I’ve been playing WoW on a PvP server.
Doing some of the quests, especially the dailies on the Isle, have been almost more frustration than they are worth. The only reason I am doing these dailies is for #1 – SSO Fame, and #2 – Money for my Epic Flyer. For the SSO Fame, there is an item at Exalted fame that I want.
If anyone has ever been to a zone like the Isle on a PvP server, it is a lot of ganking, mostly by rogues or groups. It sucks. I’ve found the only solution is to just go afk in a safe area for about 15 minutes and they move on. Otherwise, you end up fighting the gank squads over and over as they find ways to kill you, or just harass you, just outside of the aggro radius of the guards. And I’m paying for this too.
So, I’m frustrated by this aspect of my daily WoWing. I’m considering moving to a PvE server. But I’m not sure I’ll like it any better. Sure this one zone is a cluster f—, but the rest of the time, I *rarely* end up PvPing (outside of Battlegrounds which are just task oriented PvP). So I’m not sure if there will be a difference, other than my daily questing will be much, much easier (I will often just not do the daily quests if I get home too late, as the frustration level isn’t worth it).
I also know that a bunch of people who read TTTO, etc, play WoW, and probably have some insight I’m missing.
I should also mention that as a 2-month old player, I don’t have a lot of PvP gear, and I’m going against people who have all the battleground-available PvP stuff there is. And as a mage, I get flattened fast, and have trouble getting past their resilience.