For me, Buburimu was a return visit, having last been there in … um … early 2006 (was in one of the first linkshells to win this one, way back in the day, but those screenshots are on my old computer, so finding them will be hard).
Needless to say, it has been a very long time since I was in Bubu, and it was Pyra’s first trip there (Ata has 3-4 wins there).
This is what happens when body slam doesn’t get stunned.
The two people at full health are the 2 THFs in this alliance. The rest who have HP just accepted Reraise.
This was the aftermath on the mage hill.
I’m just including this because I got a kill shot. It doesn’t happen that much on THF, so I’m posting it.
And the win! Just need Dynamis-Valkrum for access to Tavnazia. Although, I don’t know if I’ll be in the group to do the Dunes. Either way, the Dunes is like the Windy of Dreamlands — it kind of sucks and there is no guarantee you will win. Things can and go bad at the last minute and cost you the win.
But anyways, after the win, we had about 70 minutes of farming. First up, Nightmare Crabs. No really, Nightmare Crabs.
See? I didn’t lie. Although the jokes about Nightmare Cockatrice are much, much worse. I’m just glad we didn’t have vent for this, I probably would have lost concentration.
Here are most of the drops. At least we got two really nice items. I think this is the first PLD Cape they have ever seen, making this PLD the first 6/6 in the LS. The only other drop was a DRG Belt, which some lucky DRG was happy to get as it made him 6/6.
And another picture. Buburimu really is the death dynamis, although *crosses fingers* I have yet to die in a KillerInstincts Dynamis.
After dynamis, I was about to go to bed, until I noticed it was only 9 pm. So, since my DRK had just hit 20, I went to quest my Aspir scroll.
When I was there, I found this, which I thought needed to be pointed out.
It is a targetable item behind the door. It is 4 letters and is called simply, gohu. The first letter is lowercase, which doesn’t happen anywhere in this game. I thought it was odd.
Finally, I saw this picture and thought it needed to be shared with more people.
I was technically there for this event, so I can repost to my blog too. Original can be found here
That’s it for me. Now to unlock Dancer, as soon as this update finishes.