Category Archives: FFXI

Risk/Effort vs. Reward

A lot of the recent hacking has brought up some of the fundamental flaws in the Final Fantasy XI game.

For starters, the Notorious Monster system is horribly broken.  I would say it is broken to the point of being impossible to fix without an overhaul of the entire game system.

Lets look at the problems.  Many monsters have extremely long spawn windows.  As annoying as rare-spawn monsters are, 21-24 hours is not nearly as bad as something that is 4-8+ hour repops.  That means, the monster will spawn more than 4 hours after it last died, with no end to the window.  Other monsters are 9-12 hour repops, with Charby at 8-12 hours.

What this means — someone with ‘a life’, with kids, a casual gamer, or someone who has to, you know, work to pay for things, has no chance of keeping track of Time of Death (or ToD) without help.  And then, even if they can get ToD, there is little chance of being home to get the kill.

Even a 21-24 hour repop is hard to keep track of for more than a couple of days without the aid of a college student, an unemployed person, or a person with odd work hours helping out.

And then, if you get the people together, and get the kill, there is no guarantee of getting the drop.

The effort to reward ratio is very skewed here.  Tons of effort of possibly more than one person, with a reasonably large chance of no reward.  At the same time, there is a chance of accidentally running into the monster and getting the drop without any problems.  In the case of monsters like Sirocco Kukri monster, it will despawn if not claimed.  I don’t know of any other monster like that.

However, this does show a difference in Western vs. Eastern thinking.  Since FFXI is a Japanese game, it shows a lot of Japanese thoughts.  The Western (American) thinking is to prefer to know the effort to reward ratio for things.  The Japanese is different.  The thought process is to do what ever it takes to get the job done and get the reward.  American thinking focuses on individual effort that the individual reaps the reward from.  Japanese thinking focuses on the group, and the individual’s success is the group’s success.

As the game got older, we can see a shift towards Western thinking from Eastern thinking.  Older monsters were not changed, but newer activities were.  Limbus is an example of this change.  The drops from the Proto-Omega and Proto-Ultima fights are usually decent.  While there is still a large randomness, it is known that there will be 2-3 items that people generally want per fight.  This is a good thing, and Limbus overall is a good compromise between the two styles of thought.

Then, Assault was introduced.  With assault, there is a very known effort to reward ratio.  For example, 20 times through Golden Salvage is enough to get the Pahluwan Khazagand, or the Amir Dirs, or the Yigit Turban.  Known effort to reward is GOOD, and attracts (and keeps) the casual gamer.

I really believe this is why WoW (World of Warcraft for those living under a rock for the past couple of years) is so popular.  They have a very well known effort to reward ratio.  Drop rates are very well known for all items.  It is also well known where they fall.  This is thanks to allowing 3rd party plugins.  An early one was the ThottBot (which I won’t link to because it was recently attacked for the purposes of stealing accounts and passwords, like somepage).  ThottBot gathered a lot of data about what drops where and how often.  Also in WoW, there are very few monsters that spawn rarely.  All of the decent items are called "random world drops", which means that just about any monster can drop just about any item, or, they fall from instances, where every group has an equal chance of getting any item that falls from that instance.

Or, the item requires gaining a certain amount of fame (reputation), then are purchased.  These, while annoying, still are better than a 21-24 hour repop where you might not get claim, and even if you do get claim, you might not get the drop.

At the same time, for the hard-core person who is used to FFXI, the burn-out rate for WoW is quite high.  Someone used to camping monsters all day could tear through the content in as little as 6-8 months.  WoW counters this by making gear obsolete quickly.  The best sword from today is not the best sword from 2 years ago in WoW, while in FF, it is (arguably).  It is a fine line that needs to be walked, but without changing old content, I don’t see this problem being ‘fixed’ anytime soon.

Anyone else have thoughts?


Quick Updates

So I haven’t really posted in a week, but I should have an update ready soon

In the past week I have

1) Beaten Dynamis – Beaucedine
2) Another Proto-Ultima win
3) Beaten Dynamis – Xarcabard (including Dynamis Lord)
4) Finished my Dark Knight to 37 (for mnk/drk on above mentioned Dynamis Lord)
5) Leveled my Samauri to 15
6) Leveled my Dancer to 24

It has been a busy week.

There was also the virus scare that really hit home for a lot of FFXI Players. I know the thought of losing both of my characters was horrible, but at least there was no way to migrate them to another server (still in 90-day cooldown from last migration).


The All Too Short Life of Persius

Hi!  My name is Persius, I’m a level 1 taru Warrior on Caitsith server


Awwww aren’t I a cutie!



Oh no, a big bad elf wants his name back 🙁


Wait, there is still hope maybe they won’t click Yes


Maybe they won’t hold down "D".


Well, its been nice knowing you.  To every season turn turn turn, etc.


Partially Down



Finally going to get the Dynamis – Beaucedine win, and BAM, server crash.

Apparently, 4 servers are ‘partially down’ although from what I’ve seen, there isn’t much of anyone still connected on any of them.  All 5 major cities on Caitsith are down :(.

Anyways, when I try to reconnect, this is what I see.


So I found the other status codes, here they are —






Yeah, this kind of sucks… boo servers down.  Its odd, I can’t find just Maintenance right now.  Oh well, going to go to bed unless this comes back up soon.

Dynamis – Tavnazia, Part 2

All good part 1’s need a part 2.  And here it is.

After we crossed the bridge at the end of part 1, we fought some Hydra.  They were nasty, but the Black Mage, White Mage, Red Mage trio were not too difficult.


The Melee trio of Monk, Thief, Warrior proved a bit more difficult, and I ended up tanking during the Monk’s Hundred Fists (at least for a couple seconds)


The Monk had some TP move called Shackled Fists.  It looked, and hit, like a renamed Final Heaven.  If you’ve never seen a Monk get 1-shotted before, here you go.


A closer look at the damage.  OUCH!  1468.


A pic of the Hydra Beastmaster and his pet Hound.


On the next floor, we ran into some Kindred.  Of course no dynamis would be complete without a summoner.


And some AF!  This is only the second pair of these I’ve ever seen fall.  Cool.  The person who got this is now 5/5 on White Mage AFv2.


More shinnies in the treasure pool.  Hydra Gaiters.


I just thought this picture was neat, so I included it.


As the run came to an end, we got out first big link of the night.  But with under 10 minutes left, we were basically finished already.  Notice how in these pictures there are usually only 3 people alive, myself, Irons as thief, and Mptythoughts on his Warrior.


This is Pyra’s final stand.  Vae Victis!



Dynamis – Tavnazia, Part 1

Here we go, at long last, my pictures from Dynamis – Tavnazia.

From the opening CS.  Unlike the other Dreamland Dynamii, this one is much darker, and Diabolos is barely visible, surrounded in a very bright light.


dyTcs1 dyTcs2

And part of the text, weird.


I’m not sure anyone knows what the ‘storyline’ behind dreamland dynamis really is.  I know I’ve got no clue.

Anyways, you enter, subless as always, and have to get time right away (start with 15 minutes, only allowing 18 members inside).


After he is dead, run up to the middle floor.


One of the time monsters is a Nightmare Worm.  Think Phantom Worm on steroids.  He likes to do draw-in then immediately stonega4 or tremors.  Luckily (for me at least) he only used tremors.  1600 HP comes in handy when he uses a 400 damage to all move twice in a row.

Mages were not so lucky.

dyT3 dyT4

Hey look, NPCs in a dyanmis.


Running across the bridge in the safehold.


Sure, send the cats in first.


Nightmare Hornets, nasty guys that have a TP move that gives them Hundred Fists.  Wouldn’t be too bad, except the zone is full of them.

End of part 1.  In an effort to not have huge posts, this post was split in two.


Wall o’ Taru

Before runs, it is apparently tradition in KI to do a wall of taru.  Enjoy!

wot1 wot2 wot3 wot4


Wow Google Rank

So I have the new WordPress stats tracker running. It gives me all sorts of interesting stats, including what people searched for that got them here.

I found that for “wings of the goddess missions” on Google, this site comes out at 7th. Which is neat. See Google Link here.

For anyone finding this site from google, I just have pictures and stupid commentary on the missions. If you want more info, is where you want to go.

Anyways, another quick update, which has the advantage of pushing this monster entry to the blog’s second page, and hopefully speeding up the loading of the front page.


Playing around with Tables

I don’t know if anyone noticed, but I’ve started working on ways to display information about my character.

The first example is my Page on Chi-Blast Gear. It is a start of how I want to organize where I’m at vs where I’d like to be vs what is realistically obtainable without dedicating my life to the pursuit of pixelated goodies.

I’m planning on using a traffic light system of colors – namely green, yellow, and red. Its currently a start, but is coming along nicely.

Coming next will be merrits, depending on how much time I have at work to work on it *grin*.


Ahhhh its all getting out of control

I just noticed that the main page is HUGE. Mostly due to a couple gigantic entries with tons of pictures.

At first I thought my server was slowing down, so I ran a couple timing scripts — main page is served in under a second most of the time.

Then I noticed there are 85 images on the page, totaling 35 MB in size.

Oops. No wonder it was taking forever to load. I need to write some short entries to start bumping older entries to the second page.