Syd’s Semi-Long Awaited Updates

As Pyra mentioned last week, I hit 60, but have been too busy to post some new pictures.

Here we go.

One thing I really love about this game is the names your actions have.

In this case, I the 3rd or 4th in a series of quests led you into Alliance controlled areas to this tomb of their hero.


Yes, the action I’m performing is to “Defile Uther’s Tomb”.  Gotta love when the game tells you to do that.

Since this quest caused me to hit 58, it was time to go to the Outlands, which meant through the Dark Portal.


The first time through to the other side, Hellfire Peninsula is the zone, Stair of Destiny is the section of the zone.


Syd at the portal.  It is a huge object in the world.



That is the sky in this area.

For some reason, random monsters attack the portal, then the npcs fight them back.


The Azeroth side of the portal.


When the portal opened, there was a world event with a quest where you had to kill 6 of the invading monsters, then you could enter the portal into the outlands.  I wasn’t there, but I won’t miss whatever the next world event is for the next expansion.

Flying through Outlands


Some random npc I saw.


Floyd Pinkus, if you don’t get the reference, please leave now. =P


I know nothing about this guild, but I love the name, Beep Beep Ima Jeep.  This guy’s name does start with an esset (that German weird looking ‘B’-like letter), which you could complain to a GM about, but its not worth it, and I find it funny.

Here is my character at the logon screen at level 60.


Ohhh my pants glow.  And that staff I got (from a really easy quest too, which gave me some money and fame and experience and a really awesome staff) has 4 little things that orbit around the main body of the staff.  Shiny!

And for kicks, Syd at Orgrimmar (usually called Org, the home city of the Trolls and the Orcs).


Until next time.


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