This will be a multi-part entry due to the large number of pictures. There may be some mild spoilers, but any big spoilers will be hidden behind the WP More tag.
What story doesn’t begin with a meeting of the War Warlocks.

I think something might be up, just look at their faces.
Every taru blm wants that hat too.
Hmmm Pyra, I don’t trust them short folks, you should follow them, see what’s happening.
Oh look, you randomly run into a lost elf. Kill it!
I mean, we should help him, because we think he’s cute (yes I know, we haven’t seen a male in far too long).
So, we’ll stay here and flirt, you go find … um … something, can you just leave us alone for a few minutes.
—- Few Minutes Pass —-
Oh, back already? Ok, lets go see his friend in, ugh, we gotta walk to Sandy?
Pst – I think he might be a white mage
Orly, what was your first clue?
Meanwhile, in the Chateau:
*sniff* as a long time citizen of windy, this is so painful to watch.
Look at me! I have awesome red armor on. Therefor, I won’t help you. Good bye.
Meanwhile, back in Heaven’s Tower:
A male mithra plays chess for some unknown reason.
I wonder if he’s Catsith? And I wonder if the taru is the opponent, because it looks like the male mithra is playing with himself.
This is getting interesting.