Category Archives: FFXI

Well that didn’t last too long

After approx 2 weeks in the JoA shell, I’m already ready to leave.

The shell is all about getting items. Items for only the founding members. Members who already have just about everything, and who the new item doesn’t give them anything they don’t have, over those who have very little gears.

Example — item falls, old member who could use it in maybe 2% of the time would always get the item over a newer member who could use it around 25-30% of the time.

Most recently, they started ZNMs. Well, sort of.

Sunday night I’m on, I see “OK we’re going to go pop some T2/3 ZNMs for Tinnin now”, I reply “What about T1’s?”, leader replies “We don’t need anymore, only T2/3 now”. So all the time I spent farming up my 9K zeni was wasted because the leader decided to #1 pop T1’s when very few were on, and #2 no one else was deserving enough to get T1 drops. Since it is a policy of ‘your pop, your pick of the drops’, they have essentially locked those who weren’t on during the who-knows-when it was they popped the T1’s from being able to pop a T2/3 and getting to pick their item.

On top of that, they ‘forgot’ to record the sky god kills from last week, and since it is a point-based system, I not don’t have enough points to lot on anything i could actually wear. All because around 30 points were not recorded because the leader was not paying enough attention (I currently have 19 points, so these missing 30 would bring me to almost 50, a respectable sum for a new member). I don’t even make the attendance rates now, all because a huge event was not recorded (also, those who got items did not have points deducted, so they can get the next item up for bids even faster too). Hurray.

So I’ll probably go to the ZNMs tonight, if they happen. If it goes like last week, I’m going to have to drop the shell for something new. No point in wasting all of my time like this.

Mood: Frustrated

My Second Einherjar Run

My second attempt at a T1 einherjar.

We got…. hounds and a wivre boss.


It was much easier this time, although I ended up about 1.2K exp lower than I started.

It was fun, and another 960 iccy things.  Woot!  Need 15K for … stuff.

My First Salvage Run

Last week after Dynamis – Tav, I got to try my first salvage run.

It was quite interesting, and I’m glad I got to go.

When I entered, I had less HP than a lvl 40 monk.  Let the fun begin.


And, of course, I was running around naked.

Since I was the monk, I got my most important stats/gears unlocked first.


Man I look cool >.>

We did Silver Seas, but only went with 6 people.  We only made it to the third floor, but was still a lot of fun.


OMG these imps suck.  I would (easily) hit 1K on asuran, but their health bar wouldn’t move.  And they just spammed the silence and amnesia move.



But it was fun.  I would have gone the next day too, but I fell asleep when I got home from work.  Oh well, always next week.



Quick update.

Since I was enlisted to help out getting some friends a few soboros, I decided that after helping others get about 20 of them, I should have one too.


My “Make the SAMs Jealous Pic”.  My SAM is lvl 37 at the moment. >.>


The group I got the Soboro with, the AnimeFusion social shell.


And of course the main reason I was there, to help ensure Miz got his.  He actually has a lvl 50+ SAM.



In Who’s Jar?

Last night, I did my second Einherjar run, the first having been way back when Ata was still on Diabolos and Pyra was on Caitsith.

It went a lot better than expected.

I went with my new sky/sea/einherjar/salvage shell, JudgmentofAsgard.  They combine with another shell for larger events.  The combined shell is called JudgmentofMidgar.  So I’m going to be adding a couple new categories for both of these.

Anyways, the group is fairly new to Einherjar, and I have absolutely no clue what to do.  I wasn’t even sure I would make the run, but after reading about Mischa’s Einherjar funtimes, I decided I had to go.

The group gathers.


As we get in.  Monsters are hounds, bats, and a boss wivre.


I like this pic, everyone charges the boss.  I had this mistaken for the buffalo we fought before, and was wondering why we just charged it.


It had so many hit points, and the attack down sucked, especially since I was dual boxing a whm and trying to keep it off of my melees.

Amazingly enough (to me at least) we actually win on the first try.


The boss has some spike flail like move whenever someone behind him gets hate.  This caused issues, although it was absorbed by shadows.

With many people dead (see my weakened icon at that top of that last screenshot?), someone had to step up and kill the thing.


At least we didn’t wait until the last minute or anything…

And of course the drops.


E Legs.  I’ve never actually seen them fall before.  It is by no means an amazing item, but just seeing a KB drop on my first ‘jar was really neat.

After the win, came cleanup and raises.


I see a Cyana.  She/he (?) once told me that “I dont trust ppl with names that begin with P anyways… or E. Shady lot those ppl with names beginning with E!  BUT THE P’s ARE WORSE!” (link)

Haha, I’m in ur shell now.  :P.  Cy is fun, and I like to give people a hard time.


Oh, and I got 960 of the amps of icky things.

Fun times.  Can’t wait for the next run already.

A Sac-less Pull of Dynamis – Qufim Mega Boss

Yes it is possible.

My Dynamis shell — KillerInstinct of Caitsith — has been around for a while, and has been doing Dreamland for over a year or so at this point.

Since we lost our old pullers, and we had to train up some new ones, we decided to try to improve our time to gain more time for relic farming.  Ideally, we would also decrease the number of deaths.

One of our members — Machtaru (he posts here and is a friend of mine) — came up with a crazy idea for Qufim.  It involved 2 parts.

1) Skip the statue NM and melee burn the Mega Boss.

2) Pull the Mega Boss without sacing the goblin statues.  There was a rumor that it was doable.

Since this was a new pull for us, we had 2 backups at the MB pull.

I got to be the primary for this one.  Yes, I was very nervous.

We camped in the South, instead of North near the Thunder Elemental and the Rocs.

To get to the MB, I hugged the tower’s outer wall.  It was on my left.

Before I could see where the entrance to the tower would be, it had aggroed me.

The nearest statue is about 1.5 – 2x the Dynamis link range away.  The one we could see walking was too far away to matter.

As soon as it aggroed, I hit flee, and hugged the wall back South (it was on my right this time).

His AoE throwing ability will take off 3 shadows, or hit for about 700 dmg with an earth staff.  You can only survive 2-3 hits, and I really doubt you can evade one.

By skipping the statue NM, we saved about 15 minutes over our normal time.

For the pull, we had a primary puller (me) as THF/NIN, a secondary puller for if I linked and had to run (Jastor) as THF/NIN, and a tertiary puller/observer to see what really happened (Machtaru) as NIN/THF.

This pull method could not have been simpler.  No links, no extra aggro, no sacing (although we did run through a what-if scenario in the event that I did aggro — I didn’t think I would live through the pull until I did).

Why am I putting this out there?  I want to see if other’s can reproduce the effort, to ensure it was not a fluke.  I’m also curious if this pull can be done from the North side, instead of the South.

I don’t have any pictures right now, and I’m heading out of town for the weekend.  As an anti-spam filter, I hold in moderation all first-time commenters.  So if you are new, and don’t have an approved comment already, it won’t appear until I approve it Sunday or Monday.  Also, no pictures until Sunday or Monday.  If there is interest, I’ll go take some in Qufim and post them.

Another thing we noticed was that the NM Statue (Sottung) is not only magic damage, but also physical damage.  The melee hits were doing noticeably less than normal.  We took about the same number of deaths as normal, and the fight lasted longer than it should have, but we won, and saved 15 extra minutes for farming.

Finally, congratulations to Machtaru for coming up with this crazy idea, especially when we were told that it could not be done.

To Cheat or not To Cheat

I’ve recently begun struggling with the limits of the FF macro system.

Yes, yes, I know, PS2 limitations, etc.

However, I play on the PC, which makes the Windower an option. One I’ve generally stayed away from because I feel it is cheating. Yes, I know, I modify some of my .dats, but I don’t find that to be cheating, just making the game easier on the eyes. Changing the .dats also doesn’t give me an advantage over anyone else. Windower would — except that I know most people use it at this point.

Windower also has those nice externally editable macros, which would make everything a lot easier in-game. Right now, for my thf’s WS, I need to hit 6 macros (Sneak Attack, Gear Swap 1, Gear Swap 2, WS, Gear Swap back 1, Gear Swap back 2). Much of the time (especially in dynamis with the lag), I don’t even bother for half of the swaps b/c by the time I’m finished swapping, the monster would be dead. Considering the number of different sets of gear I have for THF, I really need to have its own set of macros (which would put yet another macro in the mix, one macro to switch into my WS macro set, and one to switch back to TP set).

Several years ago I used the early windower for a month or so to keep the game from crashing when I would get those annoying pop ups in the task manager, and also to prevent the game from crashing when I accidentally hit alt-tab or the windows key (I also used an outside program called WinKeyKill which would disable the windows key and alt-tab). It was broken a few patches later and I never bothered to get the latest version. None of the nicities really mattered to me — distance was neat, but meh; tparty was also neat, but meh (I was only a whm at the time); exp watch I liked, etc.

Having my recasts on screen would also eliminate another couple macros I have to check my recasts all the time. Not to mention the BlinkMeNot, which would prevent me from losing my target when I swap visible gear (this one really bugs me a lot, and is why I lost my first Maat fight on mnk).

I also really need to completely rewrite most of my macro sets to take advantage of new gear and new JAs. Since I’ve gotta rewrite them all, I may as well just use the Windower Extended macros. I could write them at work to eliminate a lot of boredom too.

Ah ponderings. I guess this comes from my very strange moral code. For example, I have enough money in real life to buy myself a relic, but I choose not to. Its really hard to spend any amount of time farming when you know that for the same time at work, you could make way more than enough to buy several times the amount you are getting. I’m not saying I’m rich, but I could part with a thousand or two to get a relic and not really miss it.

And I put using windower on the level of buying gil online. I don’t really want to do it, and I would feel bad for using it. At the same time, I don’t really see a good option to my problems other than using something like windower.

Although if someone had an option for something other than windower, and a way to reorganize my macros, I’m all ears.

Ninja Updates

I’ve run across a couple ninja updates to the game, and was wondering if anyone else had seen these.

The first comes with a picture.


After he D/Cd, his icon in the search screen showed him D/Cing.  I’ve never seen that before, but it may have been there for a while.

The second is more important.

A few weeks ago, I entered my mule about 2 hours late on a Thursday to try to help clean up after a bad Dynamis wipe.

The following Sunday, my mule was able to enter at the same time as everyone else.

Which would mean, the time you are marked as entering Dynamis is the time the hourglass is broken, not the time you enter.

I’ve only tried it once, but wanted to spread the news to see if anyone else had seen this.


Omega finally puts out. Pyra gets Head.

I cannot get over how awesome this treasure pool is.


And again.  I can’t believe it.  I’ve never actually seen the body fall ever.


Ok, so I get the “worst” item that fell.  I don’t care, I saw it.


Now for 3 more so that I can get my own body.  Or 4, I don’t know the rankings right now.  But it fell, which means I hope I’ll get mine in short order.  If body goes another year without falling, I might pull my hair out.

The Second Appearance of the Homam Princess

Its been a little while since the First Appearance of the Homam Princess, but the time has come for the second appearance.


I got my very own pointy hat this weekend (Homam Zucchetto).  While it isn’t the greatest piece in the set, it is actually a lot better than I originally thought.  Its a very middle of the road item between the wally hat and the optical hat.  It is 3% haste and 4 acc, as well as some HP and MP.  Since I slept through the last Omega it fell at, I told myself I would lot it if it fell this round.  It did, and I got.

*grin* more on this later.  Making a quick update before I go to bed.