After approx 2 weeks in the JoA shell, I’m already ready to leave.
The shell is all about getting items. Items for only the founding members. Members who already have just about everything, and who the new item doesn’t give them anything they don’t have, over those who have very little gears.
Example — item falls, old member who could use it in maybe 2% of the time would always get the item over a newer member who could use it around 25-30% of the time.
Most recently, they started ZNMs. Well, sort of.
Sunday night I’m on, I see “OK we’re going to go pop some T2/3 ZNMs for Tinnin now”, I reply “What about T1’s?”, leader replies “We don’t need anymore, only T2/3 now”. So all the time I spent farming up my 9K zeni was wasted because the leader decided to #1 pop T1’s when very few were on, and #2 no one else was deserving enough to get T1 drops. Since it is a policy of ‘your pop, your pick of the drops’, they have essentially locked those who weren’t on during the who-knows-when it was they popped the T1’s from being able to pop a T2/3 and getting to pick their item.
On top of that, they ‘forgot’ to record the sky god kills from last week, and since it is a point-based system, I not don’t have enough points to lot on anything i could actually wear. All because around 30 points were not recorded because the leader was not paying enough attention (I currently have 19 points, so these missing 30 would bring me to almost 50, a respectable sum for a new member). I don’t even make the attendance rates now, all because a huge event was not recorded (also, those who got items did not have points deducted, so they can get the next item up for bids even faster too). Hurray.
So I’ll probably go to the ZNMs tonight, if they happen. If it goes like last week, I’m going to have to drop the shell for something new. No point in wasting all of my time like this.
Mood: Frustrated