Background on the name ‘Sydonia’

At one point, a long time ago, there was a character on Diabolos (my original server) named ‘Sydonia’.  I’m admitting that the name is not original, and was picked in honor of my friend.

One of the last messages I have from them (I do not know if they were a guy or girl, and in a way, it doesn’t matter) is this.


11/11/2005, nearly 3 years ago now.  Yes, I have saved this as a new POL message for all of this time.

To say I miss Syd is an understatement.

A long time ago now, the Dosetsu Tree added to the game, complete with a new item — the Raikiri.  Worth over a mil at the time, I actually went out and got the drop for this person, and gave it to them.  This is the only time I can remember that I have solo hunted a monster for someone else.  This raikiri was also the 3rd or 4th on Diabolos.  Syd wanted one so badly, the stats were quite good for its time (remember that not too many people had B01 access at this time, and most mid-50 parties were in the Tree where it has nearly full-time thunder weather) and it was blue (blue blades are something we both liked a lot).

I still have this raikiri on a mule, its value next to nothing now.  I can’t see myself selling it (I have thought about it, but cannot bring myself to list it on the AH), and I may just delete the item from the game when I quit.

Syd leveled samurai after we discussed Rurouni Kenshin, one of the few animes I actually enjoyed watching, on Cartoon Network.  She did so much because she thought it would make me happy.

I have not talked to her in years, but I have not forgotten her.  The name of my WoW character is in honor of her.

If I ever met this person in real life, or in another game, I would be happy to call them a friend once again.

Even just writing this post, and thinking about my friend, makes me so warm inside again.  And sad that I do not know what happened to her.

Wherever you are Syd, come back to us please.

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