Dynamis Funness

First is first, something I’ve never seen before, AF (rdm even) falling on the first monster killed!


And if that wasn’t weird enough, AF also fell on the 3rd monster (which was MNK pants, and I got them which is the oddest thing). So the RDM (who I know) and I cleaned up early (although he also got RNG hat and SMN boots).


I got to have fun later. A NIN NM charmed me right after it kaboomed. Since I came as MNK, and hit like a truck, this happened.


Mrbojengles (who is in the social I’m in with Bmberman) was a BLM, so killing him wasn’t all that hard. But Bigdog was a PLD, so I was proud of that one.

This was somewhat funny, since in Limbus the night before, the NIN tank got charmed and started beating on me. Those 1600 HP come in handy as the NIN couldn’t do enough damage fast enough 🙂 .

And finally, my Monking buddy on Caitsith, Mptythoughts. Very nice guy, and a lot of fun.


So yeah, I took the haidates off long enough to take this picture. The +kick attacks really does make a difference, but I missed a lot more, and WS damage went down without haidate on.


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