Dynamis – Xarcabard

Since I have a habit of including parts of the opening Cut Scene for new things, here we go, Dy – X.


Cornelia is one of my favorite NPCs.  I know she is dead (according to the story line), but I still like her.  She shows up in the Monk AF quest Cut Scenes, and is just awesome, except for that whole galka love stuff.

dy_x_open_cs1 dy_x_open 

Oh man, here we go!


Xarcabard is very different from the other zones.  There are not many statues, but there are a lot of eye type monsters instead.


Ying and Yang must die at the same time, otherwise they will be resummoned.  Once they die, you can cause damage to the Dynamis Lord.

Unfortunately, I did not get any good pictures of the Dynamis Lord fight.  Next time I’ll get better ones.

The drops were quite nice too, as the ring is fairly rare.



But anyways, I got the win and the title!  Woot, I’ve wanted to win this for almost two years now.

That’s part 1, part 2 coming soon.


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