Monthly Archives: December 2007

Partially Down



Finally going to get the Dynamis – Beaucedine win, and BAM, server crash.

Apparently, 4 servers are ‘partially down’ although from what I’ve seen, there isn’t much of anyone still connected on any of them.  All 5 major cities on Caitsith are down :(.

Anyways, when I try to reconnect, this is what I see.


So I found the other status codes, here they are —






Yeah, this kind of sucks… boo servers down.  Its odd, I can’t find just Maintenance right now.  Oh well, going to go to bed unless this comes back up soon.

Dynamis – Tavnazia, Part 2

All good part 1’s need a part 2.  And here it is.

After we crossed the bridge at the end of part 1, we fought some Hydra.  They were nasty, but the Black Mage, White Mage, Red Mage trio were not too difficult.


The Melee trio of Monk, Thief, Warrior proved a bit more difficult, and I ended up tanking during the Monk’s Hundred Fists (at least for a couple seconds)


The Monk had some TP move called Shackled Fists.  It looked, and hit, like a renamed Final Heaven.  If you’ve never seen a Monk get 1-shotted before, here you go.


A closer look at the damage.  OUCH!  1468.


A pic of the Hydra Beastmaster and his pet Hound.


On the next floor, we ran into some Kindred.  Of course no dynamis would be complete without a summoner.


And some AF!  This is only the second pair of these I’ve ever seen fall.  Cool.  The person who got this is now 5/5 on White Mage AFv2.


More shinnies in the treasure pool.  Hydra Gaiters.


I just thought this picture was neat, so I included it.


As the run came to an end, we got out first big link of the night.  But with under 10 minutes left, we were basically finished already.  Notice how in these pictures there are usually only 3 people alive, myself, Irons as thief, and Mptythoughts on his Warrior.


This is Pyra’s final stand.  Vae Victis!



Dynamis – Tavnazia, Part 1

Here we go, at long last, my pictures from Dynamis – Tavnazia.

From the opening CS.  Unlike the other Dreamland Dynamii, this one is much darker, and Diabolos is barely visible, surrounded in a very bright light.


dyTcs1 dyTcs2

And part of the text, weird.


I’m not sure anyone knows what the ‘storyline’ behind dreamland dynamis really is.  I know I’ve got no clue.

Anyways, you enter, subless as always, and have to get time right away (start with 15 minutes, only allowing 18 members inside).


After he is dead, run up to the middle floor.


One of the time monsters is a Nightmare Worm.  Think Phantom Worm on steroids.  He likes to do draw-in then immediately stonega4 or tremors.  Luckily (for me at least) he only used tremors.  1600 HP comes in handy when he uses a 400 damage to all move twice in a row.

Mages were not so lucky.

dyT3 dyT4

Hey look, NPCs in a dyanmis.


Running across the bridge in the safehold.


Sure, send the cats in first.


Nightmare Hornets, nasty guys that have a TP move that gives them Hundred Fists.  Wouldn’t be too bad, except the zone is full of them.

End of part 1.  In an effort to not have huge posts, this post was split in two.


Wall o’ Taru

Before runs, it is apparently tradition in KI to do a wall of taru.  Enjoy!

wot1 wot2 wot3 wot4


Wow Google Rank

So I have the new WordPress stats tracker running. It gives me all sorts of interesting stats, including what people searched for that got them here.

I found that for “wings of the goddess missions” on Google, this site comes out at 7th. Which is neat. See Google Link here.

For anyone finding this site from google, I just have pictures and stupid commentary on the missions. If you want more info, is where you want to go.

Anyways, another quick update, which has the advantage of pushing this monster entry to the blog’s second page, and hopefully speeding up the loading of the front page.


Playing around with Tables

I don’t know if anyone noticed, but I’ve started working on ways to display information about my character.

The first example is my Page on Chi-Blast Gear. It is a start of how I want to organize where I’m at vs where I’d like to be vs what is realistically obtainable without dedicating my life to the pursuit of pixelated goodies.

I’m planning on using a traffic light system of colors – namely green, yellow, and red. Its currently a start, but is coming along nicely.

Coming next will be merrits, depending on how much time I have at work to work on it *grin*.


Ahhhh its all getting out of control

I just noticed that the main page is HUGE. Mostly due to a couple gigantic entries with tons of pictures.

At first I thought my server was slowing down, so I ran a couple timing scripts — main page is served in under a second most of the time.

Then I noticed there are 85 images on the page, totaling 35 MB in size.

Oops. No wonder it was taking forever to load. I need to write some short entries to start bumping older entries to the second page.

Wings of the Goddess Mission 2

I’ve finished the missions currently available and took a ton of pictures.  I’m not going to retell the story as it really goes, I’m going to re-word it greatly.


Welcome to Fort Karugo-Narugo [S].  This almost looks like Castle Oztroja.

So I went to the Fort, and ran into a couple of mithras not doing anything.  Figures that one is a ranger, they can’t do much since the update a couple years ago.


Look, they are STILL standing around not doing anything, while a small taru gets attacked.  Shame on them!


The taru found a Lynx NM named War Lynx.  And thought he could fight.


Of course he couldn’t, so its Pyra to the rescue!



OUCH!  This move takes you to 1% HP, which was 3HP for me.  Luckily, he wasn’t able to hit me again.  But seriously, ouch!


So then when I finally beat the Lynx, and save the taru, the yagudo show up.


Ohh this is gonna be fun.  Oh wait, the mithras finally decide they want to help.  Yay!  About time you two did something.


Wait, it was a trap?!  Who didn’t see that coming.  Ugh.  Wait, fight to the death, what do you mean?!

If this isn’t the biggest look of WTF ever, I don’t know what is.


Ohhhh a taru came, and used Blizaga IV on the yags!  We saved!


And you blinked, just in time to ruin this picture I was taking of you.


But who are you?  And will you possibly be an important figure in the upcoming storyline?  That fancy staff of yours says yes.

So much magic that he doesn’t even stay in focus.  I bet that drives all the ladies crazy.


Ruh roh, looks like the Yagudo were watching from afar.  Methinks we might be in trouble later.  Or maybe this is foreshadowing.  No, Square Enix never does foreshadowing…


But anyways ladies, now that I’ve saved you, I must ride off into the sunset, but we will meet again soon, I’m sure I’ll have to save you again shortly.


Meanwhile, back in Heaven’s Tower


Oh hello again ladies, so glad you could show up.  The Star Sibyl hasn’t been waiting or anything…


But who are you, and why do you cover your face?  And why can’t I have a Cutscene without her in it, I’m important too damnit!


It doesn’t matter who I am, but I have a relic staff, so I’m either Japanese or a gil buyer.  We will meet again soon.


So those are my pics.  I made fun of the mithras a little because they really didn’t do much, but this taru was cool.  I hope to see more of him.

That’s my little commentary too.  I hope you enjoyed.  I might do some editing over the next couple days once I re-read it all.



This was the fastest and easiest Omega I’ve ever done.

From start to finish was under 4 minutes.




Drops…. ohhhh shinies.


And just so we all set the record straight.


Oh yeah, that’s right.  I got the kill shot.

Well, I’m out of time for today.  Look for updates from WotG missions and Dynamis – Tavnazia in the next couple of days.


Dynamis – Valkrum

I know at one point, my goal in migrating to Caitsith was to become somewhat less busy, but the opposite seams to be happening.  I’m more busy than I was before, but its fun, and I’m having a blast.

But anyways, moving along.

Dynamis – Valkrum

First entrance, and death.  We had a bad sheep link which caused us some problems.  Also, no subjobs yet.


Yay the non-aggroing boss.  Then we aggroed it.




And the win!  That’s 3/3, giving me access to Tavnazia.


After the win, its off to farming *grin*


And we get a Bard Cape.  Neat.


And 3 AF’s in the treasure pool at the same time


Ohhh shiney CS at the end.



Part of the final CS.


Coming up soon, Proto-Omega, WotG Mission Pics and Dynamis – Tavnazia Pictures.  They were going to be in this post, but it turned out to be too long (again).

I’m doing so much I can’t keep up with the pictures, but I’ll try.
