Category Archives: FFXI

Economics of Scale

As some may or may not know, I’m very interested in upgrading a relic dagger. However, I wouldn’t, and couldn’t, do this without the full force of my linkshell behind me.

I found this calculator. It basically says that, if I aquire 300 pieces of ancient currency per week (1.5mil – 4.5 mil), it will take 10 months. ( see )

As much as I’d love to have a Mandau, I don’t think this is realistic. At least, not without a radical change to the way Ancient currency drops or is aquired, or, me finding some super-secret way to make a fortune (because I won’t buy money online).

If you think I’m kidding, here it goes:

The Mandau requires (not including anything other than ancient currency)

Stage 1-2 – 400 Byne Bills, at approx 5000 each is 2,000,000
Stage 2-3 – 1400 Ordelle Bronzepiece, at approx 13,000 each is 18,200,000
Stage 3-4 – 6100 Tukuku Whiteshell, at approx 15,000 each is 91,500,000
Stage 4-5 – 10,000 Byne Bills, at approx 5000 each is 50,000,000

For a total cost (at today’s prices) of 161,700,000. Its not even a stretch to try to afford this, its completly out of my price range for the forseeable future, even if I were to buy the money online, it would cost too much. If I were to buy a handful of coins per week (lets say 10-20), it would take 20 years to complete. If I buy 150 – 200 coins per week, it would take 2 years.

So yes, as I mentioned, without the full force of my linkshell behind me to at least get to stage 4, it isn’t even close to worth the effort. If all coins fall to 1K each, then maybe, just maybe, this becomes worth the troubles. I can only hope the servers are still running by the time that happens.


Bahamut v1

Finally got to try this battle. It was a lot of fun, especially because no one really knew what to expect.

We didn’t win, but it was a blast.

Here’s some pics







Mwahahahahaha, he missed me.



Yay, I resisted Firaga 4


Az sure didn’t









I love dumb people

This guy decided we ‘needed’ a PL or he wasn’t going to grace us with his presence.

He then decided to solo a worm.

Dumbass Delevels





Dynamis – Windhurst!

Hurray for winning this one. Its been a while since we’ve managed to 1) get the numbers, 2) get the zone, and 3) win it. Lots of good AF fell (but no smn, yet again. I’ve only ever seen that one fall once in 2 years of dynamis).

But anyways, congrats to all for the win.

On a personal note, I actually had fun trying some of the Sac pulls. I know that, for some reason, most of the ls usually tries very hard to keep me alive, even to the point of using PLDs for sac pulls. So, I was actually quite happy to get to test my luck on one of them. It was exciting, it was fun, and it gave me almost half a point of evasion skill up.

I just hope that limbus on sunday is as exciting. 🙂

The Best LS I’ve Ever Been In?

So I’ve been thinking a lot about life, liberty, and the persuit of pixelated goodies.  And I thought I’d make a list of what I’ve gotten as a result of being in this ls.


MNK Hands (Jeuno)
THF Hat (Windy)

Sky Gear-

Byakko’s Haidate
Genbu’s Kabuto
Suzaku’s Sune-ate
Genbu’s Shield

Sea Gear-

Rajas Ring
Brutal Earring
Both items for THF AF+1 (have not picked an item yet)

Pop NMs-

Optical Hat
Swift Belt


Rapparee Harness

That’s really a lot of stuff. Consider that my first ls only ‘bestowed’ upon me the Aquarian Abjs for Head and Pants (without, of course, nearly the funds to buy the cursed item), and WHM AFv2 head, feet, and SMN AFv2 hands, this ls exceeds many by a lot.

My second real ls got me the Yinyang Robe, A Abj Feet, Rostrum Pumps, Reverend Mail, WHM AFv2 Body and Pants, and gave me a cursed crown for my existing Abj.

My Tamas ring was all on my own, no ls ever helped me beat the airship battle for CoP.

The third ls I was in (very briefly as they stoped doing end-game about 2 weeks after I joined) got me the MNK AFv2 boots (although the leader tried to break her own rules and give it to her friend), and that’s it. They took the MNK AFv2 pants away when they did break their own rules, and allow a friend of the leader to lot over me (I still lotted, but lost). I was the only one who was elegible at the time, but I hated the dynamis leader. I was not sad to see this ls die.

In terms of time, this is the longest I’ve ever stayed with an ‘end game’ ls. I don’t think its just for the items, but I’m sure that shinies help. This ls is fairly unique in that they work together for the benefit of the group. Many LSes work for the benefit of the leaders first, then everyone else next. And while we certainly have our fair share of the greed, it isn’t as bad as many places I’ve seen. The inclusion of free days is amazing — many ‘end game’ type LSes have a high burn-out rate as the constant camping of monsters and activities can really lead to exhaustion quickly, especially with people who have jobs and/or families, and cannot afford to spend 12+ hours in front of their computer everyday.

I love doing new things with new people. This LS gave me the first opportinuty to really get into Limbus. While we might have some troubles with the learning curve on some battles, we are getting better and working better as a team. The Limbus group was also the first time I was allowed to take control and try my hand at leading a group. It is fun, and I hope it continues to be as much fun as it is now.

In terms of what we can kill, this is not my ‘best’ ls, in terms of what really matters, it definitly is.

Since I’m Fairly Evil and Like to Scare People

I recently reactivated my WoW account just for kicks (and a 10-day free trial).


I gotta admit, the modified interface is actually really nice. A friend of mine helped me install a bunch of mods, which freed up a ton of screen space and placed a lot of extra useful things on the screen. To an extent, I wish that the interface in FF was as customizable. The FF fonts are so dated and blurry. I know its a minor thing, but its also an easy fix.


Yay Limbo (revisited)

We’ve finally obtained a 4th chip for the omega set. This means, we can do a proto-omega battle, and get some homan pieces.

The problem is, everyone wants everything first and now. Trying to build a set of rules that everyone feels is fair.

I’m probably overthinking and trying too hard. I’m going to go level (or at least lfp) my thf and have some fun.

I’m also very excited for this first battle, but at the same time a bit frightened. Most groups don’t do too well on their first run, but if we win, we win. As long as we have fun, I’ll be happy enough (but oh do I want that homan body piece for my thf).


I don’t know what to say

That encounter with the other ls was, disheartening at best.

I know its only a matter of time before they work their way over to these forums, and then the blogs. I’m almost afraid they will show the same maturity on our website as they did at our last encounter. Still not sure what exactly set them off last night.

It was nice of them to spread lies and half truths about the events to other lses.

An entire determined to prevent us from getting the item we were hunting.

I was originally going to post part of the un-official history of their ls (ie, what actually happened as witnessed from an outside observer), but decided against it. The only thing it would do is cause more mud-slinging, and there is already too much of that.

As much as they would like you to believe, their hands are just as dirty as any other end-game ls. The way they acted last night was not the behaviour of a respectable linkshell. I suppose its easy to ‘dismiss’ new lses now that you consider yourselves ‘one of the greats’ (holds in puke at writing that). Being great is more than just being able to kill stuff. They seem to forget very quickly that not too long ago, they were a newbie ls that everyone else just ‘dismissed’. It seems they are still bitter or angry about that.

I’m not going to start a blame war, because everyone will just say that someone on the other side did something to provoke an event, and that what they did wrong was retaliation for an earlier event (and thus, my side is blameless, I’m an innocent little angel), etc, and I’m not holding any grudges (at the same time, it will take a while before I trust that ls).

I know someone will eventually find their way to this site. That’s fine. Just behave.

Yay Limbo

I’m really starting to enjoy the limbo-ing we do. This week didn’t go quite so well, as we didn’t get the limbo we wanted. But, I still had a blast, aside from everyone being pissed off at each other from the beginning.

Its a good group to go with, especially since neither us nor them have enough people to run one solo yet.


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