Normally I wouldn’t combine two larger events into one post. But we done done good, and got good drops, and it was in a single afternoon into evening.
First off, Apoc Nigh.
Our first thoughts were “Its easy, and we need a monk and a summoner, pyra can dual box it”. It was much harder than I’d expected. A wipe later, I switched to Monk and White Mage, with the White Mage on the main computer to focus on her. As was mentioned in our party chat, “Ahh good ol’ CoP missions, where you can never win on your first try.”
It worked better, but I would not want to dual box it again.
Also, I got the kill shot 🙂
Which includes something interesting — the wiki only warns of a Light Skill Chain. Here we see a Fusion causing him to recover HP. Didn’t know that before, and didn’t notice until I was editing the image.
After the win, the cardinal lady comes back, and does something.

Then a quick CS in Jeuno with Aldo, then a wait until JP midnight :(.
After this CS, I went to work on my SAM in its run to 37. I hit 35, about 2K to 36 before I had to go for Limbo.
We decided on Proto-Ultima, which is a fight I still really hate. But the drops are good and my friends (and my summoner) want some items, and they all help on my goal of becoming a full homam princess, so I happily go. But I’m usually shaking and wishing I wasn’t sober.
This time, I got to go as a MNK/WHM for the first time since I finished my /WHM for chi blasting.
So I got to test out the full effect of my +MND gear.
Without a massive amount of money spent on 2 earrings and 2 rings for a total of +4 more (also there is a +4 MND belt that drops from a NM Gnole, but I only found out about this a day ago and have not looked into it more), this is about as high as I can get. Still, 64+81 is not bad no matter how you look at it.
It got me these two Chi Blasts (no bard songs either).

I don’t know who would be embarrassed by those numbers on a Ultima.
One of those got me Holy II’d, then a later Chi caused me to be the target of a Buster.
I was not going to go down quietly.
I’m a little disappointed. He only Armor Busted me, which wouldn’t have killed me. It was the melee hit and the Holy II that caused my demise.
Bye bye Kitteh indeed.
It was worth it, even if 2 of our BLMs d/cd before the fight and didn’t come back (so we went in with 1 BLM and a couple RDM/DRKs for stuns).
As a tradition in our shell, we always /random for opening the final box, especially if we have time and it was a really hard fight. I randomed highest (which is so rare for me).
The Whammie reference is what got us 2 legs, I know it.
About time Ultima put out for us.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have my Apoc Nigh earrings to go retrieve (only 2 1/2 years after beating ZM17 with my old shell to help them get their earrings).