Category Archives: FFXI

The Dynamis Lords Were Smiling This Week

Last Thursday, I had an unexpectedly good run in Xarcabard.

First monster.


Wooot!  It was off of a Kindred Thief too.


Which completes my set, making me 5/5.



Then at the next Xarcabard run, this happened.


So now I have a Shadow Mantle too.  Sweet!  (Maybe I should level a Paladin)

I don’t think this is extremely impressive, but on darksday, with the extra 20 VIT, I had 118 VIT.  As a Monk.


Fortunately (or unfortunately) we had some good luck with Blue Mage hats.


Yeah, I know.  It was crazy, and blue mage is now on free lot status.  I believe we got 5 of them in one run.

At least we are getting lots of drops in Xarcabard now.

On a different note, I found this funny (its from limbus).


Haven’t seen a 999 rolled in a long time.


Hahaha, Way to go FF-Wiki

I know he’s famous for such things, but this one is funny.

Charitwo, the infamous editor of the Wiki, experienced some odd cut scene after completing WotG Mission 8. He then added this to the Wiki. But, it was wrong information, and at the very least, not complete. He started an edit war with Urthdigger, a newer player who has a great attitude towards the game. It culminated with Charitwo locking the article until January 2009 with the comment for the edit “stoppat”.

Urth then brought this up on the wiki forums, where the consensus is, Urth is right, Charitwo is wrong. Even the talk page shows that people disagree, but the usual “I’m always right, you’re always wrong” attitude continues.

Hell, even on his talk page, you can see his attitude go furthur.

In the future, can you please take a more polite tone with other staff members?

The reply, not an “I’m sorry” or “Didn’t mean that”….

All testing takes place at the xen1 server, not here at the live wiki where the local activity takes place.

While this is possibly true, his reply to being accused of being too curt with an employee of the company which owns ff-wiki is to accuse the employee of being wrong and make curt remark.

I laugh because I love watching train wrecks in progress. Also, I like stirring up trouble. And since it doesn’t look like anyone is going to say anything, and the wiki admins are happy enough to let that post fall off the discussion board, I’m going to say something.


<3 -Pyra

A Look at the Candidates: Sydonia

Sydonia is a fairly new resident of Silvermoon City, and is running for president.

Sydonia is a relative newcomer to the life of politics, a spell caster, who has lived on Crushridge for her entire life.

Sydonia went, in a matter of weeks, from a newbie to an officer of her guild.

For a candidate who has not been corrupted by years of visits from lobbyists and others who want special favors, Sydonia is the candidate for you.

This message brought to you by Sydonia for President. My name is Sydonia and I approve this message.

Hey Guys, Getting Experience Points as a Reward For Completing a Quest is Not a Bad Thing

I was reading a post on BG (I know, mistake #1 right there) about how the new beginner quests actually give *gasp* experience points for completing certain tasks (but no fame). In total, they give you 1800 experience. Not really gamebreaking.

Comment #10 – “so…..low lvls is like WoW now?”

Leading up to this, there are a lot of ‘about time’ and ‘really could have used that 4 years ago’ type comments, but this one stuck out the strongest to me of all of them.

My personal feelings are ‘who cares anymore about leveling up’. Anymore, leveling to 75 is just a chore, especially after the first time. The second, third, fourth, fifth, etc 75 just become a larger chore than the one before it (this comes from someone who has 4 75’s, a 61, and 2 53’s). I welcome anything to make this task go faster.

With that said, there is nothing wrong with having a npc assign a task to (for example) go and kill 20 rabbits, then give you an experience points reward equal to around 1/3rd of that of killing 20 monsters, maybe a small money amount, and perhaps a reward based on what you killed. Actually, such a quest does exist, aside from the experience points part. While you can buy the items from the AH, I think the idea is to go kill a number of monsters in that family, help you learn what they drop, as well as provide guidance to lowbie leveling targets. See the quest The Seamstress, and its follow up quests Lizard Skins, and Black Tiger Skins. The final result of this 3-stage quest is a Tiger Stole. Not an amazing item, but not horrible either.

So the goal of the quest (I assume) is that you kill a few even match monsters, get 500-600 exp per quest, turn it in, get a few items and some money. Now add on the quest giving you a 300 exp per quest bonus too. For quests which are much harder, or more time consuming, like the warp 2 quest, perhaps a 3000-5000 experience points bonus would be appropriate. Something that helps take the edge off of leveling. I also think that as you get higher level, the monsters should give more experience (I do realize this was increased at least once already, I believe it should be increased again, but have the base exp per kill raised instead of the potential exp from a larger level difference). I’m not saying that at 70 every monster should give you 4000 experience and you should level in 10 kills, like at level 1, I’m just saying that maybe 500-600 experience per kill (from the same monsters that now give 150-200) isn’t a bad thing either.

Lets take what would be a higher level quest. In the early 50’s, you get a quest from some npc in Rabao to ‘help clear out kuftal’. It gives a bonus experience of 2000, and 15K money (or maybe an item along the lines of a Jaeger Ring). Suddenly killing a bunch of crabs in Kuftal is a little bit more bearable. Once this became the norm, groups could pick their leveling area based on the quests they could get as well. There would need to be enough quests to match the number of leveling areas — we don’t need even more parties up at Greater Colibri. Maybe a “Go kill 200 weapons in sky, come back for a 10,000 exp bonus”. Sum of experience (assuming 200 exp per weapon no chain) is 40,000, plus the exp bonus, brings the total to 50,000 experience points (approximately). It could get more people into old leveling areas, and make it worthwhile to level there again.

I understand this has the potential to create more ‘high level n00bs’. Well, they will be created anyways, might as well not torture everyone else trying to prevent what cannot be avoided.

The main problem with this is a big one though. There just aren’t enough quests to allow for many level 75 jobs. After 1 or 2, it would be back to grinding for you (depending on how many of these quests were repeatable, and how often they were repeatable). However, since the game is as old as it is, this sort of change would bring new life into quests, and help with the 3rd or 4th 75 job that people would otherwise probably not level.

Background on the name ‘Sydonia’

At one point, a long time ago, there was a character on Diabolos (my original server) named ‘Sydonia’.  I’m admitting that the name is not original, and was picked in honor of my friend.

One of the last messages I have from them (I do not know if they were a guy or girl, and in a way, it doesn’t matter) is this.


11/11/2005, nearly 3 years ago now.  Yes, I have saved this as a new POL message for all of this time.

To say I miss Syd is an understatement.

A long time ago now, the Dosetsu Tree added to the game, complete with a new item — the Raikiri.  Worth over a mil at the time, I actually went out and got the drop for this person, and gave it to them.  This is the only time I can remember that I have solo hunted a monster for someone else.  This raikiri was also the 3rd or 4th on Diabolos.  Syd wanted one so badly, the stats were quite good for its time (remember that not too many people had B01 access at this time, and most mid-50 parties were in the Tree where it has nearly full-time thunder weather) and it was blue (blue blades are something we both liked a lot).

I still have this raikiri on a mule, its value next to nothing now.  I can’t see myself selling it (I have thought about it, but cannot bring myself to list it on the AH), and I may just delete the item from the game when I quit.

Syd leveled samurai after we discussed Rurouni Kenshin, one of the few animes I actually enjoyed watching, on Cartoon Network.  She did so much because she thought it would make me happy.

I have not talked to her in years, but I have not forgotten her.  The name of my WoW character is in honor of her.

If I ever met this person in real life, or in another game, I would be happy to call them a friend once again.

Even just writing this post, and thinking about my friend, makes me so warm inside again.  And sad that I do not know what happened to her.

Wherever you are Syd, come back to us please.

I Can’t Help But Feel Like This Was Directed at Me

Just because one person doesn’t care about something doesn’t mean other’s don’t’ care. ( linky! )

Lets face it, for most people, there isn’t a whole lot left to post about. And looking on TTTO, there are a LOT of people who play WoW or another MMO either to take time away from FF, or along with FF, or play it more than FF, only occasionally logging into Vana’diel. So a WoW post is probably just as interesting to many as a FF post.

Syd Hits Level 60, Then Promptly Leaves Town

Syd left me a message to pass on to her 2 readers.

She is very happy to finally hit level 60 after 12 whole days of leveling (remember the 3 x experience due to the linked accounts). She got her epic mount too (albeit with borrowed gold).

Then, Syd had to run, and forgot her screenshot folder on her main computer. Oh well, no big updates until Monday or Tuesday when she gets back.

As for me, its bed time, big plans for the weekend, including alcohol (for the first time in almost a week).


I’m Tired: A Rant

As I’m sure has been obvious lately, I’ve been playing a lot less FFXI and a lot more WoW. No, I’m not quitting, but I am taking that vacation I needed from the world of Vana’diel.

This is a rant.

I’m tired of…

…losing exp at 75 when I die
…still farming sky after 3 years and not having everything I can wear
…waiting 3 days before repeating a run of dynamis or limbus because the zone isn’t instanced
…any monster that takes more than 30 minutes to repop
…any monster that takes more than 1 hour to repop, and then DEPOPS when the weather changes
…timed dungeon activities
…having a dungeon-only drop without a questable alternative
…80 million sets of points — Conquest Points x 3, IS, AN, Assault Points x 5, Nyzul tokens, the Ichor from einherjar
…having to choose between Nyzul and Salvage for my assault tags
…waiting more than 6 months for any dynamis/limbus drop
…having to choose between gaining fame, questing, exping, and making money
…instances with a time limit
…quests that give lousy rewards
…quests not giving worthwhile experience points
…chocobo raising not offering a practical alternative to rented chocobos
…the constant and sadistic punishment of the players by Square-Enix
…empty loot pools on any monster that takes more than 10 minutes to get to and repop
…items that take literally years to drop
…killing the same monsters over and over and over because the items just don’t fall
…the best gear in 2005 is the best in 2008
…crafting being a mostly worthless activity, unless you want the 20 gamer points on XBoxLive
…desynthing items being worthless
…critically failing a synth 90 levels below my skill
…the solution to high-level boredom — more merrits
…money being far too important to entering activities like dynamis and limbus
…not having much to look forward to other than another year or two of the same
…knowing there are items I will just never have because the monsters are just botted constantly
…having to plan your runs of certain zones around other groups because it isn’t instanced
…any new non-instanced end-game activity
…all of the old, non-instanced end-game activities
…new events that are designed around punishing the players and taking obscene amounts of time
…monsters that are designed to take more than 4 hours to kill
…losing loot when a monster dies unclaimed to a DoT
…anything that takes more than 20 kills to get your drop
…interrupting my casting because the server decided I took a step forward
…being 2 seconds too late for the airship, then knowing it set me back 12 minutes
…being blocked in my path because my character can’t handle an elevation difference of more than 1 inch
…that which I do for fun causing me more frustration than my job
…the game beginning at 75

In short, I’m tired of FFXI.

This week off has been great, and playing WoW (where you don’t have to think as much, and you do quests, which are fun, to gain exp, decent gear for your level, and money) has been really refreshing: to the point where everyone has commented that I’ve been acting different this past week.

I don’t want to quit, but I’m starting to really get sick of FFXI. I also don’t want to quit because I’m so close to getting all the stuff I’d want, and to quit, then come back and still not have it all would probably ensure I didn’t last long. I really feel stuck, where my only two options are to quit for good, or stay playing something that is just starting to drive me insane.

I’m Sitting Here on my Couch, Watching the Time-Delayed Olympic Open Ceremony

I saw pictures from the opening ceremony about 8 hours ago at work. The time-delay made it start at 20:08 EDT, or 8:08pm Eastern Daylight Savings time.

I’m watching the Parade of Nations, something I usually find far too boring to care about. My parents always turned it off growing up. And truthfully, I didn’t plan on even watching it at first. But then I was curious.

China is not known as a an open place. But this is so fascinating to watch, the 5000 year old culture opening up.

However, the most important thing (in my mind) is this: of the thousands of people who have walked by so far, probably 90% of them could be someone from around the corner. It is times like this that you realize that people around the world are not really all that different from you and I. For one brief moment, me sitting on my couch in Virginia, and everyone all over the world, are connected, watching the same thing at the same time (or close to the same time). We really are the same.

During one of the breaks, a campaign add for both McCain and Obama come on. It brings me back to reality for a minute. While other channels have re-runs on so as not to really compete and just let the ceremony be, politicians are still arguing.

I enjoy the contrast, in one minute, one of the great uniting events (quite possibly a huge turning point for China and how it relates to the world), the next, politicians dividing us again.

All combined, it just shows that we could probably all get along, if it wasn’t for politicians constantly convincing us that we can’t get along. Perhaps it will be our generation, that can spread information faster than ever, that finally breaks down some of those barriers. Or at the very least, leads the way towards making the world a bit smaller, and a lot better.

In a way, FFXI is an interesting uniter as well. We play with people from all over the nation, and the world. We talk with people from all sorts of ethnic, religious, national, financial, regional backgrounds who we would probably never otherwise know. I’ve met some of the most amazing people, a galka SMN from Japan who spoke broken English (and in who’s shell we all spoke a modified version of English with Japanese grammar structure to communicate), to a members of every branch of the US military, and a French-Canadian who barely spoke any English (although who’s English improved significantly over the years we all knew each other). There are players from all over the English speaking world, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, England, Ireland, and elsewhere. And of course, from across the US. An art student in Texas, a state trooper in Michigan, stay at home moms from various states, a young married couple from Texas, people who work in the Vegas casinos, and people who just live near Vegas.

Perhaps the most fascinating person I ever met was a student from Bahrain. Someone I know for a fact, I would never have known if it wasn’t for FFXI. Some of my talks with her have been the most interesting. She was also the one who made the comment first “we really are not that different”.

So think about it. People around the world are not that different from each other. Placed together, we generally get along, even if we don’t agree with each other about everything, we can almost always be friends.


Almost 2 years ago, my real life friend Ayslain, was banned from FFXI. Technically it was early September 2006, but they got their first temp ban in August 2006, and are coming to visit me this weekend, so its an appropriate time for this.

To say this ban was fair and deserved would be an understatement.

Yep! The title says it all. Today i won a free trip (all expenses paid) to one Mordion Gaol! And let me tell you, the rumors of the land are grosely underexaggerated! There are ferris wheels there, bumper cars, hanging swings, the scrambler, tilt a whirl, the works all there! I had an excellent time until they forced me to logout! 🙂

So I was officially banned today until “midnight 8/9/06″… though i’m not exactly sure what that means. Does it mean 11:59pm on tuesday, or 11:59pm on Wednesday? What day do we consider midnight to be in the real world?

GM Luminious was my GM… and basically he seemed to only speak to me in a pre-determined statement setup by SE a while ago. Ironically, i could not take a screenshot of the log as I was in Gaol without windower loaded (when i realized i was zoning into Gaol randomly i quickly closed my FFXI thinking i could somehow evade them), but the reason for my banning was for the use of “illegal third party applications”. The terminology is very vague, so i’m not sure exactly how they fingered me in particular. The GM did not answer any of my questions (including the simple question of midnight EST?). The funny thing is, they are VERY CLEAR to you that you are not getting perma-banned throughout the whole process. I guess SE really doesn’t want to lose customers!

The GM character models themselves (which i’m sure everyone has seen at some point in screenshots) are pretty ugly (they are the executioner style where you can’t see their faces)… but one thing that screenshots don’t do ‘justice’ to them is that GMs have a weird “heat” effect that makes their character slightly blurry. It’s kind of like when you look down the road, or off of the hood of your car, on a really hot day and you can kind of see heat waves flowing up into the air. I don’t really see why they have that effect, as it just makes it annoying to look at them.

Anyway, i’ll see you all again on tuesday… wednesday… thursday… whatever day they meant for this to end! 🙂

And then the followup to the August 2006 temp-ban

First off, my guess is i was banned specifically for POS hacking while mining… which is probably the dumbest thing you can ever do.

See, i’ve used POS before… enough that i have even gotten that “You cannot enter the next zone” message 10,000 times b/c if you get to a zoneline earlier than physically possible you are not allowed to actually zone. You just get that weird message. GMs have never been auto-called on me b/c of that message… so i guess i assumed there wasn’t any auto-detection in place for POS at all.

I’m still not 100% sure how i got caught though. My guess is if you arrive at (and mine) points “too soon” the game will auto-call GM on you. But, i was also dragging mining points away from all of the mobs to safer areas to mine them… so they could’ve detected that my current x,y,z was not close enough to the mining point’s x,y,z to legitimately mine it.

All this being said… my first offense was actually a pretty big one (using hacks to make profit) and i STILL only got 3 day suspension. I am guessing all of this nonsense about windower and getting banned for using it (using /console instead of the console button) is probably just the excuse people cooked up to their friends when they got banned for something else and thus the rumors started. There is a screenshot somewhere online right after that last update on the 22nd of someone admitting to a GM that they had windower and that’s why they couldn’t use the warp taru and the GM didn’t care at all. Even if you shouted in cities that you used it i’m guessing they’d ban you for ‘spamming’ faster than banning you for windower. 🙂

My advice to you… hack away! Just don’t use it for profit, or they’ll detect you! 🙂

A month later, they were banned for flee hacking and pos hacking to complete the ninja AF quests faster.

About a year after this all came out, we finally got the list of things they had done:

Fish Botting
Flee Hacking (appearantly if you use flee hacking with the sky statue bind move you look like you are running, but not moving, on other’s screens). Was also used for dynamis pulls.
POS Hacking (for mining and also in sky to check if other NMs were up)
Moving targets to evade client side checks. Many green targetable objects handle proximity checks clientside, such as mining points. If you use a 3rd party tool, you can ‘pull’ the target to a safer spot.
Radar apps
An app which would leave a monster name on your screen if it ever appeared on your screen (useful for seeing if NMs came by while you were AFK).
Buying gil online. Although relatively speaking this was a small offense.

So, they are coming for a week long visit starting tomorrow. We’ll probably play some Warhammer as we’re both in the beta, maybe some WoW too. Lots of console games, although doubtful it will be mario kart. One of the two of us is way too good at all things mario kart related to the point where they are just frustrating to play against. And that person isn’t me.

I’ll also be on-and-off FF all week. Maybe I’ll have both of me on, but for a change, won’t actually be dual boxing. My friend is fairly experienced as a thf, blm, and whm. And still owes me 200K and a set of HQ fishing gear that someone was borrowing when they got banned… =P
