Few people know it, but I was one of the first to get Diabolos. As soon as I got him, I went to play around. A crowd gathered because everyone wanted to see what it could do. For the people who were there, this would be the first time any of them had seen Diabolos.
What people also do not know is how far back Stallion and I go. He organized my first CoP static. It died out after a couple weeks, but we still managed to get through a handful of missions. This is one of the reasons I was happy to help him with the 8-3 and 8-4 battles.
While browsing for other pictures, I ran across this one. Could that be? Zencart? This was me leveling my SMN in the high 60’s, probably in Bibiki Bay.
Sometimes the game messes up. Thankfully, I was quick on the screenshotting 🙂
I’ve got one more entry in this series I’m working on. It will be posted soonish.