Monthly Archives: March 2008

Merrit Planning

Since I’ve had some downtime recently, I decided to get my merrit plan into order.

And I made a google spreadsheet, see here.

Its still a work in progress, but I wanted to share.

I cannot take credit for the idea, I found it via someone who linked to me. See Cyberstorm of Titan. I basically copied his general format, but I don’t have nearly the merrits he has. Actually, if I did, I wouldn’t need to merrit anymore.

Oh well. I don’t actually ever expect to get this list completed. I think I’d rather level Paladin or a tank job (boooo tanking) over getting the 2.7 million exp required to finish out this plan.

Real update sometime this week. Its been a while, I was in Boston all last week for a training class, and I have this week to work on getting my project finished — and I really do need to finish it, but its kicking my butt. Java sucks. Why, oh why, would you make a function return an object when its so clearly a String. Every other statement requires typecasting, and coming from C/C++, this looks like its just asking for trouble. And if you have an int, why the hell can’t JspWriter.write() just spit it out right instead of having to do write(“”+myInt). I swear, even obfuscated perl makes more sense sometimes.
