No Hope, No Love, No Glory. No Happy Ending

My brother has been trying to get me to listen to Mika for years (Happy Ending, go youtube the song if you don’t know it).

Back in November I did not totally realize what quitting reading the FF-wiki forums would have.

In truth, they provided a very needed service.  A place to ensure that everyone thinks about the game during the times they are not playing about the game.  I really needed that little bit to make sure that I stayed in the mindset of continual play.

At work, I actually have a WoW support group.  That little bit every day ensures that I think about WoW a few times during my work day.  It keeps me playing for about 5-10 hours per week.

I have a new love interest in my life.  And it is a good thing.  They are trying really hard to get me away from watching TV and playing video games and out into the world.  While this person is a vegetarian, we have an agreement that this belief won’t be forced upon me.  Which is good, because without chicken I’d be in trouble.  We have an agreement that I can play with my photos as much as is needed, which is really good, because I’d go crazy w/o that.

As far as quitting the game goes, I plan on canceling my older account on July 7, 2010.  Which is 6 years to the day after I started playing.  My younger account will probably linger around for a few more months while I give away everything.

If all goes as planned, by September, both Pyra and Atalantia will be no more.  A very bittersweet thing for me to do, but something that was fairly inevitable if you’ve known me well enough for the past few years.

To all the friends I’ve made over the years, on both Diabolos and Caitsith, as both Atalantia and Pyra, I wish you all the best.  In the end, it comes down to the people more than anything else.  Those who are my closest friends are already on my Facebook friends list.  I do consider them friends, no matter how far away they live.  All attempts will be made to keep in touch.  And if we lose contact, I will miss them.  I never forget people I meet, which is actually a huge problem for me in real life.  I never forget a face, but quickly forget a name.  On top of that, I’ll be able to recite the conversation back years after it happened.  One of the negatives of having a photographic memory is that it is hard to forget. 

If I can say nothing else about FFXI, it has one heck of a fun ride.

I will probably not play FFXIV.  And I may not ever play another MMORPG.  But I will never forget the friends I’ve made and the good times I’ve had.  To all of you, I salute and thank you.  I also wish you the best in all of your endeavors.

Happy 200th post to teh Pyra.


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