I know complaining about grammar on the interweb it about as effective as throwing a glass of water into a lake, but here are two things that really bug me.
Your/You’re, and Affect/Effect.
Your is possessive. Your car. Your house. Your light staff. Your Scorpion Harness.
Can I borrow your ring for this fight?
This is my gloves, not yours.
You’re is a contraction of “you are”. You’re not gonna like this.
When used as a question, can use “Are you” instead of “You’re”. You’re coming? Are you coming?
Incorrect usages. (Correct usage)
Your on your way? (You’re on your way?)
Your coming? (You’re coming? Alt: Are you coming?)
You get you’re drop from Kirin? (You get your stuff from Kirin?)
Don’t ask me why, but using the wrong ‘your’ drives me bonkers. Using “ur” doesn’t drive me quite as crazy though for some reason. I guess because the person typing it is admitting defeat from the beginning, instead of trying and failing. What really gets me is when people who are apparently quite intelligent use the wrong one.
The other pairing that annoys me is Affect/Effect, but not as much. I’m somewhat ok with this mistake because in many accents they sound the same, and the words both have a similar etymology.
Just so we know — It is a status effect, not a status affect. Your actions affected the outcome. Your actions caused this effect.
The best way to explain it — affect implies that something already exists and is altered by the action. Effect implies that something did not exist before, but does exist afterwards (ie, it was created).
Which brings up one of the best entries in a comic I like, xkcd. Effect an Effect.
Also, see the Usage Notes on the Wiktionary for Affect.
And yes, I have a good reason for burning a post, it will be clearer soon[ish].
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