Monthly Archives: November 2008

So Long, and Thanks for all the Fish

After much thought, and even more frustration, I’ve decided to cancel both my FF and my WoW accounts.

After being corpse camped again in WoW to the point where I had to just log out, that growing hatred of PvP came back. I decided I was done. I can’t bring myself to commit to an alliance character, and there are no good horde guilds on non-PvP worlds, which leaves all of nothing left for me to play. I quit all my guilds and made a corpse out of my main character in the middle of Shatt. I do not intend on logging on except maybe to re-corpse after the servers reset.

Then I went to FF for Dynamis. At this point, I realized that the only game I might hate more than WoW at that moment, is FF. I was there out of a sense of obligation to my friends, more than any sort of desire to be there.

My WoW account expires at the end of this month, and my FF will be canceled before the new year. I’m not deleting anything, as there is always the chance I may return to one or both. I’m just going inactive for a while.

Since I’m not going to be playing anymore, this will be the last post here, aside from a handful of pictures that I intended to post and may still. I’ve been neglecting the rest of my life for far too long.

All that’s left to say is ‘So long, and thanks for all the fish’.

Impeach Obama

Might as well get everything started now. He is not my president. I didn’t vote for him, I will NEVER consider him legitimate.

I’m tired of hearing about how this is all about race. But fine, then the ‘N-word’ is the best way to describe Obama, and how I will refer to it.

Obama is a clueless idiot. He is not a hero, he is not some great figure. He is an idiot, and under him, everything will get worse.

I am going to laugh. The Rev. Wright, who he spoke out against when it looked ‘bad’ for him, is now addressing everyone at his rally in Chicago. This regime of terror begins with a lie. It can only go down from here.

How does one apply for refugee status? I have a feeling we’re going to need it soon.

1/21/13. Countdown begins.