Monthly Archives: February 2008

Campaign Rank Up Exp

I’ve been doing some testing with how much effort is required to get your next rank.

What is known:

  • It takes a certain number of Experience Points gained to rank up
  • It is variable depending on the Medal you currently have
  • At lower Medals, it is believed to be about 5,000 experience points
  • For me, Golden Star -> Copper Emblem of Service was 9,000 experience points
  • At higher ranks, you have the potential to gain more exp in a Campaign Battle
  • If you fail to meet the requirements, you will lose your medal withing 30 days

What is unknown:

  • What effect, if any, Allied Notes have on your rank up
  • If your efforts deteriorate over time (getting 10K exp right before your evaluation vs 3 days before)
  • If assisting in a Campaign Ops (when not using your own Ops Credit) helps you in any way
  • If experience points earned in Campaing Ops vs Campaign Battles are weighted differently (I believe no)

What is believed:

  • It requires more exp to rank up at higher ranks (probably true given what little information is available)
  • There is a threshold that starts around 66-75% of the exp required to rank up in which you are given the option to keep your current medal.
  • The requirements are somewhat higher when jumping to a new grouping — eg, moving from Ribbon #4 to Star #1, etc

As can be seen, not much is known about the specific math required to achieve the various ranks.

My basis for known #4 – I used two accounts, both hit Golden Star on the same day, and I recorded the amount of exp and AN received from start to promotion.

The first account was promoted at 9600 exp and 8900 Allied Notes. The second was not promoted at 8880 exp and 10,500 Allied Noted, but was promoted at 9040 exp and 11,120 Allied Notes (all numbers rounded since I’m working from memory right now). Based on this information, I believe that the threshold is for Golden Star to Copper Emblem is 9000 exp (possibly 8900), and if there is an Allied Notes requirement, it is either lower than, or the same as the Experience Points requirement. It also appears as though extra Allied Notes will not offset Experience Points shortcomings, meaning you will have to join Campaign Battles if you ever hope to get promoted.

After revisiting my numbers I noticed that my original thought about 9000 exp to rank up may not be correct. It is possible that it is 8900, and since I had 8900 AN and over 9000 exp, I have not disproved it yet. This will require furthur testing at all levels to begin to make a table of what is required to rank up. What I believe is proven is that there is an experience points requirement to get your promotion, and it is NOT only based on Allied Notes, and may not be based on Allied Notes at all.

If there is no Allied Notes requirement, the Notes may be completly useless at this time.

Anyone else have thoughts?

Fun With Miz

So Miz was out for the evening, but still wanted to do limbo.  The dilemma.  So, he asked me to play his character for him since I’m somewhat familiar with how to Monk (and I specifically asked not to play Paladin, since, well, my Paladin is lvl 1 for a good reason).

The theme of this post is Potential.


Yes, I found Potential.

First thing I had to do was get some macros.  I copied over the ones I use for Pyra, especially since we use a lot of the same gear, at least for any slots I’d want to swap.


Ok, so I, and everyone else, got a kick out of using Pyra’s TP macro for Miz.

Rawr!  Look at me, I’m Miz, I make stuff die!




Whoa… as in Keanu Reeves from the Matrix, Whoa….


Having been on the butt of one too many ninja’s getting charmed (including this particular ninja getting charmed with his stun katanas on, that sucked), I took a little revenge.


But, I decided it would probably be a bad idea to solo the charmed tank, and went back to the monster.

After the fight, Miz was mine for a little bit.

After the great lesson I learned from Mischa, Bard or Summoner is the choice for running around.


Oh look, skill up even.




Roc Star

This week, I saw the NM Roc for the first time.  Not only did I see it, but I got the title too.


Yes, I was there for TH-Whoredom, but they pulled it to the bottom of the cliff so I could hit it once.

While hoping for a D. Ignot to sell, we got a dryad staff instead.  As the only White Mage present, free lot for me!



So its a free 50 MP.  Not too bad for a short run.

But you might say, a short run from where.

Well, I had just outposted to the Merphy Mountains to finish up mission 6-2.  Earlier in the day, I was a bit bored and decided to duo the fight with myself.

The fight is quite easy for a MNK/NIN and a WHM/BLM.  Although it did go bad after the first Yag, the final 3 went very smooth, especially since I managed to get the SAM and WHM to use their 2 hour abilities before I died.

After my trip to Castle-O, I went to see the Star Sibyl and now my signet lasts 1 hour longer than before.  Yay!


Oh, and the 40K is nice too.  Payed for that night’s Limbus run.

I also finished up my 4th Star in Campaign.  Hopefully I’ll be un-lazy and get the first metal this weekend.


Other than that, I’ve only done a Dynamis – Xarcabard.  Thief hands finally fell after a 5 month break.


1 more person off the list before I will get mine.

Since we always do a Dynamis Lord when we go to Xarcabard, and I always go to Xarcabard as Monk, I got to try a decent Chi blast on him.  I was in mostly melee gear as a MNK/DRK, and I only got 10 boosts, and its Dynamis Lord, so this isn’t horrible.


Part of this came from my newly acquired Temple Crown +1, and a borrowed Osode.

Speaking of a borrowed Osode, here is what I look like in 4/5 of the Sky Set.


Soon I’ll have one of my own.  Hands are kind of meh for monk, I prefer the Melee Gloves, or the +1 if I can get them.  According to Genome, they help with counter rate, aside from the obvious evasion granted by 15 extra AGI.  But I would put myself at the bottom of the list for Seiryu’s Kote, Rangers, Ninjas, and even Samurai deserve them before a Monk would.


Strange Things are Afoot at the Circle-K


Drama (Found It!)

Some other names I found amusing.

Shedontusejelly.  I don’t get it either.


Kardis.  This is more of an inside joke.  I have a friend with a mule on Diabolos named Kardis.  I was instructed to smite this one.


Just a quick update for now.  Another one shortly.


Due to Popular Demand

I do check my logs, and the most often requested hit from search engines is “ffxi campaign battle point system”.

I don’t have all the information, but here is a link that does have it:

This link should answer all questions about how points are gained in Campaign.

For the basics of a campaign battle, see

Hope that helps. If there are more links that should be here, please post a comment and I’ll add them.


Un-Gimpifing, Just a Little Bit

Just a quick update because I can’t sleep.

As mentioned previously, Ata finally got Evoker’s Pigaches +1.  So, I took a picture and posted it.


In addition to this, I finally managed to cap my evasion on Thief.  Evasion was bad, Marksmanship is proving slightly more annoying, as it is taking me about 100 bolts to gain 1 skill level.  Its currently at 228 (cap of 230) because I ran out of bolts.


When I capped evasion, I switched to my Tatami shield, since more evasion is never bad, and I was going to try to kill Even Match – Tough’s with just Acid Bolts.


You can see how much I’ve used a shield.

Approximately one hour ago, I finished ToAU Mission 44.  I’ve been stuck on this one since around September, and when I got the invite, I jumped on it.


I’m now done with the current ToAU missions on both Pyra and Ata.  Ata is also a Rank 10 in both Bastok and Windurst.  I don’t plan on doing the Sandy missions anytime soon, unless a change is made so I don’t lose my outposts.

Other than that, I hit 38 on Dancer, going to try for 50 before they introduce AF gears.

But I need sleep, night!

(a very excited)

Ranking Up and Finishing Long-Term Projects

As I mentioned previously, I’m working on getting my ranks up in Campaign.



Star #3.  I should get Star #4 at the end of this week depending on how much time I have.  Does anyone actually know that that symbol is on these?

While doing campaigns, I ran across some new, and bazaar, names.


I’m not sure what Instant Love is, nor why she was making some inappropriate emotes towards Xenith.  Maybe I just don’t want to know.

Here was something completely unexpected.  I was asked to join an Assault group, and we did one I’ve never done before.

We did worms, and I did a 1K Darkness o.O !


And it was just enough for the promotion.


About time hardly describes it, but I was still happy about this occurrence.

The quest was interesting, you have to run around to 5 lakes around the thickets and woodlands.


And I got this screenshot.  If you know my dislike of elves, it makes sense why I liked it so much :).


That’s right you smelly elf, bow down to the cat!

Oh, and also about time.


I got my astral leather for Ata’s SMN Boots +1.  I got the Temenos half forever and a day ago.  I turned them in right after limbo, so they are ready as soon as I need them.  I also finished a Monk set for Pyra, but have not decided which piece to upgrade yet.  I also will need more coins since I’ve been using them as fast as they come in and only have about 5 left.

Finally from me, I took this picture in my last dynamis run and wanted to post it.  Click for a larger version.



Boroka Bama

Friend in my LS said Boroka was up, so we got together a group and went to make him slightly less alive than he previously was.

I’ve never fought this NM before, so it was a fun fight.  But was a lot simpler than expected.



This next picture would be perfect except for the ‘miss’ on the screen.  Oh well that’s what I get for turning on the damage report.


No deaths, although there were a couple close calls.


Yay!  Thief kill 4tw.  The Auditory Torque was what we were after, so it worked out well.  The elf pictured — Yenvious — ended up with it.  Skulker’s Cape was sold, and probably used to buy a silent oil.


Fun fight, wouldn’t mind going back to sell the drops at another time.

Boroka gives you a title too (surprise to all of us involved).



Since this didn’t fit anywhere else, and this is already a large post, I wanted to post this pic here.

I helped the AF group do CoP 8-2 and the map acquisition quest.  The map part… sucked, a lot.  But in the end, we all got it.

For some strange reason, I always hit the NM on Darksday.  I was hoping that for once, maybe, I would hit on some other day, but no, Darksday again.

This time, he really spammed the sleepga2.


Good times.


Monking it Up

Well, during the experience of capping my experience points on Summoner, Thief, and Monk (to compliment my existing capped exp on my White Mage) in Campaign.  I managed to get this little item.


That’s the 6th rank in Campaign, of a total of 12 currently available.  I’m hoping to have the 10th rank by the expansion next month.

Well, going along with the Monk theme, in an amazingly close Apollyon SW (down to 60 seconds remaining on 2nd floor before we got the time chest), I got final stinged.


However, 879 HP is just over half of my normal geared up hit points.

Speaking of Hit Points, I’ve managed to boost my total HP to over 2000.


I do cheat a little.  I have 30 MP which is converted to HP.  The one earring is a Brutal, the other is an Intruder earring.

Speaking of the intruder earring…


I just got the intruder this week as well (and no, you can’t have ToD).

While waiting for Centurio to pop, I hunted the Dune Widow.  I got a claim, but this is all it dropped for me.


Boooooooooo.  I need teh gilz.

Finally, the most important part of this post.

Please congratulate Mizuhito on getting his Melee Cyclas, and hitting 4/5 on Monk AFv2.



And that is it, the week of the monk.

Hopefully, a couple more Melee Cyclas fall — as we are farming the glacier for the next week — and I can not only beat my 2038 HP, but can also hit 6/6 on Monk AFv2.


Its Official, I’m Insane

I’ve been giving some thought as of late to forming my own Sky and Sea linkshell.

Technically, I’ve got everything I need to get started, or at least to start forming the shell.

I’ve done just about everything there is to do in Sky. While I’m a total noob in Sea, how hard can it be? Aside from Jailer of Love, Sea NMs seam fairly straight forward.

The LS will be yet-another in a string of task-oriented shells on Caitsith. Maybe I’ll call it PyrasPartyPlace 🙂 . Or not. Either way, right now, I know of no sky and/or sea shell which would work with my schedule. Or even of one at all. I’m not looking to leave my Dynamis or Limbus shells, as I’m quite happy in both. I also have a very low desire to camp anything HNM.

I have no idea why, but lately I’ve had this burning desire to A) Lead something again and B) Get off my butt and kill Sea NMs, and C) Blow stuff up again.

This must be what going insane feels like.
