Monthly Archives: May 2009

Still Alive, But Working on Other Things

I’m still here. I still check my comments and the blog that I loved writing for so long. It is sad that there isn’t much here in the past few months.

I have, however, started a new blog. But it isn’t for a video game character, it is for me. One of the things I loved for so long was photography. And I have years worth of images that have not been sorted, mostly due to spending too much time playing video games.

So I’m restarting my photo blog. And finally using this domain for what I bought it for, displaying my photos.

Please check out the SDO Photo Blog. “Sphericality” was a name I came up with in college… while drunk I think. I found it somewhat creative, but have never been fully comfortable with the name. It is based on “Sphere of Influence”, of which the domain was taken. I call it “Photography in Plain English”, which was somewhat inspired by something a friend of mine said at work recently. “I like reading your blurbs about how you made the image”.

Maybe I’ll update it regularly this time.

If photography isn’t your thing, well, I can respect that. I thank you for reading my ramblings, looking at my screenshots, and listening to my thoughts over the past few years.

All the best-

