Monthly Archives: November 2007

Wings of the Goddess – Now With Pictures! Part 2

Woooo! My exciting trip to Windy. First sight of the city. Unlike the other two cities, this entrance is in the same place in the present as the past.


Opening CS that somewhat mirrors the new player CS for this zone.


For the Federation! War Warlocks off to battle evil Yagudo.


Ugh, I’ve met her daughter, she tortured me in the Thief AF quests and for Yagudo Necklaces for my Ninja spells. I don’t like where this is going….


Ack! The cooking guild burned down. Someone forgot to turn off their oven I bet.


I liked this picture.


New monster : Toad. And yes, they do link.


After joining up with Windy, I tried out my first Campaign battle. The first encounter did not go well, hit for 1100 right off the bat, then killed right after I was raised.


Eventually I was able to just engage the monster and fight a little. It was interesting, and I can see this being fun.


After Campaign, I decided to try to level my now 24 Dark Knight up a level or two.

I saw this, someone bazaaring a Soul Plate for Absolute Virtue. Haha…. yeah I won’t pay 2 mil for that.


While seeking in Qufim, someone asked me where to buy an Empress Band. Really? You don’t have one by level 20.


And finally, proving that all good mithra names end in the letter ‘a’.


Nmira is a Dancer, which is definitly my next job now. I ended this party at about 4:30 am having gone from about 3K to level 25 to 2K to level 29 (or level 24 – 28 if you wish) in a single party. I almost left after I hit 27, but stayed the extra hour and a half for the level and a half. The party leader dinged 30 dancer and a ranger dinged 29 on our last monster. The party had 2 dancers, 1 scholar, 2 rangers, and me as Dark Knight. Also, there was a 75 pink mage and 75 white mage for power leveling.

Until later

Wings of the Goddess – Now With Pictures!

As promised, here are some pictures. This post ended up being too large (26 pictures) so I’m going to spread it across several postings

We start by traveling back in time.









And that’s just the first Cut Scene.

After hitting the past, I went to work on becoming a Dancer and working my way to Past Sandy.

Here I am as a level 6 Dancer with my friend Golgothan.


The next day, I worked my way to Past Bastok, or Pastok.

Found these guys in Pashow. They were getting ready for a Campaign battle.


Since they were still glitched and may have attacked me, I left them alone.

Still wandering through Pashow, I found some new monsters, and some old ones. This is some new dragon type monster called a Peiste, and an old friend in the background, Ruby Quadav, who only checks as Decent Challange


Here I am just after zoning into one of the new zones, Grauberg, which connects North Gustaberg and Pashow in the past.


I try soloing my Dark Knight up a little bit. As a 21 DRK, most monsters were on the bottom level of Easy Prey, so exp was fairly slow, even with an exp ring.

This is just a nice shot, complete with the comet.


And of course, what would a trip to Pastok be without creative Galkan names.



After leveling my Dark Knight up to 24, the party broke and I went to help the AF team farm some sea organs for gorgets.



12 more pictures coming in the next 24-48 hours depending on when I get time, maybe more if Limbus and/or Dynamis go well this week.



Wings of the Goddess – Early Impressions

So while I found a copy of WotG last week for my Xbox360, I wasn’t able to play until Sunday afternoon, due to Thanksgiving.

I’ve so far managed to get 7 of the 9 Maws, which isn’t too bad. I’ve done the walk to past Bastok and past Sandy. The walk to Bastok took about 1H15, but the walk to Sandy took over 2 hours, which was just idiotic. I think I speak for everyone when I say that there is just no good reason for it to take so long. I’m also not too happy about having to make a second trip with my other account, but that’s another story.

Anyways, most of the monsters are just re-skinned versions of the previously existing counter-parts. Some are identical to the already existing versions, with just a different level. Although I did see Ruby Quadav running around as a Decent Challange monster. That was sure odd.

I do, however, love Dancer. Its a lot of fun, and I’m only up to level 8. I also love what I’m going to call the “Dancer and Scholar Train”. Basically, there are so many dancers and scholars out there that they are begging for anyone on a different job to come to their party. Got 3 levels on my DRK due to this.

Which also brings up my first new-job party. At the end it was DNC/NIN, DNC/NIN, DNC/NIN, SCH/BLM, MNK/WAR, DRK/WAR. 3 Dancers was just crazy. They were doing so much stuff to the monster and it died so quickly it was crazyness. Although I did find that if one Dancer used Aspir Samba and the other used Drain Samba that the last one to hit the monster before you hit it is the one to take effect. So for me, every other hit was an Aspir or Drain, but I would get both an Aspir and a Drain at the same time. Booooo.

Anyways, I’ll try to post some pictures when I get home. Going to join the forces of Windy tonight, and sneak/invis my way to Past Windy. Should be interesting.


For me, Buburimu was a return visit, having last been there in … um … early 2006 (was in one of the first linkshells to win this one, way back in the day, but those screenshots are on my old computer, so finding them will be hard).

Needless to say, it has been a very long time since I was in Bubu, and it was Pyra’s first trip there (Ata has 3-4 wins there).


This is what happens when body slam doesn’t get stunned.


The two people at full health are the 2 THFs in this alliance. The rest who have HP just accepted Reraise.

This was the aftermath on the mage hill.


I’m just including this because I got a kill shot. It doesn’t happen that much on THF, so I’m posting it.


And the win! Just need Dynamis-Valkrum for access to Tavnazia. Although, I don’t know if I’ll be in the group to do the Dunes. Either way, the Dunes is like the Windy of Dreamlands — it kind of sucks and there is no guarantee you will win. Things can and go bad at the last minute and cost you the win.


But anyways, after the win, we had about 70 minutes of farming. First up, Nightmare Crabs. No really, Nightmare Crabs.


See? I didn’t lie. Although the jokes about Nightmare Cockatrice are much, much worse. I’m just glad we didn’t have vent for this, I probably would have lost concentration.

Here are most of the drops. At least we got two really nice items. I think this is the first PLD Cape they have ever seen, making this PLD the first 6/6 in the LS. The only other drop was a DRG Belt, which some lucky DRG was happy to get as it made him 6/6.


And another picture. Buburimu really is the death dynamis, although *crosses fingers* I have yet to die in a KillerInstincts Dynamis.


After dynamis, I was about to go to bed, until I noticed it was only 9 pm. So, since my DRK had just hit 20, I went to quest my Aspir scroll.

When I was there, I found this, which I thought needed to be pointed out.


It is a targetable item behind the door. It is 4 letters and is called simply, gohu. The first letter is lowercase, which doesn’t happen anywhere in this game. I thought it was odd.

Finally, I saw this picture and thought it needed to be shared with more people.

I was technically there for this event, so I can repost to my blog too. Original can be found here


That’s it for me. Now to unlock Dancer, as soon as this update finishes.

Proto-Ultima and Dynamis-Qufim, plus, update on MND Post from Below

As promised, here are some pics from Proto-Ultima. Since I also managed to do a Dynamis-Qufim, I felt like adding them in too.

First engage the creature.


Since I hit 763 several times with Chi Blast, I think that’s the max I was currently able to do to him. Hopefully, that has now changed :). See below.

Another picture from the battle. This looks like its about 50%.

Dead! I had no idea how this would end until it did. First time fighting it, and we won! Ultima is quite a bit harder than Omega, but this went much smoother than I thought going in.

And the drops. Congrats to Lusha on the head and Mach on the pants. (These are good drops)

Moving on, Dynamis-Qufim

Cut Scene from the beginning of Dreamland Dynamis

Wootness, got the key item for winning.

Another picture from the Dynamis.

PLD Boots -1 and MNK Cape from the same monster.

Both items in treasure pool at the same time. And I win the lot! In the previous post I mentioned how I’d probably never have it and completly wrote it off of my Chi Blast gear. Then 3 hours later, I get it. Wow.

WHM boots -1 and DRG Belt in treasure pool at the same time too.

And wow, a SMN Cape falls. Its really an amazing item, which went to Lusha (leader of my Limbus shell, and really nice person).

4/6 on MNK AFv2. Body and Head to go.

From the CS you get after winning Dynamis-Qufim.

That’s it for now. I’m tired and need sleep.


I’m Losing my MND

So I had my first chance to be a chi-blast monkey last night. Normally when I was doing chi-blasts before, it would have been on my second box where I was only half paying attention. This time, I was able to pay attention, and now, I want to increase my MND.

With my lvl 25 gimpy WHM sub and a Goblin Mushpot, I was able to hit 119 MND (61+58). Which is not too bad.

This is with Suzaku Suna-ate (15) and Kirin’s Staff (10), which is almost half of my +58. Another 8 comes from 2 Sapphire Rings. I get 2 from both my back piece (Royal Army Mantle) and my Waist piece (Reverend Sash), and 5 from my neck (Promise Badge [which I actually quested] ). That makes +42. I then get +5 from AF Head and another +1 from RSE pants, for a total of +48. A Goblin Mushpot (+10) makes the final 10 in my +58.

This leaves the following slots unused for +MND gear: body, 2 earrings, maybe hands. The best body piece for Chi Blast is obviously a Kirin’s Osode, which would be an additional +10. For earrings, the only affordable option is Geist Earrings, for +1 each (total of +2). There is some discussion about swapping hand gear out for the Chi, in which case, a pair of Devotee’s Mitts (+5) would be the only real option.

That is an additional +17 in unused gear slots, although an Osode is still fairly hard to obtain (especially with my luck).

Also to be considered are gear upgrades. As far as I’m aware, my boots, weapon, and back are as good as they can get. But some slots can be boosted furthur. Head can be upgraded to Temple Crown +1, which would be an additional +3 MND, and is not impossible to get (even with my horrible luck). Temple Hose +1 are a total of +4 MND, which is 3 more than I currently have. Also an option are Prince’s Slops (MND +3) or their NQ (MND +2), for a boost of 2 or 1 MND over what I currently have, respectivly. My rings could be increased to +5 MND rings, but an extra 2 MND for the cost of those two rings could be better spent elsewhere.

A possibility for a Back upgrade is the Melee Cape (Relic Cape), for +5 MND. But I’ve never seen one of these fall, so it would have to be placed under an ‘ideal’ conditions item. A possible waste upgrade would be the Jungle Stone, if I could find one, for an extra 1 MND, or a water belt for the same. The problem with a water belt is that it cannot be traded to a mule. An ‘ideal’ belt would be the Ksi Sash, which comes from Second Lieutenant Assault, which I will probably never do. The deductive obi thing has an enchantment of +10 mnd, but it only lasts for 30 second, and the obi itself is very expensive and rare. As a result, it is not counted.

So, realistically, I could (and probably should) have an extra 6 or so MND. In an amazing situation (ie, I’m very lucky and very flush with fake money), I would have and extra 14 MND.

This brings my total to a realistic value of +81 and an idea value of +89. With a base 61 MND.

Now if I could only finish leveling WHM, I’d be all set to start the adventure of obtaining the final +23 MND I plan on having. Finishing WHM would give me a base MND of 64 (or 3 more than I currently have). If I finished my WHM sub, and obtained the gear in the “Realistic” set, I would have 64+81. Donations to the ‘buy Pyra an osode’ are now being taken :).

Wow, this page is confusing. I need to re-do this with a table, and maybe use a Page for this later.

Fun Times Were Had by All

I did Proto-Ultima last night.

It was intense.

It was crazy.

It was so exciting.

Oh, and we won too. With only 3 deaths (most to Citadel Buster). Dropped pants and head.

I have screenshots which need editing and will be posted later.

We had 3 tanks, with only 2 in at any given time. A PLD/NIN, a NIN/DRK, and a RDM/NIN.

I stood in the back and just chi blasted (damage w/o giving it TP, giving Ultima too much TP becomes an issue after 60%). My lowest Chi blast was about 450, highest was about 760.

The fight lasted almost 30 minutes. And that’s with 3 SMNs and 3 BLMs. Total jobs present:

1 MNK/WHM (me!)

All melee (except for me) were /THF so they could TA the tanks (they were supposed to TA a tank that was not taking the hits at that moment).

Look for a post later today with pics. And I might ramble about getting my MND a little higher while I’m still at work with nothing much better to do.

Random Screenshots from Today

First screenshot is my max Hit Points. Without any foods. Included in the screenshot is the gear I’m wearing, and of course, the sub-job. I do not have any HP merrits.


Getting there, almost at 2K, and plenty of slots left to put more hp+ gear on :).

The second pic is a corsair that just has ‘wow’ gear.


Yes, that is exactly what it looks like. Someone who is 4/5 on Skadi gear, which comes from Salvage. Amazing.

As a bit of an aside, the linkshell this mithra is a part of, Millennium, combines everything we know about Mercury and Poisoned, then exceeds it. Even Mercury’s gear factory is surpassed by Millennium.

I can’t even imagine how much time is spent in-game to get all those toys.

What is wrong with Diabolos

I’m not going to say much, just let the post take care of explaining itself.

Something happened at a Fafnir. Who remembers anymore what it was. I still get a laugh at this series of screenshots, even today.







And to lighten the mood


For JB, Who Will Never See This

No one wanted it, so I got it to drop.

