Monthly Archives: April 2007

Yay Limbo

I’m really starting to enjoy the limbo-ing we do. This week didn’t go quite so well, as we didn’t get the limbo we wanted. But, I still had a blast, aside from everyone being pissed off at each other from the beginning.

Its a good group to go with, especially since neither us nor them have enough people to run one solo yet.


Quick Test

Testing the trackback/ping feature so I can be somewhat knowledgeable on the subject later.

Everyone should read the pinged page, it says how to use this program

—> clicky <—

Hurray for Blogging

Well, I’ve added the ability to blog to the site now.

I’m still learning how the software works. It is highly recommended that you create an account, even if you don’t intend to post anything. In the near future, I’m going to disable anon commenting, so if you wish to make a comment, you will need an account.

Hello world!

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!