Category Archives: AnimeFusion


Quick update.

Since I was enlisted to help out getting some friends a few soboros, I decided that after helping others get about 20 of them, I should have one too.


My “Make the SAMs Jealous Pic”.  My SAM is lvl 37 at the moment. >.>


The group I got the Soboro with, the AnimeFusion social shell.


And of course the main reason I was there, to help ensure Miz got his.  He actually has a lvl 50+ SAM.



Fun With Miz

So Miz was out for the evening, but still wanted to do limbo.  The dilemma.  So, he asked me to play his character for him since I’m somewhat familiar with how to Monk (and I specifically asked not to play Paladin, since, well, my Paladin is lvl 1 for a good reason).

The theme of this post is Potential.


Yes, I found Potential.

First thing I had to do was get some macros.  I copied over the ones I use for Pyra, especially since we use a lot of the same gear, at least for any slots I’d want to swap.


Ok, so I, and everyone else, got a kick out of using Pyra’s TP macro for Miz.

Rawr!  Look at me, I’m Miz, I make stuff die!




Whoa… as in Keanu Reeves from the Matrix, Whoa….


Having been on the butt of one too many ninja’s getting charmed (including this particular ninja getting charmed with his stun katanas on, that sucked), I took a little revenge.


But, I decided it would probably be a bad idea to solo the charmed tank, and went back to the monster.

After the fight, Miz was mine for a little bit.

After the great lesson I learned from Mischa, Bard or Summoner is the choice for running around.


Oh look, skill up even.




Roc Star

This week, I saw the NM Roc for the first time.  Not only did I see it, but I got the title too.


Yes, I was there for TH-Whoredom, but they pulled it to the bottom of the cliff so I could hit it once.

While hoping for a D. Ignot to sell, we got a dryad staff instead.  As the only White Mage present, free lot for me!



So its a free 50 MP.  Not too bad for a short run.

But you might say, a short run from where.

Well, I had just outposted to the Merphy Mountains to finish up mission 6-2.  Earlier in the day, I was a bit bored and decided to duo the fight with myself.

The fight is quite easy for a MNK/NIN and a WHM/BLM.  Although it did go bad after the first Yag, the final 3 went very smooth, especially since I managed to get the SAM and WHM to use their 2 hour abilities before I died.

After my trip to Castle-O, I went to see the Star Sibyl and now my signet lasts 1 hour longer than before.  Yay!


Oh, and the 40K is nice too.  Payed for that night’s Limbus run.

I also finished up my 4th Star in Campaign.  Hopefully I’ll be un-lazy and get the first metal this weekend.


Other than that, I’ve only done a Dynamis – Xarcabard.  Thief hands finally fell after a 5 month break.


1 more person off the list before I will get mine.

Since we always do a Dynamis Lord when we go to Xarcabard, and I always go to Xarcabard as Monk, I got to try a decent Chi blast on him.  I was in mostly melee gear as a MNK/DRK, and I only got 10 boosts, and its Dynamis Lord, so this isn’t horrible.


Part of this came from my newly acquired Temple Crown +1, and a borrowed Osode.

Speaking of a borrowed Osode, here is what I look like in 4/5 of the Sky Set.


Soon I’ll have one of my own.  Hands are kind of meh for monk, I prefer the Melee Gloves, or the +1 if I can get them.  According to Genome, they help with counter rate, aside from the obvious evasion granted by 15 extra AGI.  But I would put myself at the bottom of the list for Seiryu’s Kote, Rangers, Ninjas, and even Samurai deserve them before a Monk would.


Boroka Bama

Friend in my LS said Boroka was up, so we got together a group and went to make him slightly less alive than he previously was.

I’ve never fought this NM before, so it was a fun fight.  But was a lot simpler than expected.



This next picture would be perfect except for the ‘miss’ on the screen.  Oh well that’s what I get for turning on the damage report.


No deaths, although there were a couple close calls.


Yay!  Thief kill 4tw.  The Auditory Torque was what we were after, so it worked out well.  The elf pictured — Yenvious — ended up with it.  Skulker’s Cape was sold, and probably used to buy a silent oil.


Fun fight, wouldn’t mind going back to sell the drops at another time.

Boroka gives you a title too (surprise to all of us involved).



Since this didn’t fit anywhere else, and this is already a large post, I wanted to post this pic here.

I helped the AF group do CoP 8-2 and the map acquisition quest.  The map part… sucked, a lot.  But in the end, we all got it.

For some strange reason, I always hit the NM on Darksday.  I was hoping that for once, maybe, I would hit on some other day, but no, Darksday again.

This time, he really spammed the sleepga2.


Good times.


Nyzul Isling

I’ve started doing a Nyzul Isle group.  We only managed to clear to floor 5 on our second run, but its a start.


More pictures coming soon from this activity I’m sure.


More Pictures Needing Posting

I love limbus, bus some funny things happen.

Quite often, you get AF you can’t use and people forget to pass.  I forgot to pass, and this is what I got.


My lvl 1 Paladin, 24 Ranger, and 21 Warrior will be happy.

During a low-level linkshell party, three of us dinged at the same time, so I took a picture!  Hurray leveling!


Always enjoyable to see 2 dings at once, but 3 is fairly rare.

My next picture is someone who was shouting for a Divine Might run.  2/18, good luck with that.


I was leveling in Qufim and this happened–


Anyone know how this happened?

Also while leveling, I saw this.  Really guys, you aren’t fooling anyone.


And finally, Proto-Ultima, for the second time.


Enjoy y’all.


Quick Updates

So I haven’t really posted in a week, but I should have an update ready soon

In the past week I have

1) Beaten Dynamis – Beaucedine
2) Another Proto-Ultima win
3) Beaten Dynamis – Xarcabard (including Dynamis Lord)
4) Finished my Dark Knight to 37 (for mnk/drk on above mentioned Dynamis Lord)
5) Leveled my Samauri to 15
6) Leveled my Dancer to 24

It has been a busy week.

There was also the virus scare that really hit home for a lot of FFXI Players. I know the thought of losing both of my characters was horrible, but at least there was no way to migrate them to another server (still in 90-day cooldown from last migration).


The All Too Short Life of Persius

Hi!  My name is Persius, I’m a level 1 taru Warrior on Caitsith server


Awwww aren’t I a cutie!



Oh no, a big bad elf wants his name back 🙁


Wait, there is still hope maybe they won’t click Yes


Maybe they won’t hold down "D".


Well, its been nice knowing you.  To every season turn turn turn, etc.
