hydra Gaiters.


I just thought this picture was neat, so I included it.


As the run came to an end, we got out first big link of the night.  But with under 10 minutes left, we were basically finished already.  Notice how in these pictures there are usually only 3 people alive, myself, Irons as thief, and Mptythoughts on his Warrior.


This is Pyra’s final stand.  Vae Victis!



Dynamis – Tavnazia, Part 1

Here we go, at long last, my pictures from Dynamis – Tavnazia.

From the opening CS.  Unlike the other Dreamland Dynamii, this one is much darker, and Diabolos is barely visible, surrounded in a very bright light.


dyTcs1 dyTcs2

And part of the text, weird.


I’m not sure anyone knows what the ‘storyline’ behind dreamland dynamis really is.  I know I’ve got no clue.

Anyways, you enter, subless as always, and have to get time right away (start with 15 minutes, only allowing 18 members inside).


After he is dead, run up to the middle floor.


One of the time monsters is a Nightmare Worm.  Think Phantom Worm on steroids.  He likes to do draw-in then immediately stonega4 or tremors.  Luckily (for me at least) he only used tremors.  1600 HP comes in handy when he uses a 400 damage to all move twice in a row.

Mages were not so lucky.

dyT3 dyT4

Hey look, NPCs in a dyanmis.


Running across the bridge in the safehold.


Sure, send the cats in first.


Nightmare Hornets, nasty guys that have a TP move that gives them Hundred Fists.  Wouldn’t be too bad, except the zone is full of them.

End of part 1.  In an effort to not have huge posts, this post was split in two.
